A peaceful settlement...

Stay alert though...
There's a little town on Lok that will really spice up your PvP battles: Kimogila Town . It's a great place for an open ground running gun battle, but you better be aware of what's happening around you! Located on the edge of town, the hills of this little hamlet serves as a home to ferocious Kimogilas! You'll have to keep your eyes on your opponent and the native lizards if you want to survive!
/way lok -70 2650 Kimogila Town;
The Kimogilas[]
These monstrosities are formidable, boss level creatures, that require effort for even CL 90's to take down.
This is the only place to aquire Giant Dune Kimogila Scales for RIS Armor. However, unlike the Reclusive Gurk King Hide, the drop of the scale is not guaranteed at every kill, but the re-spawn timer is shorter by far.
Herald NPC: a commoner (/way 430, 13, 5137)
Conversation with a commoner[]
a commoner: Hello there. I'm in the business of selling food and have just found out my new courier might have quit. I have an important customer who has placed a large order for some specialty foods, but I won't be able to fill that order. Could you go out to them and see if they got the message from my courier?
PC: What kind of specialty food do they buy?
a commoner: An odd assortment of different meats is what they always order. And by the ton, too! Boy, they sure do go through a lot food! I wonder what they're feeding out there? Oh well! I'm just concerned that nothing's happened to my courier. Can you do this for me?
PC: Sure, I'll do it for you.
a commoner: Thank you for having a heart. This is where I always have the food delivered, so you should be able to find someone there you can talk to. If you see my courier, please let him know that he still has a job as long as he comes back.