The Imperial Inquisition is one of three squadrons that Imperial Pilots can join. The squadron is all on Naboo, mostly in the Emperor's Retreat. This squadron is considered the easiest of the three Imperial ones.
Squadron Trainers[]
Tier 1: Lt. Barn Sinkko, Kaadara, Naboo (/way Naboo 5205 6727 Lt. Sinkko)
Tier 2: Inquisitor Fa'Zoll, Emperor's Retreat, Naboo (/way Naboo 2444 -3896 Inq. Fa'Zoll) Outside
Tier 3: Inquisitor Vrke, Emperor's Retreat, Naboo (/way Naboo 2382 -3970 Inq. Vrke) Inside, first floor, door to the left of the elevator.
Tier 4: Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso, Emperor's Retreat, Naboo (/way Naboo 2382 -3902 Gr. Inq. Yiaso) Inside, same room as Darth Vader.
Tier 5: Grand Admiral Niall Declann (/way Naboo -5526 4618 Gr. Adm. Declann), Theed, Naboo
Important note: It is an extremely good idea after you have achieved tier 1 to go to Naboo Space Station and do a series of missions for them. This will allow you to land at the Emperor's Retreat simply by speaking to the space station. Though, you still will not be able to travel to the retreat via shuttle or starship terminal (It should be noted that these Naboo Space Station missions are extremely difficult at Tier 2 if you are solo, due mainly to the amount of unavoidable agro you will pick up, especially in the Yavin system, where these missions lead you).
Additionally, to access the inner area of the Emperor's Retreat, including the starship terminals, you must speak to the Imperial Pilot after completing tier 1. He is located to the right of the entrance of the Emperor's Retreat.
Once you are at Inquisitor Vrke, you will be able to access the starship terminals. You do NOT need to talk to the pilot standing next to the door.