This space station regulates all space traffic entering and leaving Lok, the planetary stronghold of the pirate king Nym.
Repairs available: 100%
Landing zones:
Available missions:
- Tier 2 story-driven missions for Alliance Pilots
- Tier 2 duty missions for Alliance Pilots (once story missions are completed)
Destroy Duty Missions[]
- Tier 3 Imperial patrols
- Tier 3 Rebel patrols
- Tier 3 Hidden Dagger Pirates
- Tier 3 Rogue Droids
- Tier 5 Imperial patrols
- Tier 5 Rebel patrols
Story missions[]
Conversation with Lok Space Station[]
Lok Space Station: Greets to you! And welcome to the Lok Station. What are you needing today?
PC: I'm looking for work.
Lok Space Station: I've got something for you. So... we had acquired some Imperial 'guests' in the compound and needed to get them to a safe place.
PC: You say, 'had'. I take it something came up.
Lok Space Station: Doesn't it always? Some Storm Squadron operatives captured our transport, and the 'guests'.
PC: I can see where I come in. You want me to get them back?
Lok Space Station: Bingo. Are you up to the task?
PC: You bet.
Lok Space Station: I will transfer you to our special operations guy, he can handle the mission details.
Lok System: Contention[]
Level: 0
Rewards: 10000 credits
- The Storm Squadron, an elite group of Imperial Pilots, have recovered a number of Imperial prisoners in transit to a safe location. Go liberate that transport from the Imperials and get it back on track.
Conversation with Lok Space Station[]
Lok Space Station: Greets to you! And welcome to the Lok Station. What are you needing today?
PC: I'm looking for work.
Lok Space Station: Something new has come up.
PC: I'm interested in some work, start talking.
Lok Space Station: My contacts in the stronghold tell me that a transport carrying some very important people will be traveling out of the system soon and they need an escort.
PC: Sounds dangerous.
Lok Space Station: It will be. Every time we take out a mole, some other information leak opens up around here. I am constantly amazed at how efficient Imperial Intelligence is.
PC: So what are the details?
Lok Space Station: The Kimogila's Claw will be making their departure soon and you will fly with them to their hyperspace jump point.
PC: That's it?
Lok Space Station: Imperial attack is expected, this won't be a snooze assignment.
PC: I'm ready for anything. Let the Kimogila's Claw know to expect me.
Lok Space Station: I've notified Vestil Kwass to expect you. I trust you enjoyed working with him before.
Lok System: Shelter from the Storm[]
Level: 0
Rewards: 10000 credits
- With mounting pressure from the Empire, Nym has called in several of his highest ranking Captains to mount directed operations against the Empire and Storm Squadron forces operating in the Lok System. You are charged to protect this transport at all costs.
Conversation with Lok Space Station[]
Lok Space Station: Greets to you! And welcome to the Lok Station. What are you needing today?
PC: I'm looking for work.
Lok Space Station: I have a job for you, if you are interested.
PC: I am interested in your credits. So what little thing is keeping the two of us apart?
Lok Space Station: Hey, around here a love of money is a virtue.
PC: Right, so Storm Squadron has you in a fit again.
Lok Space Station: Not yet. And we would like to keep it that way. They are flying an Imperial Scan Freighter through the system soon.
PC: Capture?
Lok Space Station: Destroy. We already know all that they hope to learn, so what use are they to us? We want them to be blind to our actions. Enough chatter, are you up for it?
PC: Destroying a helpless freighter, sounds like easy money.
Lok Space Station: Don't expect them to be alone. The Imperials can be wasteful, but never count on them being stupid.
Lok System: Blessed Obscurity[]
Level: 0
Rewards: 10000 credits
- The secrecy of operations in the Lok System is vital. Destroy an Imperial Scanner as they pass through the system to deny the Empire of vial information.
After completing these missions, you get access to two new duty missions.
Conversation with Lok Space Station[]
Lok Space Station: Greets to you! And welcome to the Lok Station. What are you needing today?
PC: I'm looking for work.
Lok Space Station: Hey, you know we've always got something special for you to do, %NU! Those Storm Squadron thugs are always hassling us around here. If you're not in the mood for that sort of rumble, maybe you could get our gunships through to upgrade their reactors.
PC: I'll take on Storm Squadron.
Lok Space Station: Ho-yeah! They won't know what hit them! Good luck, %NU!
Lok System: Duty: Destroy the Storm Squadron Fighters[]
Level: 0
Rewards: 200 credits
- Imperial Storm Squadron fighters have infested the Lok System. Destroy them to preserve our pirate rights.
Conversation with Lok Space Station[]
Lok Space Station: Greets to you! And welcome to the Lok Station. What are you needing today?
PC: I'm looking for work.
Lok Space Station: Hey, you know we've always got something special for you to do, %NU! Those Storm Squadron thugs are always hassling us around here. If you're not in the mood for that sort of rumble, maybe you could get our gunships through to upgrade their reactors.
PC: I'll get our gunships through.
Lok Space Station: Go to it, %NU! Our gunships demand respect from the enemies of Nym, but the factory models never really cut it.
Lok System: Duty: Transport the Damaged Gunship[]
Level: 0
Rewards: 2500 credits
- A Nym Gunship with a badly damaged reactor needs escort out of the system. We expect heavy resistance from Storm Squadron fighters.