Brief description.
Location: 58, -79 {63 184 -58 edit March 4, 2007}
- none
Type: static spawn, dungeons
Special Features:
- Start of the Hero Of Tatooine quest
- involved in the Squill Diving quest
A cave in Tatooine that has been infested with several species of Squills, only the foolish adventure seeking type should enter. Be prepared, because the unprepared never come back.
There are rumours that Tuskens also lurk in this area, hunting the Squills. There is even a foolish rumour that Jedi come here to hone their skills and kill the Squills.
There is also a tale of an Old Hermit that lives in the deepest depth of the cave, which is downright Impossible!...or is it?
Herald NPC: a commoner (/way 141, 52, -5357)
Conversation with a commoner[]
a commoner: You there! Have I got a deal for you! Have you ever been interested into going into business in the squill industry? How do I do that, you ask? Well, quite easily, I'll tell you. All you need to do is go out to these caves, kill a bunch of squill, then "presto!"... you're in business! Interested?
PC: Are squill that popular of a commodity?
a commoner: Are they popular? Are you kidding me? Every kid from here to Coruscant wants to get their hands on a genuine squill hide jacket! You can't go wrong with squill! That's what I always say - you just can't go wrong! So, you interested or what?
PC: Yes! Yes! Tell me more!!!
a commoner: Just sign this contract here... good, and here... excellent! All you need to do is go out here and kill the little buggers! Once you have them down to a manageable level, we'll move in and take over - er - I mean... help your guide business endeavors.