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Sgt. Ruwan Tokai is located in the Massassi Temple on Yavin IV. You must be an on-duty Imperial combatant to do this questline.

/way -3109 -2972 Sgt. Ruwan Tokai;

Mission 1[]


  • 40 Credits
  • 10 Imperial Faction Points


Recommended combat levels: 5 and higher

This is an Imperial only quest. No matter if you are a Rebel on leave, you must be Imperial aligned and an Imperial Combatant in order for the quest starter to talk to you. To start the quest speak to Sgt. Ruwan Tokai inside the Massassi Temple on Yavin IV (-3038 -2960).

Conversation with Sgt. Ruwan Tokai[]

Sgt. Ruwan Tokai: I despise the humidity on this world -- so bad for the equipment. I need this piece taken to the warrant officer for analysis. Can you deliver it?
PC: Why is the humidity bad for the equipment?
Sgt. Ruwan Tokai: These materials were never meant for jungle use. This piece, for instance -- I've been examining it, but the process of cleaning off the moss also removes vital chemical traces that would help us understand what happened. How frustrating. But as to that delivery -- can you do it?
PC: What is this piece?
Sgt. Ruwan Tokai: I believe it's a fragment of hull plating that crashed onto this moon from the battle station that got destroyed in this vicinity last year. Very interesting technology, I must say. Can you deliver it?
PC: Yes.
Sgt. Ruwan Tokai: Good. Check back here after the delivery, and I'll disburse payment from my equipment restoration budget.

He will tell you that he needs a piece of equipment delivered to a Warrant Officer. Should you say "Yes", a Death Star Fragment will be put in your inventory. You will also receive a waypoint to the Warrant Officer. Head there now.

WARNING: While this quest can easily be completed at level five, the various other wildlife on Yavin IV may kill any low levels with great ease. If you attempt to do this quest as a low-level, do so with caution.

About 50m from the Warrant Officer, two CL 5 Thugs will spawn and attack you. Kill them and talk to the Warrant Officer. When you get close to the wararnt officer says, "Are you here with the Death Star fragment" He will say that all salvage from the Death Star is a classified secret and that they will have to look into Ruwan Tokai's clearances: "All salavage from the Death Star has been classified secret. You say a technical sergeant sent this? Hmm. We'll have to look into his clearances." You will get a waypoint back to Tokai. Talk to him to complete the quest.

Conversation with Sgt. Ruwan Tokai[]

Sgt. Ruwan Tokai: I've been authorized to disburse this payment. Classified, they said? No one told me that. Hmm. Well, I hope nothing bad happens.

Note: It is possible to keep the Death Star fragment and still complete the quest. When you first receive the item, put it in a pack and then talk to Tokai and tell him "I don't want this mission right now". Then talk to him again and simply restart the quest. This will land you two Death Star fragments, one for you to keep that is safely in your pack, the other to give to the Warrant Officer. You can obtain as many fragments as you want. However, the Warrant Officer takes all fragments that are not in your pack. So if you want to keep a fragment, put it in a pack.

Mission 2[]


  • 50 Credits
  • 10 Imperial Faction Points


Recommended combat levels: 25 and higher

Conversation with Sgt. Ruwan Tokai[]

Sgt. Ruwan Tokai: Please, you have to help! That piece of the Death Star turned out to be classified above my clearance. I'm up for court martial, just for examining it! You have to get to my commanding officer and get a retroactive authorization.
PC: What is a "retroactive authorization"?
Sgt. Ruwan Tokai: It would say I had permission all along to examine that fragment, even though it was classified above my clearance. We take care of things retroactively all the time. I'll bet some bureaucrat is even now filing a retroactive authorization to have the Death Star scrapped. But I need my own authorization fast! Will you get it?
PC: Yes.
Sgt. Ruwan Tokai: Great. I'll pay you for your help. Just bring me that authorization, fast!

Last time you talked to Ruwan, he didn't realize that the Death Star salvage was classified. Now he's up for court martial since it was higher than his clearance level. He wants you to get authorization from his commanding officer. Saying "Yes" will give you a waypoint of the officer.

About 50m from the officer, three CL 25 Rebels (2 Rebel commandos & 1 Rebel First Lieutenant) will spawn and attack you. Kill them and talk to the Lieutenant. When you get close to the wararnt officer he says, "You're here for the authorization for Sgt. Tolai?" You will get a waypoint back to Tokai. Talk to him to complete the quest and get your reward.

Conversation with Sgt. Ruwan Tokai[]

Sgt. Ruwan Tokai: Thanks! I'm paying you out of my own funds. I just remembered you delivered that Death Star fragment to a warrant officer. Hope he's not in trouble too!

This is the final mission for Sgt. Ruwan Tokai. You can now do Cmdr. Liam Byrne or Lt. Commander Gins Darone quests.
