SWG Wiki

Pet food is an item. There are 12 different types of pet foods. There will always be ten your pet accepts, one it dislikes, and one that is its favorite. The food your pet likes and dislikes is random for each pet. Two pets of the same type can have different food preferences.

Food serves two purposes
  1. It prevents your pet from becoming hungry. Hunger, along with death, are the only two ways that a pet may decrease in loyalty.
  2. It can improve your pet's happiness when it is fed its favorite food. Happiness affects the rate of loyalty gain. Feeding it a food it dislikes will decrease your pet's happiness.
When feeding your pet you will get one of the following messages
  • Your companion accepts this sustenance as a food source
  • Your companion accepts the food sustitute but does not like it
  • Your companion seems very excited about eating this food sustenance

Pet foods[]

Pet foods are crafted by domestics traders and engineering traders using a Food and Chemical Crafting Tool and various organic and water resources as shown in the table below.

Fish substitute Hide Meat Water Bantha Butter Total
Milk Fruit
Blubbery Fish Substitute 5 25 10 40
Coarse Fish Substitute 25 10 5 40
Cooked Fish Substitute 10 5 15 30
Fatty Fish Substitute 5 15 10 20 5 55
Fruit substitute Berries Oats Bantha Butter Total
Milk Fruit
Dry Fruit Substitute 10 20 20 5 55
Juicy Fruit Substitute 25 10 20 5 60
Sour Fruit Substitute 15 15 20 5 55
Sweet Fruit Substitute 20 5 20 5 50
Meat substitute Organic Water Bantha Butter Total
Milk Fruit
Cooked Meat Substitute 25 15 40
Fatty Meat Substitute 15 15 20 5 55
Stringy Meat Substitute 35 5 40
Tender Meat Substitute 20 20 40

Chef experimentation and culinary entertainer buffs apply.
As of April 30, 2009, Artisan assembly and experimentation apply.

"Changed pet food experimentation to artisan experimentation" -- http://forums.station.sony.com/swg/posts/list.m?topic_id=908618

Experimentation during crafting of pet foods increases quantity. Manufacturing schematics can not be created for pet foods which prevents factory use.

External links[]
