Currently this page is under construction. If you know of any more paintings or posters that are available please feel free to add them. Images are welcome as well.
Looted or Crafted Posters[]
Crafted from looted items using a Printing Kit.
- Bio-Engineer Poster
- Cargo Port Blueprint
- Double Helix
- Droid in Contrast
- Freedom
- Party Poster
- RIS One-sheet
- Valley view
Looted only paintings[]
- An Exar Kun Fresco
- Defensive Stance
- Exar Kun Mural
- Feared
- No Division
- Spitting Rawl
- Wanted Poster: Han Solo
- Wanted Poster: Leia Organa
- Wanted Poster: Luke Skywalker
- Wanted Poster: Trandoshan
Chu-Gon Dar Cube Posters[]
- Mustafar Painting #1: Cataclysm
- Cube creates a 10 use schematic for Architect (non tradeable).
- Made from Faintly Glowing Chemical Antidote, Dimly Glowing Ammo Box, Dimly Glowing Shisha.
- Mustafar Painting #2: Beginnings
- The Cube creates the painting itself.
- Made from Dimly Glowing Ammo Box, Dimly Glowing Shisha, Dimly Glowing Recording Rod.
- Mustafar Painting #3: Progress
- Cube creates a 10 use schematic for Architect (non tradeable).
- Made from Dimly Glowing Spool of Wire, Dimly Glowing Recording Rod, Faintly Glowing Chance Die.
- Mustafar Painting #4: Living Canals
- The Cube creates the painting itself.
- Made from Dimly Glowing Spool Of Wire, Dimly Glowing Sphere of Water, Dimly Glowing Ammo Box.
Crafted only Posters[]
Crafted from a Printing Kit.
Bestine Museum Paintings[]
The following are all made from schematic bought from the Bestine Museum Curator after you completed the Bestine Painting Election.
Painter : Boulo Siesi at Wayfar (waypoint -5239 -6566)
- Abstract Painting of Golden Petals 1
- Abstract Painting of Golden Petals 2
- Abstract Painting of Golden Petals 3
Painter : Vanvi Hotne at Mos Eisley (waypoint 3312 -4655)
- Painting of a Mattberry Plant
- Painting of a Raventhorn Plant
- Painting of a Boffa Plant
- Painting of a Ronka Plant
Painter: Klepa Laeel at Mos Espa (waypoint -2768 2110)
Painter: Kahfr Oladi at Mos Eisley (waypoint 3475 -4970)
Painter: Kolka Zteht at Mos Entha (waypoint 1521 3259)
Painter: Giaal Itotr at Mos Espa (waypoint -3101 2184)
Quest Rewards[]
- Advertisement
- Battle of Echo Base
- Clone Wars Painting: Clone Trooper
- Clone Wars Painting: General Grevious
- Endor Painting
- Grunda Painting
- March of the Tuskens
- Planet and Star Painting
- Portrait of Axkva Min
- Portrait of a Twi'lek Female
- Rare Painting
- Still Life - Kite Plant
- The Will of Exar Kun
- The Wrath of IG-88
Collection Rewards[]
- A Durni Mosaic
- Comlink Painting
- Datapad Painting
- Liberating The Blackguard
- A Panoramic Painting - Tatooine
- Holographic Backdrops
Also see Buddy Program Rewards.
Event Posters[]
Demolition Event Rewards[]
Empire Day[]
- Defaced Imperial Recruitment Poster
- Imperial Recruitment Poster
- Torn Rebel Resistance Poster
- Torn Recruitment Day Poster
- Rebel Resistance Poster
Ewok Festival of Love[]
Life Day 2004[]
The following were given out during the holiday season in 2004.
Life Day 2005[]
The following were given out during the holiday season in 2005.
Life Day 2006[]
The following were given out during the holiday season in 2006.
- Life Day Painting (Gift giving Wookiees)
- Life Day Painting (Kashyyyk at night)
- Life Day Painting (Proud Wookiee)
- Life Day Painting (Red Robed Wookiee)
- Life Day Painting (Wookiee with pups)
Life Day 2007[]
The following was given out during the holiday season in 2007.
Life Day 2008[]
Life Day 2009[]
Player Rewards[]
1 Year Anniversary[]
The following were given out to each account randomly for Galaxies' 1 year anniversary in 2004.
- Cast Wing in Flight
- Decimator
- Emperor's Eyes (TIE Sentinel)
- Fighter Study
- Hutt Greed
- Imperial Oppression (TIE Oppressor)
- Smuggler's Run
- Tatooine Dune Speeder
- Weapon of War
1 Year Anniversary in Japan[]
Given for the 1st Anniversary of Star Wars Galaxies in Japan
5 Year Anniversary[]
The following were given out to each character on account during special event for Galaxies' 5 year anniversary in 2008.
30th Star Wars Anniversary[]
Galactic Civil War Factionnal Paintings[]
Those Paintings are available to buy form a Faction npc when you reach the Master Sergeant (Rebel) or Senior Sergeant (Imperial) rank. Those paintings are No Trade items.
Reactivation Account Rewards[]
Japanese Server Reward[]
Chapter 1 Rewards[]
All active players found a Rolled-up Poster in their inventory and may create one of these Poster

Rolled-up Poster
Chapter 5 Reward[]
Chapter 6 Reward[]
Chapter 7 Reward[]
Obtainable through the mission available from the use of the Chapter reward, the C-3PO's Comlink.
Chapter 10 Reward[]
Game Update 15 Reward[]
Game Update 16 Reward[]
- An Imperial Star Destroyer Painting
- A KSE Firespray Painting
- An X-Wing Painting
Community Summit Painting Gifts[]
Galactic Settlement Initiative - Buddy Program[]
Rewards for the Buddy Program
Star Wars Galaxies In-Game Painting Contests[]
2008 Contest: Create a Painting
2009 Contest: Galactic Call to Arms Fan Art
- Imperial Oasis Incident
- Preparing for the Storm
2010 Contest:
Trading Card Game[]
Promotion: Scenario rewarded Paintings[]
- Coruscant Travel Advertisement
- Hoth Travel Advertisement
- Lightsaber Techniques Painting
- Theater Poster: A Forbidden Love
- Winged Quenker Poster
Champions of the Force Looted Paintings[]
Squadrons over Corellia Loot Card Paintings[]
Galactic Hunters Loot Card Paintings[]
Agents of Deception Loot Card Paintings[]
The Shadow Syndicate Loot Card Paintings[]