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This article relates to an element of Star Wars Galaxies prior to the New Game Enhancements. It is no longer accurate and remains for historical purposes only. |

Jabba's Palace
The Jabba Themepark is a fairly easy set of missions with reasonable rewards and is quite straightforward. With buffs and armour I believe someone with lvl 4 in a marksman chain could complete this mission set. It takes place at the Jabba Palace POI on Tatooine
You don't need to worry about Hutt faction points (I did it with -1700), you do need to worry about Jabba faction points, which must be at least 200 to start the missions.
To get positive Jabba faction points do the following:
- take Valarian missions or just kill the random valarians around the palace
- go to Mos Eisley and find lots of respawning valarians near the Lucky Despot.
Here is the set of missions, what you will encounter there, who you get them from and the rewards (note, the rewards are what I got, if you got something different, post it here):
Reelo Baruk[]

Reelo Baruk
Mission 1[]
- 50 credits
Conversation with Reelo Baruk[]
Reelo Baruk: New here eh? Well, I've got a problem you can help me with. Some of those nasty Tuskens are starting to get brazen, hanging out too close to the palace. Jabba hates that. If you can go take care of them, I'll see what else I can find for you. Deal?
PC: Tuskens? I don't understand.
Reelo Baruk: You know, the Sand People? They wear those dirty robes and carry spiked clubs? Heads wrapped in bandages? But just take care of the leader and we'll call it done. Deal?
PC: Deal. I'll get to it.
Reelo Baruk: Good. Just take care of the leader and I'll take care of ya.
Go to the waypoint and kill the Tusken Leader and a Tusken raider.
Conversation with Reelo Baruk[]
Reelo Baruk: Good work. I'm impressed. Come back later and I'll find some more work for you. Oh, but here, take this for your help.
Mission 2[]
- 150 credits
Conversation with Reelo Baruk[]
Reelo Baruk: Oh, it's you. Good timing. I got something you can do for me. There's some thugs that work for Lady Valarian hanging out around the palace. I don't know what they're up to, but Jabba wants them, you know, taken care of. Can I count on you again?
PC: Who's Lady Valarian?
Reelo Baruk: She's a lowlife, small-time gangster that operates out of the Lucky Despot in Mos Eisley. She's a constant thorn in Jabba's side, so whenever we get the chance, we do some damage to her operations. So, can you help?
PC: Of course. I'll get right to it.
Reelo Baruk: Great. I'll give you their last known location and you can take care of it. When you get back I'll see what else we have that needs to be done.
Go to the waypoint and kill the five Valarian's Thieves.
Conversation with Reelo Baruk[]
Reelo Baruk: Excellent work. I hear people talking about you in the halls now. You're going to move up in this operation, I can feel it.
Mission 3[]

High Caliber Projectile Pistol Barrel

Bile Soaked Rancor Tooth
- 25 Jabba faction points
- 6 High Caliber Projectile Pistol Barrels or 4 Bile Soaked Rancor Teeth
Conversation with Reelo Baruk[]
Reelo Baruk: Good to see you again. Jabba's has a friend wandering out in the desert, trying to find the palace with a busted datapad and no sense of direction. I need you to go out there and find this guy and bring him back. Or maybe it's a girl... I can't remember. Can you go get him? Or her?
PC: Who is this friend?
Reelo Baruk: I don't know... somebody delivering something to Jabba, or bringing Jabba some info, or maybe credits, or something. Everything's a big secret around here usually, so this lack of information is pretty standard. I just need to know if you can go get them back here...
PC: Sure. I'll be back soon.
Reelo Baruk: Thanks. You've saved my hide. If Jabba's friend doesn't get here, somebody's going to be breakfast for the Sarlacc, and it could easily end up bein' me!
Escort the NPC named Jabba's Visitor. You will be attacked by four Valarian's Thieves.
Conversation with Reelo Baruk[]
Reelo Baruk: You do good work. I'll let Ree-Yees know that I'm putting you on our available roster of employees and you can see what he has for you to do. You know, I had reward for you.. ah here it is.
Ree Yees[]

Mission 1[]
- 250 credits
Conversation with Ree Yees[]
Ree Yees: Are you looking at me!? You want a job, is that it? Okay, look, Jabba is missing a slicer since his last one had a little bit of an accident with the rancor. Well, Jabba wants this one slicer, Sirad Far, in his pocket and he knows the best way to do it would be to help take out Sirad's rivals. You wanna help out with this?
PC: What does this slicer do that Jabba wants him?
Ree Yees: Why do you care, huh? All you need to know is that Jabba wants Sirad in his pockets - er- folds. Between you and me, though, Bib says that this Sirad guy is supposed to be one of the best here on Tatooine. If Jabba does Sirad a favor, Sirad's gonna need to do Jabba some too. So, you wanna prove yourself around here or not?
PC: Tell Jabba I'll deal with Sirad's rivals personally.
Ree Yees: Good move, worrt. Here's where you can find Sirad's competition. Finish them off, and maybe I'll tell Bib you have a spine.
You have to kill Raf Daris and three Valarian's Thieves.
Conversation with Ree Yees[]
Ree Yees: Huh, you actually did it... I'll let Bib know you're tougher than you look. And maybe I'll give you another job in the future, worrt.
Mission 2[]
- 350 credits
Conversation with Ree Yees[]
Ree Yees: Hey, worrt! I gotta 'nother job for you. Bib just got word of some vessel that crashed out in the dunes nearby the Palace. Jabba says he wants the transponder from that craft. You wanna run out there and grab it for him?
PC: Why does he only want the transponder?
Ree Yees: I don't know why he wants it. Do I look like Jabba to you? Maybe once you get it, he'll tell you. Then again, maybe not. Just get it, okay?
PC: Sure, I'll get that transponder for him.
Ree Yees: From what Bib said, it shouldn't be too far off from here. If anyone else got to it before you do, let them know that Jabba owns all the space debris on this planet. If they don't give it up on their own, take it from them, if you know what I mean.
Kill the four Jawas to retrieve the Broken Instrument Calibrator.
Conversation with Ree Yees[]
Ree Yees: Good work, worrt. Jabba's gonna be real happy to see that the transponder wasn't damaged in the crash. I don't know what he wants with it, but he'll be real happy, I'm sure. Oh, and by the way, we decided you needed a reward.
Mission 3[]
- 50 Jabba faction points
- Mabari Steelweave Helmet or Mabari Steelweave Chest Plate or Mabari Steelweave Pants
Conversation with Ree Yees[]
Ree Yees: Good news, worrt. Jabba says that transponder is exactly what he was looking for. Now Jabba is going to see if this Sirad Far guy was worth all the effort. Take the transponder to Sirad Far so he can slice into the codes on this thing, okay?
PC: What is Jabba planning on doing with the transponder once Sirad's done with it?
Ree Yees: I heard Jabba say that the type of ship that crashed meets the same specifications as Jabba's own personal starship. I think what Jabba's trying to do is have this transponder hooked up on his ship so that Jabba can transmit a false identity whenever he wants. That Hutt is sly, I must admit.
PC: Sounds easy enough. Yeah, I'll get the job done.
Ree Yees: Yeah, I knew you'd want to do it. Sirad's been told he's got a package showing up, so he's waiting. Get this over to him, and get it to him fast, you hear?
Deliver the Broken Instrument Calibrator to Sirad Far. You won't be attacked.
Sirad Far: Hey, are you the guy old Reesy-Yeesy sent?
Sirad Far: That transponder should be just fine for Jabba's purposes.
Conversation with Ree Yees[]
Ree Yees: You know what, worrt? Word has been going around that Jabba and Bib are real happy over this Sirad Fal deal. Just don't go thinking that you can have my job. Worrt or no worrt, I'll still smash yer face if you play games with me. But you've done good, so next time we're in a cantina, I'll buy us a round of bantha blasters!
After these missions you can enter Jabba's Palace and get to the entrance of the throne room to take a peek at Jabba. Access to the throne room of Jabba is granted after Barada.
Ephant Mon[]
Ephant Mon in Jabba's Palace
Mission 1[]
- 450 credits
Conversation with Ephant Mon[]
Ephant Mon: Hngh. You want a job, eh? You want to serve Jabba? Valarian's thugs are makin' loud threats 'bout hurtin' some of Jabba's "customers". They need to learn to be quiet.. Go silence them. For good. Do you understand?
PC: Why can't Jabba's customers protect themselves?
Ephant Mon: Jabba protects anyone willin' to pay for it. I'm not gonna let Lady Valarian's thugs try to make Jabba look weak. So, you're gonna show everyone on this planet that payin' Jabba protection fee is worth every credit. You're up for the job, right?
PC: Yes, I think I understand. I'll be happy to take care of them.
Ephant Mon: Once you shut 'em up, return here to let me know.
Go to the waypoint and kill the Valarian Thug and the Valarian's Thief.
Conversation with Ephant Mon[]
Ephant Mon: I hear you took care of our little problem. Jabba's clients will be glad to hear it. Good job. Perhaps, you come back to me for future assignments, hmm?
Mission 2[]
- 550 credits
Conversation with Ephant Mon[]
Ephant Mon: Ngh. You back? Good. Jabba wants revenge against Valarian. You're gonna find and punish one of her couriers. You wanna do this small favor for Jabba?
PC: What is so special about this courier?
Ephant Mon: The courier is nobody. Just another mercenary who needed a job. But Jabba wants what the courier is carryin'. The package has financial information from Valarian's compound. We can use that information to ruin her.
PC: If Jabba needs this done, then I'm the one for the job.
Ephant Mon: Good. That courier is carryin' a special package. Bring the package back to me. An' make sure the courier is dead. We're sendin' a loud message to Valarian. She better learn to keep her snout outta Jabba's business, or it's gonna get chopped off.
Go to the waypoint and kill the Valarian Courier and two thugs to loot a ledger.
Conversation with Ephant Mon[]
Ephant Mon: Ah, you have the ledger. Good. Jabba's spies say that Valarian is foaming after losing it. Take this reward for all your help.
Mission 3[]
- 75 Jabba faction points
- Advertisement or Portrait of a Twi'lek Female
Conversation with Ephant Mon[]
Ephant Mon: Hurn. We have a problem with the stolen ledger. Bib Fortuna can't make snout nor stump of the ledger's code....again. But Jabba has a code-slicer in his pocket. Jabba wants you to take the ledger to this slicer, Sirad Far. You gonna take this assignment?
PC: What's so hard about reading a simple bank ledger?
Ephant Mon: Jabba's spies are morons. None of 'em knew that the ledger was written in code. Valarian is using an obscure form of Old Drall in that book, an' nobody here can read it. Fortunately, Jabba has a big brain named Sirad Far on the payroll. Jabba's been helpin' Far with a few of his problems, and now Sirad's more than happy to read the ledger for the Hutt..
PC: I don't want to see Jabba angry. I'll do it.
Ephant Mon: Good choice, friend. Take this ledger to Sirad Far, who is waitin' for you. I hear Sirad wants to thank you personally for helpin' with some of his former...associates. Leave the ledger with him, then come back to the palace.
Deliver the ledger to Sirad Far. You will be attacked by a Valarian's assassin.
Conversation with Ephant Mon[]
Ephant Mon: Jabba has heard your name. Keep showin' your loyalty and I'm sure you'll be invited to join his court. Maybe you can find more to do to keep on his good side. Try Porcellus, he may have some work.
Talking to Porcellus
Mission 1[]
- 650 credits
Conversation with Porcellus[]
Porcellus: Hm, hm, hmmm... yes, yes, you just might be the person I'm looking for. I'm Porcellus, cook extraordinaire, chef to Senators and Royals alike, and now... *sigh*... slave to Jabba. Jabba has requested a meal more exotic than his usual fare, and I have just the idea. Would you gather some special meat for me?
PC: What kind of meat are we talking about here?
Porcellus: For Jabba's dinner tonight, I am preparing him a succulent plate of charbroiled sand-maggot kidneys, served with a chilled carafe of fermented worrt milk. Is this elegant meal enough for him? NO! Jabba wants kaduu meat, which he heard Prefect Talmont is importing for a regal Imperial party he's hosting. Bah! He's so finicky!
PC: A full belly keeps Jabba happy, I hear. Sure, I'll do it.
Porcellus: I am quite overjoyed to hear you can help! Prefect Talmont has paid a lot of credits to have a kaadu transported here to Tatooine. After it's unloaded and is being escorted to Prefect Talmont's mansion, all you need to do is intercept Talmont's toadies, kill the beastie, and bring me back a good slice from its haunches. I'll wait, friend.
Kill the Kaadu to loot the Petrified Avian Egg. The beast is escorted by two mercenaries.
Conversation with Porcellus[]
Porcellus: *Sniiiiiiiffff* Mmmm... Kaadu meat exudes such a wonderful aroma, wouldn't you say. Now, all this needs is a little spice coating, some... hrm... oil, yes oil would be good, hmm.... more spices, yes... and a little...ahhh, yesss... Eopie cheese... and voila - Kaadu Krunchies! I'll let you know if Jabba enjoyed his 'exotic' meal! Thank you! Here, take this as a reward.
Mission 2[]
- 750 credits
Conversation with Porcellus[]
Porcellus: Since Jabba loved his Kaadu Krunchies, he now wants to feast upon a rare beastie here on Tatooine. He has sent scouts to find that oh so elusive Meat Beast. Word came back one of the scouts spotted the Meat Beast, but it's being studied by some official looking "veterinarian", whatever that is. Take down that vet and see if he has the location of the creature.
PC: What in the heck is a 'Meat Beast'?
Porcellus: Well, I'm not too sure what the Meat Beast is. Rumor has it, though, that whoever eats a bite of it will never get indigestion ever again! Supposedly it's got big horns, two tails, eight eyes, nine legs, and fangs the size of a Jawa. Then again, maybe not. Who knows? What I do know is that when I'm done with it, it'll be quite tasty, indeed.
PC: No problem! I'll go get it for you.
Porcellus: Good, good, good. Now, from what the scout said, the "vet" shouldn't be too far. Then again, that's information from one of Bib Fortuna's men so, you know... Remember you don't need to bring back the "veterinarian"'s body, just bring back his datapad. If the guy was smart, he probably recorded where he spotted the Meat Beast!
Kill the Veterinarian to loot the Broken Datapad. The Veterinarian is escorted by two bodyguards.
Conversation with Porcellus[]
Porcellus: You brought the datapad back! Did you see any sign of the Meat Beast anywhere when you were out there? Nah, I guess that was too much to expect. Well, either way, I'll have Bib decode this pad to see if the veterinarian left any information as to where its lair is. Thank you, friend! As a gift I'm giving you this out of my own pocket.
Mission 3[]
- 100 Jabba faction points
- Schematic: Crafter's Apron
Conversation with Porcellus[]
Porcellus: What exciting news! They had actually tracked down the Meat Beast to its lair! Aren't you brimming with excitement?! All you need to do now is go track down the Meat Beast at these coordinates, kill it, and bring back its fabled meat! Does that sound good to you?
PC: Why are you so excited about making this 'Meat Beast' into a meal?
Porcellus: What? Can you not see? I have won the Golden Spatula award 3 years in a row when I was a Master Chef on Coruscant! If I whip up a scrumptious pate made from the Meat Beast, maybe the story will spread to other worlds. This may be my one chance for my colleagues to know I'm trapped here in this Palace!!!
PC: Sure! I can't wait to see this 'Meat Beast'!
Porcellus: Ohhh, excellent, excellent, excellent! Go track down that beastie and bring me back a good chunk from its haunches or ribs or wherever! Now.... what shall I make? A pate, perhaps? No, no, too gauche for his tastes. Ah! A fine Meat Beast pudding! Yes! Hmm? Are you still here? Go, go! Get me that Meat Beast, friend!
Go to the waypoint and kill the dewback named Meat Beast (clvl 21) to collect the chicken leg.
Conversation with Porcellus[]
Porcellus: Oh, how wonderful! Good, good! The meat is still in wonderful condition! I will be known galaxy-wide for my Meat Beast Pudding! And then, and then... maybe my fellow chefs might mount a rescue team to save me from wasting my talents on this horrid slug! Thank you once again, friend! Here, you can have this for all your help.
Barada in the garage
Mission 1[]
- 850 credits
Conversation with Barada[]
Barada: Hey you! I heard you been doing favors for Jabba's cronies. Maybe you can help me, huh? I got a plan to earn my freedom from Jabba. But first I need to grab a special code cylinder from one of Valarian's thugs. You think you can get that cylinder for me?
PC: What are you planning? Something I shouldn't know about?
Barada: Don't ask so many questions. I'll tell you what you need to know, when you need to know it.
PC: Sure. I've already dealt with her thugs in the past. This shouldn't be a problem.
Barada: Good, good. Here's where you can find the roughneck. Once you've settled your business, bring me that code cylinder. Meanwhile, I've got to get back to working on Jabba's collection of repulsorlifts, or he might decide he doesn't need me anymore, if you know what I'm sayin'...
Go to the waypoint and kill the Valarian Thug to obtain the Corrupt Datadisk.
Conversation with Barada[]
Barada: Good work gettin' that cylinder. I knew you were looking for the trouble. Let me make sure this thing isn't wired, and then we'll talk about the next part of my plan. And here, I had these laying around, I figured you've earned a little bonus.
Mission 2[]
- 950 credits
Conversation with Barada[]
Barada: This is the cylinder I wanted, but I can't crack the code. I need someone to take the cylinder to a scientist I know. He can decode it. Want the job?
PC: The suspense is killing me. What's your scientist friend going to do with the code cylinder?
Barada: I need this cylinder scanned for security measures. I don't want to be walking into any traps. And I'll need copies made. It's all part of my plan. But quit asking questions and just get to work.
PC: This is beginning to sound interesting. Count me in!
Barada: Good. Take the cylinder to my friend. Check back with me after you've delivered it.
Deliver the Corrupt Datadisk to Tiem Rutnar. There is no opposition.
Tiem Rutnar: That's the code Barada's looking for. Let me know what happens.
Conversation with Barada[]
Barada: My friend contacted me. The cylinder is clean and copies have been made. I'm thinkin' you can be trusted to handle the next phase of my plan. Oh, and one of the Gamorrean's stumbled across this. He wouldn't say where he got em, but I suspect there's a visitor missing. Heh, I'll give it to you.
Mission 3[]

Gamorrean Battleaxe
- 125 Jabba faction points
- Gamorrean Battleaxe
Conversation with Barada[]
Barada: Good work. The cylinder had a self-destruct code for one of Lady Valarian's storehouses. I'll give you the coordinates to the warehouse, but you'll need to punch in the code. Then run.
PC: What do these codes do?
Barada: There's a terminal there that has a self destruct sequence on it. Just set it and get out of there.
PC: I've come this far, haven't I? I'll see this to the end!
Barada: Good. You're earnin' my trust. When you're done, come back here and tell me all about the blast. And don't forget to run.
Destroy the Valarian Warehouse and kill the four Valarian's assassin.
Conversation with Barada[]
Barada: Good work! Tell me everything. Was it loud? How hot was it? Was the explosion a ball of flame, or a column of fire? I wish I could have been there! Anyway, Jabba thinks my plan was a good one. He's promised me my freedom, but I still got a debt to work off... Oh, but I do have this for you.
Bib Fortuna[]
Bib Fortuna
Mission 1[]
- 1050 credits
Conversation with Bib Fortuna[]
Bib Fortuna: His Excellency has requested your assistance, and I know you will be happy to please Jabba. An associate of His Excellency is expected here soon, but we don't want him leading any unwanted miscreants to the palace. Find Romo Vax and bring him here safely, and you will fulfill Jabba's wishes.
PC: Why has Jabba chosen me?
Bib Fortuna: You have attracted Jabba's attention. He favors those who exhibit great boldness. I have advised Jabba that only you can perform this task. Are you truly prepared to disappoint Jabba?
PC: I will bring Jabba's contact here safely.
Bib Fortuna: Jabba will be pleased to hear that you have so graciously offered your time. But if Romo Vax is harmed in any way, Jabba will not be so pleased. And take care that no one follows you back to the palace! I'm sure Romo has a great many enemies...
Go to the waypoint and escort Romo Vax. There is no opposition.
Conversation with Bib Fortuna[]
Bib Fortuna: Excellent. Jabba will be pleased to learn that his associate has arrived unharmed. You have performed your duty well, which will be reported to His Excellency. I will inform him now.
Mission 2[]
- 1150 credits
Conversation with Bib Fortuna[]
Bib Fortuna: YOU FOOL! Romo was being pursued by a bounty hunter, and you've led the mercenary here! My informants tell me that the bounty hunter is nearing the Palace even as we speak. You have but one chance to save yourself from Jabba's Rancor. Kill the bounty hunter before he reaches Romo Vax!
PC: Why didn't you tell me about the bounty hunter before?
Bib Fortuna: Surely you are not frightened by a mere bounty hunter, are you? Hmmm... perhaps I was wrong about you? Should I let Jabba know that you are not qualified for any jobs that require violence?
PC: Don't worry, Romo will be safe. I can handle a bounty hunter.
Bib Fortuna: It will be in your best interests to make certain that bounty hunter is dealt with before he can reach the Palace. I will distract Jabba long enough for you to clean up your mess. Let me know when you have attended to the matter.
Kill Hizram Riean and two thugs.
Hizram Riean: Where is Romo Vax? You can't hide him forever!
Conversation with Bib Fortuna[]
Bib Fortuna: The bounty hunter has been eliminated? Good. If you do not wish to become Jabba's dinner entertainment, you will learn from your carelessness. His Excellency does not enjoy hearing bad news. If I am caused distress such as this again, I will blast you myself. But we may still gain from this. Let me devise a new scheme. Return to me later. Also, Ephant Mon wanted you to have this.
Mission 3[]
- 1250 credits
Conversation with Bib Fortuna[]
Bib Fortuna: Jabba and Romo Vax have been engaged in conversation for a while now. Since I am his majordomo, I must run Jabba's operation for him while he is unavailable. You will need to get in touch with one of my contacts and bring me a schematic he claims will make my job much easier. You wish to do this for me and Jabba, correct?
PC: How will this schematic make your job easier?
Bib Fortuna: This schematic may help create a means for me to solve my day's annoyances. If this schematic does what my contact says it does, then Jabba will never again have to fret his bloated - I mean - beautiful head over people trying to betray him... ever again. If you do this for me, I have a good feeling you will go far within my - er - his Palace.
PC: Yeah, I'll do it as long as it pays well.
Bib Fortuna: If what my contact says is true, then yes... yes, the pay off will be well worth it. Now, go track him down, for he is in hiding after getting ahold of his plan. You will find him nearby, so you should depart as soon as possible. I know you will bring me back this schematic safe and sound.
Go to the waypoint and retrieve the Locked Briefcase from Naeton Baykurr.
Conversation with Bib Fortuna[]
Bib Fortuna: Now...let me look at this schematic. Mmmhm. Yes, I see. Mmmhm. Hmm? What? No! This is nothing as he had said. Blast it! This will never work! Aaargh! Wonderful... another of my day's annoyances. Very well, then. You have done what we agreed, therefore you will be compensated. I will speak with you later. What? Your reward? Ah, here, take this.
Mission 4[]
- 150 Jabba faction points
- Schematic: Exquisite Dancer's Leotard or Schematic: Demolitionist's Belt
Conversation with Bib Fortuna[]
Bib Fortuna: My *now* FORMER contact has been paid for a faulty product. Since he was unable to produce what he promised, he will NOT be paid for his failure. He has been allowed to run a small time slaving operation here on Tatooine, but his 'charter' will now be revoked. Go out there and remove him and his band from Tatooine... permanently.
PC: Does Jabba know about this?
Bib Fortuna: You ask a lot of questions, my friend. Questions get people killed around here. All you need to know is what I've told you, and nothing more. If you'd like, though, I can tell Jabba that you are curious about how he does things around here. I'm sure he would be happy to know how much of an interest you've taken to daily operations.
PC: Point me at them and they'll be taken care of.
Bib Fortuna: Very good. You will find them out in the desert, quite unaware that their real payment will be coming. This will serve doubly to let everyone know that all slaves on Tatooine are property of Jabba, and no one else. Return here to let me know when it is done.
Go to the waypoint and kill four slavers.
Conversation with Bib Fortuna[]
Bib Fortuna: No one survived, correct? Good. I will now inform Jabba that the band of slavers that were trying to move into his territory have been dealt with. Jabba will be most pleased to hear this. I shall also let him know that you were personally the one who took care of the problem. You are welcome, as well to take this. Good work.
Jabba and G-5PO
Mission 1[]
- 1350 credits
Conversation with G-5PO[]
G-5PO: The Illustrious Jabba the Hutt bids you welcome to his court. He wishes you to perform a favor of great importance. Lady Valarian has mistreated one of her accountants, one who understands the greatness of Jabba's power. You are instructed to locate Scrib Leras and bring him to Jabba's court so that he may offer Jabba his information.
PC: Why does Jabba care about a lowly accountant?
G-5PO: The Lady Valarian is to execute said accountant for a miscalculation amounting to a total of 4 credits. Jabba the Hutt, in his generosity, understands that mistakes are made, and wishes to help him. Jabba knows the accountant will be willing to offer any information to his Highness in return for this favor.
PC: I will do as Jabba asks.
G-5PO: His Highness says that you are to meet Scrib Leras and provide suitable protection as you escort him to the palace. Jabba will be most displeased if he has misplaced his trust in you. You are to return in a timely manner, for Jabba the Hutt is not to be left waiting.
Go to waypoint and escort Scrib Leras. You will be attacked by two Valarian Thugs.
Conversation with G-5PO[]
G-5PO: Jabba wishes to tell you that he is pleased with your escort services. Jabba will speak with the accountant later, but currently, eating his seventh meal of the day is more pressing. For now, Jabba wishes to extend to you his personal appreciation for an errand well done. As a token he bequeaths you this reward.
Mission 2[]
- 1450 credits
Conversation with G-5PO[]
G-5PO: While you were out, Jabba the Hutt, Prince of Tatooine, has learned that Lady Valarian did not wish to execute Scrib Leras. Instead she wished to interrogate him, engaging the services of a most skilled interrogater. Jabba wishes you to extinguish the life of this interrogater to repay Lady Valarian for past transgressions.
PC: Lady Valarian has a personal interrogater?
G-5PO: Jabba the Hutt says that Lady Valarian uses crude means of keeping her cronies in line. She has hired a most competent interrogater to extract information from the less loyal members of her cadre. Jabba the Hutt says he would never resort to simple torture to ensure loyalty.
PC: No problem. This will be child's play. How fast does Jabba want it done?
G-5PO: Lady Valarian's torturer will be waiting for Scrib Leras. You will meet with him instead, and deal with the man using your special talents. Jabba will want a full report on how many times the torturer screamed before he died.
Kill the Valarian Interrogator and three Valarian Thugs.
Conversation with G-5PO[]
G-5PO: The Grand Jabba the Hutt expresses his appreciation. He is most overjoyed to hear the man died in a terrible fashion. Jabba the Hutt says you show great promise and he may have use of your services in the future. He also bequeaths to you this reward.
Mission 3[]
- 1550 credits
Conversation with G-5PO[]
G-5PO: Jabba explains that his associate, Romo Vox, has uncovered yet another traitor within Jabba's Court. His Highness has been told that this traitor has sent a message to Lady Valarian via the services of a courier. Jabba the Hutt demands that you find the messenger and recover that missive.
PC: Is this an important job, or will I be running a simple errand for Jabba?
G-5PO: The Majestic Jabba says that any job he offers to someone is of the utmost importance, simply because it was GIVEN by the Illustrious Jabba. But, if you must know, the message contains something about the bookkeeper you escorted here recently. Jabba is curious to know why Lady Valarian values this bookkeeper so.
PC: Tell Jabba he can count on me to get it done!
G-5PO: Jabba is pleased by your willingness to serve him. Return with the message in hand, and you will be rewarded well.
Kill the Valarian Courier to obtain the ledger. He is escorted by two Valarian Thugs.
Conversation with G-5PO[]
G-5PO: His Worshipfulness tells you that he is impressed with the speed in which you dealt with the traitor's messenger. Bib Fortuna will now decode the message and tell Jabba what it contains. Jabba is pleased... thank goodness. As a result he has decided that you should take a short break, and as a means, he has provided this reward.
Mission 4[]
- 1650 credits
Conversation with G-5PO[]
G-5PO: Jabba is quite furious over the contents of the recovered message. It included a schedule of guard changes, which Lady Valarian's thugs plan to use to infiltrate the palace. The Resplendent Jabba wishes you to locate Valarian's incoming strike team and deal with them accordingly.
PC: What type of strike team are we talking about here, Jabba?
G-5PO: Jabba explains that the strike team's membership is still a guarded secret. It could include some of Lady Valarian's lowly thugs, or perhaps trained Commandos. Jabba the Hutt, in his sagacity, places his full faith in your ability to handle this mild annoyance.
PC: Now that sounds like some good action! I'll do this one for free!
G-5PO: Excellent! Now perhaps Jabba will stop blaming everything on me! As usual, the Glorious Jabba will expect this task to be completed quickly.
Go to the waypoint and kill the Valarian Strike Team Leader and two Valarian Thugs.
Conversation with G-5PO[]
G-5PO: Jabba the Hutt says that his next imbibed drink will be dedicated to you, for your brashness and skill. That is quite an honor, indeed. You should be most grateful for that, and for this reward he has offered you.
Mission 5[]
- 1750 credits
Conversation with G-5PO[]
G-5PO: The Splendid Jabba the Hutt has requested your services again. You have served him well in the past and he believes you can be entrusted with another sensitive assignment. You are to intercept a smuggler who has business with the Lady Valarian. You are authorized to pay this smuggler more credits than Lady Valarian can offer, and bring whatever 'merchandise' he is carrying to Jabba.
PC: What will I be buying from this smuggler?
G-5PO: The Wise Jabba says that you ask too many questions. He has graciously allowed you this information: The smuggler supposedly works for Black Sun, which has chosen to do business with Lady Valarian. Jabba does not know what Valarian is buying, and this displeases him.
PC: Hmm... sounds important. Yeah, I'll do it for Jabba.
G-5PO: That is so good to hear! Of course, what I mean to say is that Jabba is satisfied with your initiative and will expect this mission to be completed shortly.
Deliver the Locked Briefcase to Belshu Dadar. There is no opposition.
Conversation with G-5PO[]
G-5PO: His Imperiousness, Jabba the Hutt, wishes to commend you for a job well done. Please inquire later about any further jobs Jabba may have for you. Oh, and yet another reward has been granted to you, Jabba's most favored employee.
Mission 6[]
- 1850 credits
Conversation with G-5PO[]
G-5PO: The Great Jabba the Hutt requires your previous assignment to be completed. The smuggler, Belshu Dadar, has made contact with Jabba himself following your business deal. It seems Dadar has a price on his head. Jabba wants you to terminate the bounty hunters pursuing Dadar.
PC: What kind of smuggler leads bounty hunters here?
G-5PO: Belshu Dadar is now Jabba's loyal associate. His Greatness says that this is a favor he is doing for Belshu. He has chosen to give you the contract because you have proven yourself talented, but expendable. In other words, he says to mind your own business and take the job.
PC: Bounty Hunters? No problem. Point me to them.
G-5PO: The Glorious Jabba the Hutt says that if you are able to eliminate these bounty hunters, you will prove yourself to him. That endorsement will take you far within his court, I must say.
Go to the waypoint and kill the Bounty Hunter and two Valarian Thugs.
Conversation with G-5PO[]
G-5PO: The Great Jabba the Hutt has been informed of your victory over the bounty hunters. He wishes me to tell you that you are exactly the kind of scum he likes. He will be most happy to do business with you in the future. He has given you this reward.
Mission 7[]
- 1950 credits
Conversation with G-5PO[]
G-5PO: You have been contracted to do another job for Jabba the Hutt. You are instructed to take this case of credits to an associate of Jabba's, one Sliv Jurek. Jurek will then give you an electronic key, which you will bring to Jabba. You have proven yourself to Jabba in the past. Do not fail him now...
PC: All this money for a key? Is it worth all of these credits?
G-5PO: Jabba the Hutt has been told by Belshu, the smuggler now working for him, that there is a valuable Rantok Sword being held in a warehouse here on Tatooine. Jabba wants this sword to display on his wall. Jabba needs an electronic key to enter the warehouse, and his associate, Sliv Jurek, can provide that tool.
PC: Tell Jabba he'll get his key.
G-5PO: His Grandness says that he will expect you to follow through with this. If you think of taking the money for yourself... oh dear.. he says that he will watch you eaten by his pet brachno-jags for the next week. Please return with his key.
Deliver the Locked Briefcase to Sliv Jurek. There is no opposition.
Conversation with G-5PO[]
G-5PO: Jabba the Hutt is impressed by your success. He says that you remind him of a daring smuggler he once employed. You should go far. This reward is for you.
Mission 8[]
- 2000 credits
- 200 Jabba faction points
- Schematic: Featherweight FWG5 Pistol
- Jabba's Badge of Trust: Jabba's Theme Park Completed
Conversation with G-5PO[]
G-5PO: His Exhaltedness, Jabba the Hutt, has given you the honor of recovering the Rantok Sword for him. Enter the predesignated warehouse using the provided passcode, and recover the sword. You should be quite capable of dealing with any opposition. Shall I tell him you accept this mission?
PC: Why is Jabba asking me to do this?
G-5PO: Jabba would prefer to offer this job to Boba Fett, but your fee is much more reasonable. Jabba has placed his trust in you. Do not take this honor lightly.
PC: I would be honored to help the great Jabba recover that trophy.
G-5PO: Jabba is eagerly awaiting his sword. He will enjoy displaying it to everyone. It will become a symbol of his swift justice. Please do return quickly.

Destroy the Valarian Warehouse and kill the four Valarian's assassin to retrieve the Rantok.
Conversation with G-5PO[]
G-5PO: The resplendent Jabba the Hutt expresses his deepest thanks. He wishes to tell you that if you need a place to hide from authorities, he offers you his home, for he considers you to be a close associate. Oh, I do thank you as well. If this had gone bad, he probably would have replaced me. I am indebted to you! As such I'm making sure that you get a good reward.
If you ever want to keep the loot that is needed to be given in for the mission (I like the Rantok, and the Chicken Leg), just toss it in a droid, or to a friend, go back to the mission giver and do the mission again.
When you have to retrieve people in general (for other themeparks as well) you actually only need to talk to them, although they'll follow you, you have already completed the mission, so it doesn't matter if they die or don't make it back.