Herald NPCs are NPCs that are used to inform players of particular point of interests on a planet through dialogue and by issuing waypoints.
- Selonian Diplomat (Doaba Guerfel, /way 3258, 300, 5418): Afarathu Cave
- CorSec Agent (Coronet, /way -202, 28, -4504): Rogue CorSec Base
- Excited Journalist (Tyrena, /way -5193, 21, -2546): Imperial Stronghold
- Lock Vlash (Tyrena, /way -5418, 21, -2792): Lord Nyax's Cult, Afarathu Cave, Imperial Stronghold
- Karin Featherlight (Coronet, /way -185, 28, -4461): Drall Patriot's Cave, Rogue Corsec Base
/way Corellia 3258, 300, 5418 Selonian Diplomat; /way Corellia -202, 28, -4504 CorSec Agent; /way Corellia -5193, 21, -2546 Excited Journalist; /way Corellia -5418, 21, -2792 Lock Vlash; /way Corellia -185, 28, -4461 Karin Featherlight;
- Daiv Dekven (Dantooine Pirate Outpost, /way 1603, 4, -6435): Mokk Stronghold (Rebel players only)
- a commoner (Dantooine Pirate Outpost, /way 1545, 4, -6415): Force Crystal Hunter's Cave
- a commoner (Dantooine Mining Outpost, /way -643, 3, 2449): Janta Stronghold
- an Imperial Colonel (Dantooine Mining Outpost, /way -589, 3, 2499): Kunga Stronghold (Imperial players only)
/way Dantooine 1603, 4, -6435 Daiv Dekven; /way Dantooine 1545, 4, -6415 a commoner; /way Dantooine -643, 3, 2449 a commoner; /way Dantooine -589, 3, 2499 an Imperial Colonel;
- a Nightsister rancor tamer (Nightsister Stronghold, /way -4157, 121, -83): Mutant Rancor Cave
- a commoner (Dathomir Trade Outpost, /way 611, 6, 3084): Dathomir Crash Site
- a Nightsister protector (Nightsister Stronghold, /way 4000, 119, -66): Nightsister vs. Singing Mountain Clan Battle
- an escaped Nightsister slave (Dathomir Trade Outpost, /way 595, 6, 3045): Nightsister Forced Labor Camp
- Arch Witch Azzenaj (Singing Mountain Clan, /way 533, 230, 4238): Nightspider Cult Cave
- Inquisitor Olof (Imperial Prison, /way -6348, 121, 947): Nightspider Cult Cave
- Spell Weaver Leandra (Nightsister Stronghold, /way -4085, 134, -209): Nightspider Cult Cave
/way Dathomir -4157, 121, -83 a Nightsister rancor tamer; /way Dathomir 611, 6, 3084 a commoner; /way Dathomir 4000, 119, -66 a Nightsister protector; /way Dathomir 595, 6, 3045 an Escaped Nightsister slave; /way Dathomir 533, 230, 4238 Arch Witch Azzenaj; /way Dathomir -6348, 121, 947 Inquisitor Olof; /way Dathomir -4085, 134, -209 Spell Weaver Leandra;
- Eyd Tommsin (Endor Smuggler Outpost, /way -989, 73, 1577): Orphaned Marauder's Cave
- a commoner (Endor Research Outpost, /way 3246.28, 24, -3492.11): Korga Cave
- a commoner (Endor Research Outpost, /way 3212.71, 24.50, -3452.25): Jinda Ritualist's Cave
/way Endor -989, 73, 1577 Eyd Tommsin; /way Endor 3246.28, 24, -3492.11 a commoner; /way Endor 3212.71, 24.50, -3452.25 a commoner;
- a commoner (Nym's Stronghold, /way 430, 13, 5137): Kimogila Town
- a commoner (Lok Imperial Outpost, /way -1874, 12, -3121): Canyon Corsair Stronghold
- Talia v'laenya (Nym's Stronghold, /way 372, 12, 5179): Kimogila Town, Canyon Corsair Stronghold
- Andria E'liyha (Nym's Stronghold, /way 222, 17, 5155): Downed Blood Razor's Transport, Droid Engineer's Cave
/way Lok 430, 13, 5137 a commoner; /way Lok -1874, 12, -3121 a commoner; /way Lok 372, 12, 5179 Talia v'laenya; /way Lok 222, 17, 5155 Andria E'liyha;
- a commoner (Kaadara, /way 5132, -192, 6735): Weapon Development Facility
- an RSF security guard (Theed, /way -5032, 6, 4092): Gungan Warrior Stronghold
- Ketter Yaaran (Kaadara, /way 4973, -193, 6720): Naboo Pirate Bunker
- Hanna S`kiyah (Theed, /way -5481, 6, 4398): Naboo Pirate Bunker
- Demitri Firewatcher (Keren, /way 1674, 12, 2583): Naboo Pirate Bunker
- a commoner (Moenia, /way 4763, 4, -4900): Narglatch Cave
- a commoner (Keren, /way 1574, 25, 2823): Veermok Cave
- a patron (Theed, /way -5538, 6, 4365): Mauler Stronghold
- Vaik'anna Silverlight (Theed, /way -5484, 10, 442): Mauler Stronghold, Imperial vs. Gungan Battle, Weapon Development Facility
- Ronin Lightrunner (Moenia, /way 4810, -4977): Veermok Cave, Gungan Warrior Stronghold
/way Naboo 5132, -192, 6735 a commoner; /way Naboo -5032, 6, 4092 an RSF security guard; /way Naboo 4973, -193, 6720 Ketter Yaaran; /way Naboo -5481, 6, 4398 Hanna S`kiyah; /way Naboo 1674, 12, 2583 Demitri Firewatcher; /way Naboo 4763, 4, -4900 a commoner; /way Naboo 1574, 25, 2823 a commoner; /way Naboo -5538, 6, 4365 a patron; /way Naboo -5484, 10, 442 Vaik'anna Silverlight; /way Naboo 4810, -4977 Ronin Lightrunner;
- an Imperial Major (Narmle, /way -5273, 80, -2234): Imperial Encampment (Imperial players only)
- a commoner (Narmle, /way -5211, 80, -2270): Cobral Hideout
- a commoner (Narmle, /way -5121, 80, -2443): Hyperdrive Research Facility
/way Rori -5273, 80, -2234 an Imperial Major; /way Rori -5211, 80, -2270 a commoner; /way Rori -5121, 80, -2443 a commoner;
- a commoner (Nashal, /way 4334, 10, 5372): Lost Aqualish War Party's Cave
- an Aa'kuan champion (Nashal, /way 4176, 2, 5110): Aa'kuan Champion's Cave
- a commoner (Dearic, /way 323, 6, -3098): Kahmurra Biogenetic Research Station
- a commoner (Dearic, /way 154, 6, -2933): Binyare Pirate Bunker
- a commoner (Dearic, /way 378, 6, -2752): Lost Village of Durbin
/way Talus 4334, 10, 5372 a commoner; /way Talus 4176, 2, 5110 an Aa'kuan champion; /way Talus 323, 6, -3098 a commoner; /way Talus 154, 6, -2933 a commoner; /way Talus 378, 6, -2752 a commoner;
- an Imperial Colonel (Bestine, /way -1300, 12, -3507): Tusken Bunker (Imperial players only)
- an Imperial Colonel (Mos Eisley, /way 3491, 5, -4734): Fort Tusken (Imperial players only)
- a commoner (Anchorhead, /way 141, 52, -5357): Squill Cave
- a commoner (Mos Entha, /way 1271, 7, 2972): Squill Cave
- an Imperial Army Captain (Bestine, /way -1307, 12, -3662): Rebel Military Base (Imperial players only)
- a commoner (Mos Entha, /way 1188, 7, 2997): Sennex Cave
- a commoner (Anchorhead, /way 146, 52, -5336): Tusken Village
- Vi'conya T'ili (Bestine, /way -1001, 10, -3550): Fort Tusken, Tusken Village
- Errik Darksider (Mos Eisley, /way 3381, 5, -4498): Tusken Bunker, Hutt Hideout, Rebel Military Base
- Lorne Prestar (Mos Eisley, /way 3376, 5, -4786): Fort Tusken
/way Tatooine -1300, 12, -3507 an Imperial Colonel; /way Tatooine 3491, 5, -4734 an Imperial Colonel; /way Tatooine 141, 52, -5357 a commoner; /way Tatooine 1271, 7, 2972 a commoner; /way Tatooine -1307, 12, -3662 an Imperial Army Captain; /way Tatooine 1188, 7, 2997 a commoner; /way Tatooine 146, 52, -5336 a commoner; /way Tatooine -1001, 10, -3550 Vi'conya T'ili; /way Tatooine 3381, 5, -4498 Errik Darksider; /way Tatooine 3376, 5, -4786 Lorne Prestor;
Yavin 4[]
- a commoner (Yavin Labor Outpost, /way -6982 73 -5659): Blue Leaf Temple
- a Chiss male (Yavin Labor Outpost, /way -6877, 73, -5682): Temple of Exar Kun
- a commoner (Yavin Mining Outpost, /way -351, 35, 4857): Woolamander Palace
- a Rebel commando (Yavin Mining Outpost, /way -323, 35, 4861): Yavin Imperial Base
/way Yavin4 -6982 73 -5659 a commoner; /way Yavin4 -6877, 73, -5682 a Chiss male; /way Yavin4 -351, 35, 4857 a commoner; /way Yavin4 -323, 35, 4861 a Rebel commando;