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<< Previous Quest: Lieutenant Orden Tarc

You have been asked to get involved with an investigation into a number of break-ins at cybernetic labs on Rori. These quests were added as new content along with Game Update 12.

Right Handless Man[]

Level: 54

  • 27511 XP
  • 8654 credits


You have been asked to get involved with an investigation into a number of break-ins at cybernetic labs on Rori.


Recommended combat levels: 55 and higher

Investigate the Lab Break-In[]

Lieutenant Orden Tarc sends you to a nearby lab to ascertain all that you can about recent break-ins. The lab is virtually empty apart from a few beds, a few desks and a Research Data Console.

/way -4983 -2553 Research Data Console;

A Clue[]

On one of the lab data terminals, you find an attempt to log onto it with the name, Ponda Baba, but there is no record of a Ponda Baba working at that lab.

Investigating the Console gives you a clue: it seems that Ponda Baba has recently logged onto the system, although he has never worked at the labs. You may remember the Aqualish whose arm Obi-Wan Kenobi cuts off in the Mos Eisley Cantina in Episode IV.

Return to Lieutenant Tarc[]

Return to Lieutenant Orden Tarc.

Conversation with Lieutenant Orden Tarc[]

Lieutenant Orden Tarc: This Ponda Baba must be our guy. According to RSF records, he's a small-time thug who usually works out of the Tatooine system. Looks like he lost an arm in an altercation in Mos Eisley which is probably why he's after cybernetics. Your next move will be to track him down.
PC: How do I do that?
Lieutenant Orden Tarc: A Neo-Cobral gang operating near Narmle is in tune with most of the underworld action happening in the area. Go convince them to reveal anything they might know about how to find Ponda Baba.

Right Handless Man, Part 2[]

Level: 54

  • 38093 XP
  • 8826 credits


You have been asked to get involved with an investigation into a number of break-ins at cybernetic labs on Rori.


Recommended combat levels: 55 and higher

Tarc asks you to check out a nearby Neo-Cobral gang who are the link to the criminal underground and as such might have some information about the whereabouts of Baba.

Neo-Cobral Interrogation[]

The Neo-Cobral bunker (/way -5663 -2107) is protected by CL54 Cobral Brutes and CL55 Cobral Killers. You have to kill Neo-Cobrals until one of them gives up the information you need. It turns out that they don't know much about Ponda Baba except that he has been looking for some help in obtaining some high-tech cybernetics. Word is that he approached the Garyn Raiders

Neo-Cobral Intel[]

The Neo-Cobral didn't know much about Ponda Baba except that he had been looking for some help in obtaining some high-tech cybernetics. Word is that he approached the Garyn Raiders.

Garyn Raider Interrogation[]

The Raider's Bunker at /way -4625 -7543 (different from the original Garyn Raider's Bunker POI) is 5 km to the South of Narmle and occupied by CL53 Garyn Raider Shooters and CL55 Garyn Raider Shivs. Once again you have to kill these mobs until one gives up the information you need. According to the Garyn Raiders, Ponda Baba tried to hire them to supply muscle so that he could break into some of the larger cybernetic labs on Rori and possibly even Naboo. Baba was offering too few credits, the Garyn Raiders refused. Fortunately, Baba left his contact details.

Garyn Raider Intel[]

According to the Garyn Raiders, Ponda Baba tried to hire them to supply muscle so that he could break into some of the larger cybernetic labs on Rori and possibly even Naboo. The amount he was offering was laughable to the Garyn Raiders so they flat out refused, but Ponda told them how to get in contact with him if they changed their mind.

Meet with Ponda Baba[]

Ponda Baba's meeting instructions that he left with the Garyn Raiders lead you to a Gungan Warrior Statue on the outskirts of Narmle. Clicking on the statue spawns a CL55 Gundark Hoodlum and a CL54 Gundark Flunky. Clicking on the statue for a second time spawns additional Flunkies. It seems that Ponda Baba is not going to show his walrus face.

Return to Lieutenant Tarc[]

Return to Lieutenant Tarc to complete the quest.

Conversation with Lieutenant Orden Tarc[]

Lieutenant Orden Tarc: So Ponda never showed. Only some Gundark thugs. Apparently, Ponda hired those Gundark thugs as protection and was spooked when you defeated them.
PC: So what now?
Lieutenant Orden Tarc: We know that the Gundark gangs are working with Ponda Baba, so we'll turn our attention to them. They will tell us what we want to know one way or another.

Right Handless Man, Part 3[]

Level: 54


You have been asked to get involved with an investigation into a number of break-ins at cybernetic labs on Rori.


Recommended combat levels: 55 and higher

Gundark Persuasion[]


Ponda Baba

The involvement of the Gundarks makes you and Lieutenant Tarc suspicious. You are send to the Gundark's hideout (/way -5448 -1776) to see what you can find. The Gundark Base is swarming with more Hoodlums, Flunkies and Overseers. You are once more tasked with killing them until one of them speaks. It turns out that Ponda Baba is hiding out at a small camp on the outskirts of Narmle.

Ponda's Hiding Place Revealed[]

According to that last Gundark thug, Ponda Baba is hiding out at a small camp on the outskirts of Narmle.

Confront Ponda Baba[]

Ponda's camp is 1 km away back on the other side of Narmle (/way -4846 -2557). Your task is to "bring him to justice". He is CL56, and after a small amount of a fighting, he manages to escape.

Return to Lieutenant Tarc[]

You report your failure to Tarc. Lieutenant Tarc decides that it is case closed, and gives you your rewards.

Conversation with Lieutenant Orden Tarc[]

Lieutenant Orden Tarc: Ponda Baba escaped, but word is that he has left the planet. I will be releasing his name and a holographic image to all security forces in the Naboo System. He will not be able to return to Rori or anywhere else in this part of the galaxy any time soon. For now, I will consider the case closed.
PC: I suppose that will have to be enough.
Lieutenant Orden Tarc: Unfortunately, sometimes that's the way it is. You did good work, though. I'm proud to have worked with you.
PC: You wouldn't happen to have any more work, would you?
Lieutenant Orden Tarc: I don't but you might try heading back to Corellia. Word is that some reporter is investigating the Meatlumps and is looking for someone to do her heavy lifting.

Lieutenant Tarc asks you to defeat Merkie Howzat on Corellia in Coronet. This begins the Meatlumps Theme Park pre-quests.

Following Quest: Merkie Howzat >>
