SWG Wiki

Scylla was an official Star Wars Galaxies Server, hosted by Sony Online Entertainment. Scylla was closed on October 15, 2009.

Name Origin[]

A warship named Scylla was commanded by Daala during the years surrounding the Black Fleet Crisis. Having come out of retirement to help the New Republic win the Battle of Nam Chorios, Daala returned to the Deep Core and tried to establish a new Imperial fleet. The Scylla served as her flagship, and led her brief charge into New Republic territory against Garm Bel Iblis. Unfortunately, Bel Iblis was able to trap Daala's fleet using a pair of CC-7700 frigates. In order to escape, Daala rammed one of the frigates with the Scylla before limping into hyperspace. Due to damage to the ship's navigational systems, the Scylla's jump was blind, and Daala was not seen again.
