You can find these criminals on Rori, they have their own hideout
Killing Cobral npcs will lower your faction with them.
Long repsawn wait time, up to 30 minutes
Neo-Cobral Assassin[]
Aggressive: No
Difficulty: Normal
Neo-Cobral Bandit[]
CL: 49
Aggressive: No
Difficulty: Normal
Neo-Cobral Boss[]
CL: 58
Aggressive: Yes
Difficulty: Normal
Social: Yes
Neo-Cobral Hitman[]
Aggressive: No
Difficulty: Normal
Neo-Cobral Runner[]
CL: 43-45
Aggressive: No
Difficulty: Normal
Neo-Cobral Thief[]
CL: 42
Aggressive: No
Difficulty: Normal
Neo-Cobral Thug[]
CL: 42
Aggressive: Yes
Difficulty: Normal