SWG Wiki

Green Laser is a Drall data slicer located in the Nashal cantina. He has a few small jobs he'd like you to help him with.

/way 4293 5335 Green Laser;

The Blaster Cannon Plans[]

Reward: 75 Credits

Conversation with Green Laser[]

Green Laser: Oh, this is sub-optimal! I face grave problems in delivering certain data to my client. I offer incentive to you to execute this delivery. Agreement?
PC: Who is your client?
Green Laser: I face stern prohibition against naming my client, a high government official. He seeks certain classified Imperial reports as an aid to securing favor of a former Moff.
PC: What is the data?
Green Laser: This Imperial Navy report concerns a new Star Destroyer weapon. Interest runs high.
PC: Are you a data slicer?
Green Laser: Indeed. Not many Drall slice. I hope CorSec believes none do. That is all the better for anonymity for me.
PC: Yes.
Green Laser: Optimal reply. I urge you to take this information to the anonymous representative of my client at a designated unobserved spot. Haste!

  • Green Laser is running a little late on one of his deals and needs your help delivering some data on a new type of Star Destroyer blaster cannon to his client.
  • Head out to the meeting location and hand the disc over to the Anonymous Representative.
  • Return to Green Laser for your reward.

Conversation with Green Laser[]

Green Laser: Optimal! I commend your work maximally. Future conditions imply the chance of further employment.


Reward: 150 Credits

Conversation with Green Laser[]

Green Laser: I am alarmed! CorSec investigators have discovered my actions and will soon arrest me. They do not realize I am under protection! I wish you to stop them with fatal force.
PC: Who are the investigators?
Green Laser: One is a CorSec data trail specialist. I have sliced his arrest requisition and find he has enlisted a patrol officer as support. Murder them both for my safety!
PC: What do you mean by "under protection"?
Green Laser: My client is the Prime Minister. He told all relevant CorSec forces to ignore me. This investigator clearly ignores the directive. Avoid mentioning this to anyone.
PC: Why can't your protector just get you released after arrest?
Green Laser: I slice! To identify me, name and appearance and DNA and slicing gear, is to destroy me! Stop the investigator!
PC: Yes.
Green Laser: This indicates reason for optimism. Destroy the CorSec investigator and accompanying patrol officer.

  • CorSec is hot on Green Lasers trail. Even though he was assured protection by the Prime Minister, it would seem that one investigator is ignoring those orders and is looking to take the slicer down. Green Laser needs you to take out this threat, not only to save his reputation but also his life.
  • When you get to the location take out the two Fed-Dub (guess they weren't CorSec).
  • Make your way back to Green Laser for your reward.

Conversation with Green Laser[]

Green Laser: You relieve my piercing anxiety. I reward you with commensurate funds.
