SWG Wiki

>> Publish 0

  • Mobs should be dying correctly and creature handlers should get xp.
  • NPCs should not be spawning inside walls/buildings.
  • Jabba's theme park problem resolved.
  • Fix for players that are stuck in the "login" state.
  • Should no longer be able to place personal harvesters atop one another.

VAT to be Charged for the European Union To comply with changes in the law in the European Union, Sony Online Entertainment game Subscribers who are residents of EU countries will be charged VAT equal to 17.5% of the subscription fees. These changes require that digital services be taxed at the point of consumption , i.e. in your country of residence. The countries currently covered by this policy are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and United Kingdom.

Special Note: If you experience a client crash, we recommend you click on the Options button on the Launchpad to submit your crash log to us so that we may attempt to debug your issue. In the future, you will be prompted automatically when you launch the client. This process is and will remain optional, but is highly recommended as it significantly helps us increase the game's stability.

Archived from [Official SWG Update Archive]
