<< Previous Quest: Find the Passcode for the Ultragungan Droids
Level: 30
- 13755 Quest XP
- 9518 credits
- Nass Cryo Bombs (thrown weapons)
- Boss Nass thinks maybe you can learn how to get past the security on Ultragungan droids from an Ultragungan Militia member.
Defeat Ultragungan Militia Foot Soldiers[]
Boss Nass tells you he learned nothing about the droid module you need from the droids, and now it is time to go directly to the Ultragungans. Another kill mission:
- 12 Ultragungan foot soldiers (CL29) at the camp (/way -1993 -5065)
Defeat Ultragungan Militia Droidtechs[]
- 11 Ultragungan Droidtechs (CL30)
Boss Nass: It was foolish to dink te droidtechs would reveal anydin', but dey sparkin' a dought. Find da toolkit usin' by da droidtechs, and mesa'll bet wesa find da password.
Find an Ultragungan Militia Droidtech's Tools[]
Once the camps are more or less cleared, find a toolkit used by the droidtechs (/way -1840 -5075). Then, return and speak to Boss Nass to complete the Quest.
Return to Boss Nass[]
Return to Boss Nass to complete the quest.
Conversation with Boss Nass[]
Boss Nass: Good, yousa brought da droidtech tools?
PC: Yes, here they are.
Boss Nass: Awful good. Let mesa see. Ah, yin'. As mesa suspectin', da password bein' encodin' into da toolkit. A major oversight, to be honest, but it works to our advantage. Yousa should now be able to extract da module yousa want from da Old Republic battle droid widout worry.
Following Quest: Old Republic Droid Modules: The Gungan Battle Droid (part 2) >>