SWG Wiki
BTL-S3 Y-wing Starfighter
BTL-S3 Y-wing Starfighter
Certification Basic Starfighter Continuation Training
Mass ~150k
Role Bomber
Crew Pilot, co-pilot
Weapon Mounts Projectile weapon x2
Ordnance x1
Astromech Technology Astromech droid
Acceleration 250
Deceleration 300
Yaw Rate 80
Pitch Rate 80
Roll Rate 40
Speed Modifier 0.90
Pictures Textures

Though the Y-wing is the next certification step up from the Z-95 Headhunter for Alliance Starfighter Pilots, the Y-wing's high mass capacity and its co-pilot turret make it a powerful choice for pilots of any level. Strong defenses and/or powerful weapons can more than make up for the slower speeds and sometimes sluggish manoeuvring of the Y-wing. When grouped with X-wings and A-wings, Y-wings can be deadly and put up a long fight.

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