The rasp was a small bird whose sub-species inhabitated several planets. Most of them were docile and harmless, but a few rasps —like the howling plumed rasp— were aggressive and could cause wounds to an unarmed being.

A Rasp
At least three worlds catalogued their rasp species:
- Corellia
- Agrilat rasp
- Plumed rasp
- Howling plumed rasp
- Majestic plumed rasp
- Talus
- Flite rasp
- Giga flite rasp
- Horned rasp
- Howling plumed rasp
- Percussive rasp
- Song rasp
- Rori
- Crescent rasp
- Horned rasp
- Sickle rasp
Star Wars Galaxies: An Empire Divided
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