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<< Previous Quest: Ultragungan Soldiers

Level: 28

  • 12190 Quest XP
  • 10874 credits


Speak with Boss Nass about an Old Republic battle droid that used an experimental Old Republic droid module, a Stochastic Decision Chip.

Droid Module 4: Obtain Passcode[]

After completing the Ultragungan Soldiers quest, you can now access the Ultragungan bunker. Boss Nass tells you that you have to travel to the Ultragungan Lair to obtain the droid module you seek.

Droid Module 4: Acquire the Stochastic Decision Chip[]

Go there (/way -1857 -5597) and fight your way into the bunker. The CL 28 Super Battle Droid you are looking for is at the very bottom level of the bunker (/way -1901 -5577). Destroy it, and you will loot the AI chip you need.

[BEGIN TRANSMISSION]: Please return to the RSF mainframe in Theed. [END TRANSMISSION]

Return to the RSF Mainframe in Theed[]

You get a message to return to the RSF Mainframe in Theed. Go there now.

Once you return to the RSF Mainframe, select:

  • Old Republic Droid Modules (then)
  • Update droid location (will complete quest - then)
  • Re-access the Mainframe (then)
  • Choose Update: All Droid Modules Acquired

Following Quest: Bring the Droid Modules to Wilson Tchorshel >>

Following Quest: Bring the Droid Modules to Lt. Maximilian Vox >>
