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Level: 1
Rewards: None

Inaldra's Lieutenant knows who on the station is looking to hire someone. Talk to her to find out what is available.


Recommended combat levels: 1 and higher

Talk to Inaldra's Lieutenant in Inaldra's Office[]

Inaldra's Lieutenant can send you all available jobs on the space station. Talk to her so you can learn what is available.

When you speak with Inaldra's Lieutenant, you can chose between different missions she offers.

Conversation with Inaldra's Lieutenant[]

Inaldra's Lieutenant: You look like you're looking for work. Can I help you with that?

Option 1[]

PC: Yes, I want to find some more adventure and excitement.
Inaldra's Lieutenant: Ah, yes. Well there are several people who need help with tasks at Station Gamma. What would you like to do?
PC: Frelka got hurt treasure hunting?
Inaldra's Lieutenant: He is an angry fellow, right now. Here's his location.
Following Quest: To Station Gamma! >>

PC: Agent Falrey looks mysterious. I want to check that out.
Inaldra's Lieutenant: He's a little odd. Here's his location. Careful there.
Following Quest: Get Information From Station Gamma >>

PC: Ysanna needs help finding someone in Station Gamma. I'll provide it.
Inaldra's Lieutenant: Excellent. She's been distressed. I'll put her location in your datapad.
Following Quest: Missing Soldier >>

PC: It's always good to have a doctor like Aja Sen around. I'll help her.
Inaldra's Lieutenant: That's an excellent plan. Here is the location.
Following Quest: Gathering Evidence >>

PC: Garek needs a courier? Sounds interesting.
Inaldra's Lieutenant: He's just behind the screen there. Please keep his location to yourself. He's not welcome in more...civilized company, if you get my meaning.
Following Quest: Helping the Alliance >>

Option 2[]

PC: Yes! I want a way to make money.
Inaldra's Lieutenant: Excellent. I have several requests. I can point you to them, but help me narrow down where you want to work.

Option 2.1[]

PC: Who's looking for help in the Cantina?
Inaldra's Lieutenant: All right, here's the list. Who do you want to talk to?
PC: Tarand Crowe needs a messenger? I can do that.
Inaldra's Lieutenant: Here's the location.
Following Quest: Smuggling >>

PC: I'll help Wyle do some hunting.
Inaldra's Lieutenant: Ah, yes. Enjoy that one. He claims to be the proud owner of a krayt dragon skull from Tatooine. I don't know if I believe him. Those things are gigantic! Here's his location.
Following Quest: A Small Hunting Trip >>

Option 2.2[]

PC: Who has some work for me in Hangar Bay 1?
Inaldra's Lieutenant: Several people. Mostly pilots, though I know that some of them are looking for a certain amount of pilot experience before they'll work with you. We'll sort out who you're ready for as necessary.
PC: I'm new to piloting, I want to talk to Serissu.
Inaldra's Lieutenant: Good luck with that. I'm sure you will do fine.
Following Quest: Serissu >>

PC: I'd like to fly for Laetin A'shera. His missions look pretty easy.
Inaldra's Lieutenant: You need to finish working with Serissu before Laetin will offer you anything. / Easy is entirely relative. Good luck out there.
Following Quest: Laetin A'shera >>

PC: I'm ready to fly for Aleas. I know I'm good enough.
Inaldra's Lieutenant: Before speaking with Aleas, you'll need to have proven yourself by finishing Laetin's missions. / Good for you! I hope you can understand her better than I can. Here's her location.
Following Quest: Aleas Rans'ery >>

PC: Point me to Dartas! I'm going to be the best pilot out there!
Inaldra's Lieutenant: Dartas is picky about who he sends into battle. Unless Aleas signs off on your piloting abilities, he won't use you. / I'm sure you are. You know he flew with the Corellian Security Forces, right? He is a bonafide ace! Here's his location. Be safe out there.
Following Quest: Dartas Pytin >>

PC: Actually, this one doesn't involve flying. I'd like to talk to Deavyn.
Inaldra's Lieutenant: I get a little spacesick myself. Here's his location.
Following Quest: Help Deavyn Gils Find His Datapad >>

Option 2.3[]

PC: Who can put me to work in the Combat Training rooms?
Inaldra's Lieutenant: Ah yes, the combat specialists. Well, most of them are, at least. Here's a list.
PC: Ah, the brawling master. I'd like to talk to Rydel.
Inaldra's Lieutenant: Good. I like Rydel...he's so calm. I hear that he used to work for Nym on Lok. Here's his location.
Following Quest: The Atrium >>

PC: A marksman! I'd like to talk to Loche.
Inaldra's Lieutenant: Very good. He's tracking down some serious problems here.
Following Quest: Crazed Droids >>

PC: Raylen's my speed. I love hunting animals.
Inaldra's Lieutenant: Ah, Raylen. He doesn't like space much. Just returned from Endor...mentioned some small furry creatures. Here's his location.
Following Quest: Scouting Tasks: Save the Guard >>

PC: Oh, looks like the Security Director needs help with thugs.
Inaldra's Lieutenant: Good. Help him keep the station safe!
Following Quest: Repel the Invaders! >>

Option 2.4[]

PC: Who's needs some help in Hangar Bay 2?
Inaldra's Lieutenant: That's our visitors' hangar. Only one person there now. Here's what is available there.
PC: Jolka's fixing a droid? I'll help him.
Inaldra's Lieutenant: Very well. He is one of our top mechanics. I think Chewbacca makes him nervous. Here's his location for you.
Following Quest: Fixing R2-D2 >>

Option 3[]

PC: I just want to get off this station, and explore the galaxy.
Inaldra's Lieutenant: How did you arrive? You should talk to the pilot who brought you here.

Following Quest: Getting off the station >>

Inaldra's Lieutenant: You should talk to Boba Fett. I think he has a task that will take you off this station.

Following Quest: Leaving the Station >>
