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A side quest of sorts is Wampa Valley. In a side room in Echo Base, between the Medical Center and the Cantina, you will find a Level 95 elite Wampa. Take him down, and when he is dead, move out into the dark hallway to Wampa Valley. Once outside you will see rampid Wampas, along with some Tauntauns running around. These drop junk loot such as human skulls, Tauntaun bones and skeletons, etc. Kill everything possible in the area.


After killing all the wampas in the valley, there will be a Boss level 95 Wampa Unkajo (A Wampa Skullcrusher).

NOTE: Before anyone attacks him, make sure your group is together up in the area by the wampa, which is also by a deserted structure. It'd be advisable for the main tank to get up by the Wampa's food bowl due to de-aggro problems if he is brought too close to the barrier.


As soon as someone attacks him a barrier comes up, trapping you in with the wampa, and keeping anyone from getting in, so it is important to keep your group together so no one gets locked out. This fight is recommended to have a full team of CL 90's, consisting of 1 to 2 medics, a tank, a GA officer, and DPS.

At certain points in the fight multiple enraged Wampa defenders spawn to defend Unkajo. These defenders have ~348k health. When hit by them, they apply the debuff "Damage Taken Increased" which increases your damage taken by 7%

About every ~15 seconds Unkajo emotes to throw certain things, these include

a block of ice - "Unkajo glares at *playername* and scoops up a handfull of snow and ice."

This applies to the players & pets in your surrounding area the debuff "Wampa Ice Block". This freezes the target in a block of ice. The ice is unattackable and is only removed by being hit by a rotting tauntaun corpse. When targeted by this emote, players should separate themselves and be clear of any groupmates.

a rotting tauntaun corpse - "Unkajo reaches for a rotting tauntaun corpse to hurl at *playername*".

This applies to the players & pets in your surrounding area the debuff "Rotting Tauntaun Corruption". This coats the target in a warm, foul residue that lowers your constitution, precision, stamina, agility, and luck by 200 points each. Being hit with the tauntaun also breaks players & pets free of the debuff "Wampa Ice Block". When targeted by this emote, players should go behind any groupmate that is trapped in a block of ice.

Unkajo has a chance to drop a Wampa Storyteller Token, a Tauntaun Rucksack (similar to the Tusken King one) and is, on rare occasions, dropping a 90% Wampa DNA Storage Device, and the wampa snowglobe that is 100% drop loot.
