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This quest is a side quest of the revamped Nym's Theme Park (Game Update 16: Stronghold of the Lok Revenants). You should have started the quest "Retrieve the research data and IMGGCUs" in order to begin this quest.

<< Previous Quest: Extract DNA Samples

Level: 62


Infiltrate the Imperial Research Facility and question the scientists


Recommended combat levels: 1 and higher

Get cleared by Kole before talking to Rek Thelcar for the third mission.

Conversation with Rek Thelcar[]

Rek Thelcar

Rek Thelcar

Rek Thelcar: Hey, %TU!  We all know that the guys out in that Imperial Research Facility are up to something, right?
PC: Right?
Rek Thelcar: Of course right! So we Revenants have been trying everything to find out what and I figured out what we haven't tried yet, right?
PC: Bribe them with Blue Milk?
Rek Thelcar: Ugh! Disgusting color, right? No, I was thinking that we should just ask them, right?
PC: So you want me to play Twenty Questions?
Rek Thelcar: No... ten should be enough, right?
PC: You're serious?
Rek Thelcar: I put some info in your datapad so you can find the place, right?

Find the Imperial Research Facility[]

Imperial Research Facility Lok

The Imperial Research Facility

Find the Imperial Research Facility at (/way lok 904 -4192).

Question Scientists[]

Bring up the overhead map, the scientists are white triangles, they can be found at:

/way green lok 784 -6 -4228 Scientist 1;
/way green lok 796 -6 -4242 Scientist 2;
/way green lok 813 1 -4186 Scientist 3;
/way green lok 833 -6 -4276 Scientist 4;
/way green lok 879 1 -4204 Scientist 5;
/way green lok 871 1 -4203 Scientist 6;
/way green lok 854 1 -4216 Scientist 7;
/way green lok 859 1 -4222 Scientist 8;
/way green lok 869 1 -4211 Scientist 9;
/way green lok 877 1 -4213 Scientist 10;

Simply converse with the scientists and they will be added to the Scientists Interrogation Collection.

Conversation with a Scientist[]

a Scientist: I'm not telling you anything.
PC: Yes, you are.
a Scientist: Uh...
PC: Tell me about the facility.
a Scientist: We make weapons...don't hurt me!

PC: Tell me about melee weapons.
a Scientist: There are no melee weapons in development at this facility.

PC: Tell me about experimental weapons.
a Scientist: We worked on something we called the 'Anti-Fear Virus'. Basically an airborne pathogen that would make Tie Fighter pilots and Stormtroopers fearless. Unfortunately, it affected their motor skills, making them slow to react. Despite it being deemed as complete scientific failure, the Empire still uses it on its personnel.

PC: Where are the IMGGCU?
a Scientist: We just finished a new prototype. There is a container full of them in a storage room below.

PC: Tell me about grenades.
a Scientist: We develop new grenade technologies at this facility. Recently, we received orders to research a new non-lethal gas grenade.

PC: Tell me about carbines.
a Scientist: We aren't currently working on carbines here. We have a grant for rifle development and another to reverse engineer a Gungan Assault Cannon.

PC: Tell me about rifles.
a Scientist: We have received the funding to research a new blaster sniper rifle that consists of 3 separate pieces that can be much easier to conceal. Probably a special operations type weapon.

PC: Who is in charge here?
a Scientist: Udo Barnet of the mercenaries is probably the person that most likely fills those shoes. The scientists have their own rank based on seniority, but even the most senior still defer to Barnet.

PC: Where is the main computer system?
a Scientist: The main computer system? It is down on the bottom level. Please don't hurt it. Many of us have several months of research on it.

PC: What do you do?
a Scientist: I'm a scientist, that is why I wear a lab coat. We specialize in different areas such as explosives, chemicals, gasses and so on. We're all here to develop weaponry.

PC: Who programmed the Droidekas?
a Scientist: I, I don't know. The Imperials? They are just delivered. Even repairs and maintenance is done off site. I swear it is the truth!

Return to Rek Thelcar[]

Report to Rek Thelcar on the questioned scientists.

Conversation with Rek Thelcar[]

Rek Thelcar: Hey %TU! You're all done interrogate... I mean, questioning... some scientists, right?
PC: Right... I don't think I got much, though.
Rek Thelcar: Sometimes it's not what they say but what they don't say, right?
PC: Yeah, well, good luck with that.
Rek Thelcar: Thanks, I'll need it and thanks for all of your help, too, right?

Completing all of Rek's Quests will award players the "Lok Revenants Peace Keeper Badge", and the Mounted Nym's Slugthrower wall display item.
