SWG Wiki

"This facility is highhly sought after both by the rebel and empire forces and they have clashed for control of it on a number of occasions."

Imp base Naboo SS
/way naboo -6570 -3240

Guarded by:

  • CL65 AT-ST
  • CL35 Stormtroopers (including Dark Troopers)
  • CL83 Elite Imperial Inquisitors

Herald NPC: a commoner (/way 5132, -192, 6735)

Conversation with a commoner[]

a commoner: Wanna know the truth? I mean the real TRUTH! Ever heard of the Death Star? It was real, man! How do I know? Because I know where they were inventing it, and I know where they're making other things, too! I can tell if you if you're a fellow believer.
PC: How did you find out?
a commoner: I was traveling from Theed to Moenia, right? Well, I got lost and saw some stormtroopers, right? I asked them for directions, and they told me to "move along". What was behind them? Yeah... some droid-looking stormtrooper. See what I'm saying?
PC: Yes, I believe you! Tell me where!
a commoner: Okay, it's a ways out there. I'll show you on your datapad. Watch out, though. The Empire doesn't want their little secrets getting out, but we'll all know one day. I'm telling you, the truth is out there. Go see it for yourself and you'll believe!
