Turning on the "Show All Object Names" in the ingame Options>>Misc window will make it a little easier to see where these weapons are located.
Weapon | Planet | Coordinates | Description |
Mustafarian Modified Two-Handed Obsidian Sword | Yavin IV | -804, -2050 | Bottom of the Temple of the Blueleaf |
N-K Executer | Endor | 667, 4972 | On Pillow in Tent |
Two-Handed Kashyyyk Sword | Dathomir | -45, -1619 | Former Bladestick location, replaced with Sword |
Two-Handed Tulrus Sword | Mustafar | -1491, 260 | Southern Jedi Ruins, next to San'sii the Kursk propped up against a pillar |
White Thranta Katana | Endor | 1917, -1957 | In the middle of a Gondulan Warrior Camp. |
Wookiee Toothpick | Dathomir | -3973, 247 | Rancor Cave |
Caller of Storms | Dathomir | -2659, 7354 | . |
Champion's Sword | Yavin IV | 5074, 5502 | Temple of Exar Kun; right beside Jan Dodonna |
CorSec Sword | Corellia | 5212, 1578 | Rogue CorSec Base |
Knuckles of the Katarn | Endor | 3191, -3506 | Research Outpost |
Necrosis Nightblade | Endor | -7080, 543 | Inside Orphaned Marauder's Cave |
Obsidian Lance | Lok | -2817, -710 | Located inside a Sulfur Lake Pirate Hideout, the cave entrance is at (-3016, -670) |
Oppressor Obsidian Polearm | Mustafar | -2505, 3096 | Northern Jedi Ruins, on cot |
Pestilence | Endor | -1746, 159 | Jinda Ritualist's Cave |
Poisonspike | Dathomir | 5672, 1900 | Dathomir Crash Site |
/way Yavin4 -804 -2050 Rare Melee Weapons Mark III Collection #1; /way Endor 667 4972 Rare Melee Weapons Mark III Collection #2; /way Dathomir -45 -1619 Rare Melee Weapons Mark III Collection #3; /way Mustafar -1491 260 Rare Melee Weapons Mark III Collection #4; /way Endor 1917 -1957 Rare Melee Weapons Mark III Collection #5; /way Dathomir -3973 247 Rare Melee Weapons Mark III Collection #6; /way Dathomir -2659 7354 Rare Melee Weapons Mark III Collection #7; /way Yavin4 5074 5502 Rare Melee Weapons Mark III Collection #8; /way Corellia 5212 1578 Rare Melee Weapons Mark III Collection #9; /way Endor 3191 -3506 Rare Melee Weapons Mark III Collection #10; /way Endor -7080 543 Rare Melee Weapons Mark III Collection #11; /way Lok -2817 -710 Rare Melee Weapons Mark III Collection #12; /way Mustafar -2505 3096 Rare Melee Weapons Mark III Collection #13; /way Endor -1746 159 Rare Melee Weapons Mark III Collection #14; /way Dathomir 5672 1900 Rare Melee Weapons Mark III Collection #15
Reward: Rare Melee Weapons Collection III Badge and a medium amount of XP.