<< Previous Quest: Speak to Inaldra's Lieutenant to Get Work
Level: 1
Rewards: None
- Visit Frelka and learn about Station Gamma.
Recommended combat levels: 1 and higher |
Frelka, the Battered Explorer[]
Supposedly, Frelka has been to a place called Station Gamma. You should speak with him for more information. (Station Gamma Dungeon; Combat levels 1-10)
Conversation with Frelka[]
Frelka: Ugh. What do you want? Can't you see I'm hurting here?
PC: What happened to you?
Frelka: Yeah, about that. Don't go to Station Gamma, kid. Nothing good comes out of there...let me tell you.
PC: What is Station Gamma?
Frelka: Don't get interested, kid. You shouldn't go there. Bah! I guess I'll tell you anyway. Station Gamma was a research facility. Now it's run by an Overlord and his cronies. I went there to get treasure.
PC: Treasure, huh? Like what?
Frelka: Old weapons, trinkets...you know the like. I know you're going to go there regardless of what I say, so I'll make it easier for you.
PC: How do I get there?
Frelka: You can just take the shuttle in Hangar Bay 1.
PC: Thanks. Should be interesting.
Frelka: Yeah. When you get there, talk to my droid. He'll help you out.
PC: Gotcha. Bye!
Frelka: Yeah. See ya.
To Station Gamma![]
Level: 1
- XP
- 200 credits
- Travel to Station Gamma and speak with Frelka's droid, E-5KL.
Recommended combat levels: 1 and higher |
Speak with Frelka (Battered Explorer) in the Tansarii Point Station cantina to begin this quest.
Travel to Station Gamma Via the Shuttle or Your Ship[]
Either use the Gamma Shuttle system, or fly your own space craft.
Speak with E-5KL[]
Meet with Frelka's droid, E-5KL, and learn about Station Gamma.
Conversation with E-5KL[]
E-5KL: Oh, no. You shouldn't be here. Did Frelka send you?
PC: Yes, he did. What is this place?
E-5KL: It's a very dangerous one. You should leave as soon as possible.
PC: I can take care of myself.
E-5KL: Did he send you here to defeat the Aphotic?
PC: Who is that?
E-5KL: It's a long story. The Aphotic hurt Frelka. I'm surprised he didn't say anything. I guess he doesn't want others meddling in his affairs.
PC: I want to help him.
E-5KL: "I don't know... I guess it couldn't hurt, could it? Find the Rak'qua Aphotic and defeat him for Frelka. The Aphotic should be very close; perhaps in the very beginning of this place. He'll be hard to miss."
PC: Easy!
E-5KL: I wish you luck, young master.
Following Quest: Frelka's Folly >>