SWG Wiki

A Jawa

Jawas are humanoid creatures found on Tatooine. Most Jawas are unattackable and serve no purpose, however, in some quests you must kill a hostile group of Jawas (In doing so, will lose points with the Jawa faction). If you have a faction rating lower than -4000 with the Jawas, they will attack on sight. Enemies of the Jawa faction are the Tusken Raiders, killing them will make your rating higher with the Jawas.

There are many ruins of destroyed Sand Crawlers all over Tatooine, as most are defenseless compared to most species on Tatooine.

Any friends of these creature should view the Jawa Protection Guild page.

Jawa Engineer[]

Planet: Tatooine
Location: (area)
Natural CL: ##
Difficulty: Normal/Elite/Boss
Combat: weapons/skills
Notes: social/deathblow/aggressive/quest related

Jawa Smuggler[]

Planet: Tatooine
Location: (area)
Natural CL: ##
Difficulty: Normal/Elite/Boss
Combat: weapons/skills
Notes: social/deathblow/aggressive/quest related

Jawa Thief[]

Planet: Tatooine
Location: (area)
Natural CL: ##
Difficulty: Normal/Elite/Boss
Combat: weapons/skills
Notes: social/deathblow/aggressive/quest related

Note: For details on HAM levels, armor, and defense see Creature & NPC Combat Level Chart.

