SWG Wiki

Mullud Bombo is a Gungan in Kaadara on Naboo who needs some help with a few tasks.

/way naboo 5046 6787 Mullud Bombo;

Deliver Survey Equipment[]

Reward: 25 Credits

Conversation with Mullud Bombo[]

Mullud Bombo: Heyo. Yousa be needin a task? My be needin someone to hep mesa. Yousa no needin to be smarty. Just needin to tek a gizmo to Naboo maxibig patron. Mesa be payen for de hep. Yousa hep mesa?
PC: I think you want me to deliver some equipment. To who exactly?
Mullud Bombo: Yousa needin to go to see Sentellus Gavrel. He be maxibig patron wit mooie mooie moolah. Mesa bosses tink wesa be needin to kiss hisan feet. Make mesa sick!
PC: Yes.
Mullud Bombo: Good. Mesa no like whensa dosen others tink dey so smarty den usan. Dey stinkowiff! But yousa seem okeyday.

  • Mullud needs some help making a quick delivery to a maxibig Naboo patron named Sentellus Gavrel
  • Take the survey he gives you to the location he provides you with, then return for your reward (he'll say something about medicine, but all you get are credits)
  • He has no other jobs for you

Conversation with Mullud Bombo[]

Mullud Bombo: Yousa done a berry good job. Here, tek dis medicine. It hep yousa feel bettah.
