With the Rage of the Wookiees expansion came the ability to earn and wear special medals granted by various factions through the Star Wars universe. These medals are all given to reward significant contributions to a cause, and wearing them is a sign of prestige.
Medals will be rewarded at some point while taking part in the following activities:
- Pilots
- Imperial Medal of Honor: awarded upon completion of the Imperial Pilot Ace missions.
- Alliance Medal of Honor: awarded upon completion of the Alliance Ace Pilot missions.
- Civilian Medal of Honor: awarded upon completion of the Freelance Ace Pilot missions.
- Rage of the Wookiees quests
- Trandoshan Scale of Honor: given by the Zssik clan for destroying the Avatar Platform.
- Rodian Hunter's Medallion: for completing all of Sordaan Xris' wagers in Bocctyyy.
- Kashyyyk Medal of Freedom: for infiltrating the Blackscale Slaver Compound and assassinating Lord Cyssc.
Ace Pilots who reached their master rank prior to Rage of the Wookiees can obtain their medals by speaking with their master pilot trainer.