The XP-38 Landspeeder is the newest model of speeder manufactured by the SoroSuub Corporation and is a very popular speeder. With its smooth curves and bubble canopy design, it is targeted to the younger generation of the galaxy.
It is one of three new multiperson vehicles added to game in Publish 17.
- Tradeable
- Carries 2 people
- Can be purchased on Bazaars and Vendors
- Can be customized with a Vehicle Customization Kit
- If disabled, can only be restored by using a Vehicle Restoration Kit
- Craftable by Engineering Traders, see XP-38 Landspeeder (Schematic).
How to Obtain[]
It is also available as a Legacy Quest reward, you can get a XP-38 by doing the quest called "A Speeder For Me". The quest is given by Han Solo when you travel from Tansarii Point Station to Tatooine.
Source: Corellia Times Consumer Reports: Vehicles - Star Wars Galaxies website
Star Wars Lore[]
The XP-38 Landspeeder is manufactured by the SoroSuub Corporation and is a very popular landspeeder that can reach speeds over 300 kilometers per hour. Even though they had only been out for a few months, when Luke Skywalker tried to sell his X-34 landspeeder there wasn't a good market because of the XP-38. The XP-38 has streamlined designs and smooth curves and is targeted to the younger generation of the galaxy. The XP-38 has a bubble canopy that can hold 2 beings and an autopilot feature with what appears to be an R2 astromech, but this is just a cosmetic feature that makes youngsters feel like they are piloting a starfighter. The XP-38 is like any other standard landspeeder: it still has the repulsor engines and manuvering flaps to give it greater turning. The XP-38 is the newest model from the SoroSuub Corporation.