Obtained in: Imperial Pilot >> Basic Training
Type: evasive ability
Command: /pumpreactor
Effect: The pilot attempts to overcharge his reactor's reactant injectors and squeeze some extra juice out of the generator. This will increase overall available power to some degree. At the same time, the pilot overloads the output coils leading to the ion drive units, producing additional available thrust over normal operating parameters. When the pilot does this, there is a risk of the automated flight control systems detecting the overload as a threat and shutting the system down, or "scramming" the reactor. If the reactor scrams, the ship will basically shut down until the systems automatically reset.
The additional power and speed provided by this tweak are very handy in a space dogfight, but sitting motionless in space while you wait for your reactor to re-ignite can be deadly. Thus only the more daring pilots are known to attempt this feat with any regularity.
Running this command increases the power available to all ship subsystems, and ship speed. A failure to run the command will shut the ship down; and the greater the failure, the longer the downtime.