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This quest is one of the main quests of the revamped Nym's Theme Park (Game Update 16: Stronghold of the Lok Revenants). It directly follows the Legacy Quest.

<< Previous Quest: Bounty By Proxy

Level: 65
Rewards: 100 XP

Vana Sage of the Lok Revenants wants to speak with you.


Recommended combat levels: 1 and higher

Vana Sage: I've had my eye on you since you arrived on Lok. Looks like you handle yourself well enough. Stop by Nym's if you want to earn a little money.

Vana Sage[]

Vana Sage is located in Nym's palace (475 4773), in Nym's Stronghold. Vana will tell you about a ship that nose-dived onto Lok recently. The ship is of interest because it took off from an Imperial mining facility. Vana hopes to get hold of a droid that had once belonged to General Otto. You are sent to a contact who has all the info on the Sulphur Lake Pirates, whose base is located near to the crash site.

Conversation with Vana Sage[]

Vana Sage

Vana Sage

Vana Sage: Thanks for coming, %TU. The Lok Revenants are always in need of competent individuals.
PC: Who are you?
Vana Sage: I'm Vana Sage, I work for Nym as his Head of Security.
PC: Who is Nym?
Vana Sage: You must be joking... Nym is the most feared pirate in the Maramere system. He routed the Trade Federation from Lok and its neighboring planets right around the start of the Clone Wars, and he's maintained complete control over the spacelanes in this region ever since.  There's nobody with more power on Lok. And except for Jabba the Hutt, he's probably the most powerful alien in the Outer Rim.
PC: You have a job?
Vana Sage: There is something I'd like you to look into, if you can.  I recently intercepted a distress call from a starship that crashed-landed on Lok. Ships nose-dive into the planet all the time, but this one took off from an Imperial mining installation on Lok and never made it into the atmosphere. I think it slammed down near the hideout of the Sulfur Lake Pirates. I'm very interested in this vessel...
PC: Who are the Sulfur Lake Pirates?
Vana Sage: Probably the most bloodthirsty, least-intelligent pirates on Lok. Like all the other pirate bands, they are constantly trying to dethrone Nym as Lok's reigning pirate king. They hate Nym for taking control of all the nearby hyperspace routes and claim that he's working with the Imperials. The gravel maggots have been looking for an excuse to go to war with us for years...
PC: You intercepted a distress call?
Vana Sage: Yes. As part of my duties, I monitor comlink and transceiver activity around the system. We don't want a Star Destroyer sneaking up on us, do we? Anyway, this particular starship interests me because it was carrying Imperial cargo. A droid, in fact, that was once owned by General Otto at an Imperial base here on Lok.
PC: What's so special about this droid?
Vana Sage: Probably nothing, but as an Imperial droid, it might be carrying some very interesting data.  Shipping schedules, guard rosters, prisoner transfer information, schematics for some terrifying super weapon... Anything the droid knows could be sold on the black market or traded back to Otto for a favor down the road. It might also tell us something about that Imperial mining facility, which we haven't been able to infiltrate.
PC: And the reward?
Vana Sage: You'd be rewarded a fair rate if you could secure that droid's memory module.
PC: I'll recover the module. Where can I find this droid?
Vana Sage: I have scouts out now. I have a feeling the Sulfur Lake Pirates may get their hands on the droid before us. If so, this easy scavenge job will turn into an infiltration of their hideout. Still interested?
PC: Sure.
Vana Sage: I am sending you to meet with a person who used to work with the pirates. See if you can glean any  inside information.
PC: Where to?
Vana Sage: Not too far. Meet Choster at the Stronghold Cantina. In case you haven't been there, I've placed a waypoint in your datapad.

Following Quest: Speak with Choster >>
