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Location: /way space_naboo 5400 -4100 470 Rori Space Station;


Destroy Duty Missions[]

Neutral pilots must use the Faction Helper: Imperial Combatant or Faction Helper: Rebel Combatant space command to see the Rebel or Imperial duty missions, respectively.

Rori Rebel Base access[]

Available to: Any Rebel, (I am unsure, but I think anyone of tier3.5 or higher can get this one) though the trainer there is Tier4 Crimson Phoenix

Mission Details: 3 missions total, First is a long Escort vs tier 3-4 Borvo fighters in Naboo system. Second is a longer capture then escort vs the same foes in Yavin. This one can get hairy since it passes close to a few natural Imperial spawns. Bug: the ship you capture does not become white dot. It stays red, and will constantly catch lock for closest enemy, but at least you can't hurt it. Third mission is back in Naboo, a seek and destroy vs tier3 Black Suns, then Tier3-4 Borvos (again) and finally some tier3 Imperials.

Note: this mission is made a little useless by the fact that you can use the Travel button to get there, any time at any level.
