Spies have the unique ability to get behind enemy lines without being detected and their missions in Game Update 15 reflect this. Missions are given by either the Field Commander in the city for players on the defending side or by the Captains in the camps for players who are attacking. Players must be at least Combatant to take part in these quests.
Phase II: The Invasion[]
Once the invasion commences, Spies can contact their mission givers and start attacking enemy patrol points. Players cannot be Stealthed when performing find/destruction, and being attacked whilst undertaking the missions stops the timers. The missions remain the same regardless of the Spy's level or the level of the target patrol points.
Find an Enemy patrol Point[]
"Find an enemy patrol point and report its location."
In this mission, players must head into enemy territory and find a patrol spawn point. Clicking on the patrol point starts the five second timer that indicates that the spy is calling in the location to their superiors. It appears that doing this does not affect the spawns or general battle in any way. The reward for this mission is 12 GCW and 1 Token (24 GCW and 2 Tokens if Special Forces).
Destroy Enemy Patrol Point[]
"Destroy and enemy patrol point to prevent reinforcements."
Players must find a patrol spawn point and destroy it. They are given five explosive charges (shown as a buff with five charges) to help them with this. Each charge takes five seconds to place and removes one fifth of the patrol point's health. This does not need to be the same patrol point that was "found" in the previous mission (indeed the "find" mission does not need to be attempted before this one) and the five charges do not need to be placed on the same patrol point. If all five charges are used up, players can return to the Field Commander/Captain for more. Obviously, if all five are used on the same patrol point it will be destroyed and no longer spawn troops. The reward for this mission is 250 GCW and 10 Tokens (500 GCW and 20 Tokens if Special Forces).
Spies can also take part in the General Combat Missions.