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Mozo Bondog gives three quests. He is in the Imperial Prison on Dathomir.

/way -6313, 128, 734 Mozo Bondog;

You must be Imperial to do these quest, and at least Imperial Combatant or Imperial Special Forces to do get the quests.

Teras Kasi Master[]


  • 100 credits
  • 10 Imperial faction points


Recommended combat levels: 20 and higher

Conversation with Mozo Bondog[]

Mozo Bondog: Yeah? You lookin' for work? Great, I got work I'm dyin' to give you, 'cause if I had to do it myself, I'd be dyin', get me? Got a lot of escaped prisoners lately. One is -- let's see -- a "teras kasi master convicted of dangerous insurgent talk." Wanna go kill this escaped master for me?
PC: What do you know about this escaped teras kasi master?
Mozo Bondog: Me? I'm a security chief. I don't know nothin' about nobody. I just look at the manifests -- "oh look, another bunch got free and ran out into the wilds" -- and I send people after them. People like you. You interested in this job or not?
PC: Yes.
Mozo Bondog: Great. You just put a few blaster bolts in that wall-kicker and report back here for a nice reward.

A Teras Kasi master

a Teras Kasi master

Mozo Bondog sends you to kill and escaped prison, a Teras Kasi master.

Go to the waypoint he gives you, and kill the a Teras Kasi Master, and return to Mozo Bondog, to complete this mission.

Conversation with Mozo Bondog[]

Mozo Bondog: Yeah, I know you took out that teras kasi master. We got probe droids everywhere lookin' at everything. It's enough to make you spooked, ain't it? Well, here's your reward, and check back with me. We always got escaped prisoners around here.

Mercenary Warlord[]


  • 150 credits
  • 10 Imperial faction points


Recommended combat levels: 55 and higher

Conversation with Mozo Bondog[]

Mozo Bondog: This really stinks! Okay, another prisoner gets out, fine -- this one is, let's see, "a notorious mercenary warlord from Lok" -- but on the way out, this mighty warlord stole my favorite backpack! I hate that! I want you to find this warlord, do the whole fatality thing you did before, and bring me back that backpack. You up for that?
PC: Why is this backpack important to you?
Mozo Bondog: It's an old jet model once worn by a great bounty hunter, Viume Loggun. He's dead now. The jetpack doesn't actually work, which is kind of directly the reason he died. But it's a great souvenir, and I want it back from that stinkin' warlord who stole it.
PC: Who is the mercenary warlord?
Mozo Bondog: Beats me. Someone who, it says here, "led a brutal but unsuccessful assault on the Empire's outpost on Lok, commanded by General Otto." What kind of name is "Otto"? Well, never mind. Anything else you wanna know?
PC: The prisoner I defeated before mentioned a "wraith" in the prison. What is that about?
Mozo Bondog: "Wraith"? Like a ghost? Boy, you got me. I expect bein' in this lousy place does somethin' to the mind. I personally feel like my mind is as finely tuned as ever, but I'm made of sterner stuff than most. Anyway, about that backpack -- will you bring it back?
PC: Yes.
Mozo Bondog: Okay. Get out there, kill the warlord, and try to avoid damaging my backpack. Keep your priorities straight here, like I do.

A mercenary warlord

a mercenary warlord

Now Mozo Bondog sends you to kill a mercenary warlord, and retrieve his favorite backpack.

Go to the waypoint he gave you, and kill a mercenary warlord, Bondog's Backpack will appear in your inventory, return to Mozo Bondog for your reward.

Conversation with Mozo Bondog[]

Mozo Bondog: Hey! My backpack! Never thought I'd see it again. Okay, friend, you're officially my new favorite person. Tell you what, get in touch with me for more work when you want it.

Janta Clan Leader[]


  • 150 credits
  • 10 Imperial faction points


Recommended combat levels: 75 and higher

Conversation with Mozo Bondog[]

Mozo Bondog: Another escapee. I don't get it. Whadda they makin' these doors out of, eggshells? This one is -- lemme see -- "a notorious leader of the Janta clan on Dantooine." I'm seein' no percentage in goin' out into that wasteland after this nobody. I want you to take care of it, and I'll pay you outta my travel and entertainment budget.
PC: What can you tell me about this leader of the Janta clan?
Mozo Bondog: I got no idea who this prisoner is or why he, or possibly she, is here. But the prisoner escaped, and it's up to you to kill him, or conceivably her, before he (or maybe she) can get offworld. Okay?
PC: Why do prisoners keep escaping this prison?
Mozo Bondog: You got me! Not only do we have people gettin' out into the wilds, we got 'em literally disappearing out of the cells and vanishing totally -- I mean like into thin air. It's a weird planet, Dathomir is, and it makes this place weird just bein' here.
PC: The prisoners I defeated before talked about "wraiths" in the prison. What is that about?
Mozo Bondog: More about "wraiths," huh? We're hearin' that from some of the prisoners still inside, not that you'd think there's any left after all these escapes. The only guy I can think of who'd know something about that is one of our weirder prisoners, Dolac Legasi. If you take out this Janta clan leader for me, I'll let you talk to him, okay?
PC: Yes.
Mozo Bondog: Great. I'll wanna hear back from you here, just as soon as you dispose of this little clan leader thing.

A Janta clan leader

a Janta clan leader

Mozo Bondog sends you out to kill another escapee.

Go to the waypoint and kill a Janta clan leader.

Now return to Mozo Bondog for your reward, and he will now send you to do missions for Dolac Legasi.

Conversation with Mozo Bondog[]

Mozo Bondog: I gotta say, you do good work. Take this reward, and I wanna have you talk to a prisoner who may know somethin' about all these disappearances. Dolac Legasi, that's his name. Dolac won't talk to me -- he hates me, which is fine by me as long as he stays in his cell. Talk to him, see what you can find out about disappearances, take care of it, and I'll authorize more rewards. Okay?
