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Ship radar

Ship radar, showing two targets below and behind, one target below and above (and firing), and a capital ship target behind.

Your ship's radar displays three important pieces of information:

  • Front/back armor hitpoints. Shown as two red semi-circles, where damage to the armor is shown as black filled-in areas of the ring.
  • Front/back shield strength. Similar to armor, shown as two blue semi-circles, where the top ring is your front shield and the bottom ring your rear shield.
  • Position of friendly, enemy, and neutral ships and other space objects near your ship.

Blip Colors and Sizes[]

Every pilot should learn to read the radar, as knowing the position of a nearby enemy can mean the difference between life and death in areas like Deep Space. All targets will show up in your radar in a color appropriate to their level of threat to you:

  • White: allied NPCs and players
  • Yellow: neutral NPCs that will only attack you if provoked
  • Red: enemies, both players and NPCs that will attack you on sight
  • Green: group members
  • Light purple: group leader
  • Light green: asteroids

Additionally, the size of a target's radar blip indicates how close it is to you. Far-away targets will be only a few pixels wide, while ships making an attack on you will be much larger. Capital ships (like the Corellian Corvette and Imperial Star Destroyer) will show up as large square blips. A blip that is pulsing indicates a ship that is currently firing at you.

Target Location[]

Determining a target's location relative to you takes some getting used to, as traditional Star Wars flight sims (like X-wing vs TIE Fighter) use two radar displays to show front/rear targets, whereas Galaxies uses a single display. The Galaxies radar is split into two portions by your armor health circle. The area inside the red circle represents the section of space currently in front of your ship; the area outside the red circle but inside the blue shield circle corresponds to the space behind you.

Targets in the upper half of the radar are above your ship; those in the lower half are below you, and those in the middle vertically are on the same plane as you. Similarly, blips in the left half of the radar show ships to the left of you, and those in the right half are also to your right.

Here are some common radar positions and how the blip location corresponds to the physical location of the target:

  • Centered: target is directly in front of you, perhaps under your ship reticle.
  • On the far left or far right, centered vertically: directly behind your ship.
  • Centered horizontally, but on the front armor health semicircle: directly above you.
  • Top-right portion of the inner area: target is in front of you, but slightly above and to the right.
  • Bottom-left portion of the outer area: target is behind you, both below and to the left.

Editing the Radar[]

/ui radarSelect [0 - 2]
