Deconstructable Jinkins J-1 Rifle

Crafted Jinkins J-1 Rifle
The Jinkins J-1 Rifle is given as a Tradable deconstructable collection reward for the new content added in Game Update 16 along with the expansion of Nym's Theme Park.
How To Obtain[]
You can get this gun by doing the expansion of Nym's Theme Park. To be more specific you must complete all of the badges required to fulfill the Nym's Theme Park Content Master Collection.
The Deconstructed Schematic can be taken to a Munitions Trader to have rebuild. The required resources needed to craft the Rifle are listed below:
- Requires 150 units of Ditanium Steel
- Requires 85 units of Polonium Iron
- Requires 20 units of Polymer
- Requires 15 units of Gallinorian Rainbow Gem Crystalline Gemstone
- Requires 30 units of Alantium Carbonate Ore
- Requires 1 Advanced Ranged Weapon Core
- Requires 1 Gas Cartridge
- Requires 1 Advanced Projectile Rifle Barrel
- Requires 1 Elemental Chamber (Optional)
- Requires 1 Ranged Weapon Augmentation Device (Optional)
- Requires 1 Ranged Weapon Enhancement Device (Optional)
- Requires 1 Weapon Power Bit (Optional)
- Requires 1 Advanced Weapon Stock (Optional)