SECURE COMMUNICATION is one of the written materials found in a Data Storage Unit.
From: Gen. Zaster, Imperial Second Division
To: All Imperial Personnel - Tatooine
RE: Alkhara Bandits
I know you've all heard the stories of the original Alkhara, the notorious bandit who teamed up with the Sand People and killed a garrison of policemen on Tatooine years and years ago. Well, Alkhara is long since dead, but his memory has started a movement. There's a group of raiders down their now waging war against the Tusken Raiders and pillaging small cities for loot and supplies.
See, when Alkhara was done killing policemen he murdered all the Sand People who'd helped him, and they chased him into something called the B'omarr Monastery. Interestingly enough, this is where Jabba the Hutt is currently running his own criminal operations from. Jabba's not a problem for us right now, but the Alkhara Bandits are doing serious damage to the locals, good Imperial citizens, all of them.
I want patrols around the infected areas, and be careful. There's no telling what these people are capable of.
Gen. Zaster