Kim Nazith is an NPC located in Dee'ja Peak, Naboo. She will respond only to on duty Rebels. She has three assassination tasks for you to complete for credits and GCW points.
/wp naboo 4972 -1583 Kima Nazith
Mission 1[]
Reward: 25 credits
Conversation with Kima Nazith[]
Kima Nazith: I'm Kima Nazith, the Senator's bodyguard. I was told that you were a capable agent willing to help insure Senator Naberrie's safety. There's a matter that I cannot attend to myself so I could certainly use your help. The Imperials have bought off one of our Gungan informants. This individual is being escorted to Mal Sikander even as we speak. If this Gungan talks, we could all be in big trouble. Can I rely on you to neutralize this threat?
PC: What is this Gungan's name?
Kima Nazith: The Gungan is Benbul Leedee and he can identify dozens of our covert operatives all over Naboo. He must be silenced.
PC: Yes.
Kima Nazith: Good. The Gungan is likely to have a small stormtrooper escort. Be prepared for a fight.
Kill a Gungan [Escort: 2 Imperial Troopers]
Conversation with Kima Nazith[]
Kima Nazith: Good work. You're as good as your recommendation. We could use more like you around here.
Mission 2[]
Reward: 50 credits
Conversation with Kima Nazith[]
Kima Nazith: I've just received word that Sikander has hired a bounty hunter to bring in Senator Naberrie, dead or alive. I doubt the bounty hunter knows that she's hiding here but given enough time he'll find out. I need you to neutralize this threat to the Senator's life. Can you do it?
PC: Who is this bounty hunter?
Kima Nazith: He's a Trandoshan named Hrodius Goragg. He has connections with Bossk but I don't believe he's called in his comrade on this bounty. We need to remove this killer quickly.
PC: Yes.
Kima Nazith: This bounty hunter is cunning and tough. Don't stop blasting until you're certain he's dead. Good luck.
Kill a Bounty Hunter [Escort: 2 Imperial Troopers, 2 Stormtroopers]
Conversation with Kima Nazith[]
Kima Nazith: Well struck, friend. You should consider going into the bodyguard business. You're good.
Mission 3[]
Reward: 75 credits
Conversation with Kima Nazith[]
Kima Nazith: Sikander didn't take kindly to the removal of his bounty hunter. He's sent one of his assassins to investigate Dee'ja Peak. This guy's bad news and we can't afford to let him get here. I've come to rely on your skills to handle these situations. Think you can tackle this one?
PC: Who exactly are we talking about?
Kima Nazith: His name is Kunn Kuroosh and all I know for certain is that his targets rarely survive and there are rumors that he's a Sith sorcerer. Don't take any chances with this guy. A thermal detonator would probably be the best weapon.
PC: Yes.
Kima Nazith: That's what I thought you'd say. Take my advice, though, and bring along some trusted companions. This assassin will not go down easily and has unusual powers at his disposal. May the Force be with you.
Kill a Sith Sorcerer (CL 80 elite) [Escort: 4 Stormtroopers]
Conversation with Kima Nazith[]
Kima Nazith: You're a warrior's warrior, friend. I owe you a big favor, and on behalf of the Senator and the Naboo Resistance, I thank you.