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Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso

Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso is the Tier 4 Trainer for the Imperial Inquisition squadron. He can be found at 2382, -3902 on the ground floor inside the Emperor's Retreat, on Naboo, same room as Darth Vader.

Pilot Missions[]

Patrol the Dathomir System[]

Dathomir System: Patrol the Dathomir System[]


The Inquisition has been alerted to higher levels of unauthorized activity in the Dathomir system. They want to find out what this activity is and who is behind it. You are to patrol the Dathomir system and keep your eyes open for any suspicious activity.

Dathomir system (Empire Blockade is the closest hyperspace point).
You are sent to the Dathomir system to investigate unauthorized activity. Find out what's going on.

Follow the navigation waypoints. At the third waypoint you are sent to investigate possible unauthorized activity.

Dathomir System: Inspect the Crystal Smuggler[]


A vessel's signature has been spotted leaving the surface of Dathomir. Capture and inspect this vessel. The Inquisition is very interested to find out what is on board.

You find the Crystal Runner. After disabling its two weapons, you may approach and inspect the ship. You are told this is the cargo you are looking for. Disable its Engine or Reactor and board to transfer the Glowing Crystals. The ship is well armed and hits hard.

  • 1 Tier 4 YT-1300 Crystal Runner.

You will then receive a mission alert.

Dathomir System: Destroy the Mercenary Ambush[]


The crystal smuggler apparently had a squad of fighters watching over it. Destroy all of those fighters and make sure you secure those crystals.

Just kill your opponents:

  • 6 Tier 4 Scyk M3-A "Coynite Pulsar."

Then you receive your next assignment.

Dathomir System: Deliver the Crystals[]


Deliver the crystals to a command shuttle in the Dathomir system. Whatever those crystals are, those mercenaries want them back badly.

Travel to the rendezvous waypoint and dock with a Lambda shuttle to transfer the crystals. On the way to the shuttle you will be attacked by waves of Tier 4 fighters. Do not let them stop you getting to the shuttle.

  • 4 Tier 4 Kimogila M12-L "Coynite Neutron."

Return to Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso.


  • 10000 Credits
  • 150 Imperial Faction Points
  • A level 7 Sienar Design Systems "Boltdriver."

Capture the Crystal Smuggler[]

Dathomir System: Capture the Crystal Smuggler[]


The crystals that were recovered from the smuggler are among the most contraband material in the Empire. Just the few crystals that the smuggler had are worth a small fortune, but the question remains, how did they know those crystals were on Dathomir? Ever since that smuggler was discovered command has been keeping even closer watch and they have found another apparent crystal smuggler. This time you are to capture the vessel and bring it back so command can question its pilot and investigate its contents.
Crystal smuggler

Crystal Smuggler

You are sent back to the Dathomir system (Hyperspace to Empire Blockade) to capture a vessel that has just left the surface of the planet. Follow the waypoints until you find a Tier 4 Transport "Crystal Smuggler". Disable it. You find more unauthorized cargo. Escort the ship through the system. Destroy:

  • 1 Tier 4 Kimogila M12-L "Coynite Neutron."

A distress message is received from a recon ship.

Dathomir System: Rescue the Recon Shuttle[]


A distress signal has gone out from a recon shuttle. Apparently the Coynite mercenaries that attacked you also attacked this other vessel. The shuttle is damaged but still functional. The Coynite apparently broke off their attack on it in order to rescue the smuggler you captured. Assist the shuttle and escort it to safety.
Escort recon shuttle

Recon Shuttle

Travel to the Lambda shuttle and dock to assist it with repairs.

Escort the recon vessel through the system, fighting off any occasional attackers:

  • 1 Tier 4 Dunelizard "Coynite Quasar."

Next will be a "Surprise Attack."

Dathomir System: Destroy the Coynite Ambush[]


A group of mercenaries arrived too late to stop you from getting the shuttle to safety. Destroy these mercenaries.

Kill all:

  • 6 Tier 4 Scyk M3-A "Coynite Pulsar."

Then you receive a mission update.

Dathomir System: Capture a Coynite Neutron[]


Command wants to know more about these mercenaries. They have discovered a patrol of their ships moving across the system. You are to capture one of the Neutron fighters in that group and escort it back to Imperial hands.
Coynite Neutron

Coynite Neutron

Disable the Coynite Neutron reactor or engine.

  • 1 Tier 5 Kimogila M12-L "Coynite Neutron."
  • 4 Tier 4 Scyk M3-A "Coynite Pulsar."

Then escort it through the system fighting of any attackers:

  • 1 Tier 4 Scyk M3-A "Coynite Pulsar."

Return to Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso.


  • 10000 Credits
  • 150 Imperial Faction Points
  • A level 8 Cygnus "Holoscreen" Shield Generator.

Intercept a Coynite Message[]

Dathomir System: Intercept the Coynite Message[]


The captured Coynite held out for as long as he could but eventually talked. Apparently the Coynite have an ally or allies from the prison on the planet's surface. They have been using communications satellites to broadcast instructions to the Coynite. You are to travel to one of the relay points and intercept these instructions.
Intercept a Coynite Message

Waves of attackers

You are sent back to the Dathomir system (Emperor's Hand is closest hyperspace point) to intercept a Coynite transmission. Head to the waypoint and wait for the transmission to start. Fighting off any attackers, stay within a few thousand km from the transmission point. Note that the attackers will start with 3 and then increase by one for each wave of attackers, until you have 9 attackers in the last wave. Disabling rather than destroying is a recommended tactic when soloing this mission.

Dathomir System: Dropping off the Transmission[]


Remain in the Endor system and deliver the intercepted transmission to a command shuttle. The Inquisition will send a shuttle out to meet you.

Travel to the waypoint and meet a Lambda shuttle, fighting off any attackers on the way. Again you will start with 3 attackers and that will increase by one with each subsequent wave. Do not hang around to fight off each wave; instead, get to the shuttle and dock with it to transfer the transmission and stop the waves of attacks.

Dathomir System: Destroy the Coynite Mothership[]


Destroy the Coynite Mothership inside of the Dathomir system. It is time for you to show the Coynite what it means to cross the Empire. We have a lock on the Coynite Mothership and you are to destroy it and all that fly with her.

Travel to the waypoint of a Coynite Ye-4 Gunboat "Coyn's Tempest" and 9 escorts. This portion is timed. If you do not destroy it in about 5 to 10 minutes, it will leave the area and you will fail the mission. Destroy both the Gunboat and all the escorts; calling in a bomber strike against the gunship may be helpful.

Return to Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso.


  • 10000 Credits
  • 150 Imperial Faction Points
  • Republic Sienar Systems Special Durasteel (Level 8 Ship Armor)

Conversation with Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso[]

Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso: The Coynite should no longer be a problem for us in the Dathomir system. Without their flagship they will have no staging point to continue their activities. You've completed your mission to the Emperor's satisfaction. Here is your duty pay.
PC: Thank you, sir. Will there be anything else?
Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso: Nothing is pressing at this time. We will be dealing with the officers on Dathomir by telling the others that were not involved what was happening. They will deal with the traitorous officers in their own way.
PC: What do you mean?
Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso: Well, the post at the prison is a life time assignment. Once you are there, you do not leave. Naturally, every officer stationed at the planet wants to leave. Think about it. If one group forms a plan to escape and doesn't let the other group in on it, they would be rather upset.
PC: I can see that.
Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso: I am sort of curious about what they will actually do though. Call it professional curiosity. Maybe one of them will put it in a report. As for you...you are free to do as you wish for now, perhaps continue with our duties in the Dathomir system. There are still a few Coynite that may continue to cause minor problems that need to be cleaned.

Escort the Prison Shuttle[]

Conversation with Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso[]

Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso: You must be here for your skills upgrade. Well, let's make this quick.
PC: What skill am I to learn?
Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso: It is time for you to learn about droid intelligence theory.
PC: Thank you.
Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso: You are nearly finished with your training. It has been a long journey for you but you are nearing the end. I do have need of an extra pilot though. And since you are already here, you will do nicely.
PC: What are your orders, sir?
Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso: The prison drop shuttle that we were holding until the Coynite issue was dealt with is ready to drop its payload of prisoners on Dathomir. I need you to escort it through the system.
PC: Yes, sir. Right away, sir.
Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso: Good. There shouldn't be any issues but there is still something that bothers me about the Coynite situation. I would rather be safe then sorry. We cannot have our prisoners running free all over the galaxy, now can we? You are dismissed, pilot.

Dathomir System: Escort the Prison Shuttle[]


The Coynite have apparently been defeated and it is time to return to standard duties. A prison ship is preparing a drop on Dathomir and needs an escort through the system. Meet and escort this prison ship.
Prison shuttle

Prison Shuttle

Travel back to the Dathomir System (Hyperspace to Dark Force) and rendezvous with a prison shuttle. Escort it through the system, engaging any attackers along the route.

  • 2 waves of 4 tier 4 ships

Dathomir System: Capture the Prison Break Shuttle[]


Alerts are going off all over the system. Multiple craft are leaving the planet's surface. You are assigned to capture the lead vessel and bring it back to the Inquisition so they can better determine a course of action.
Prison break shuttle

Prison Break Shuttle

A prison shuttle is trying to make a break for freedom, you must disable it before it leaves the system. Escort the shuttle through the system, destroying any attackers that try to stop you.

  • 1 YT-1300 to disable
  • 5 tier 4 fighters to eliminate

If you are not going to let us go, just kill us. Anything is better than going back to that cursed planet.

Dathomir System: Destroy the Prison Break Shuttle[]


Destroy the Prison Break Shuttle that is attempting to leave the Dathomir system. A vessel has left the planet's surface. It is believed to be containing more Imperial prison officers. They must be eliminated for their failure in their duty.
Destroy the prison break shuttle

Destroy the YT-1300

You are sent a waypoint to intercept another prison shuttle that is trying to leave the system. Destroy it and any escorts before they escape the system.

  • 1 YT-1300
  • 5 Tier 4 craft

Dathomir System: Destroy the Prison Break Shuttle. Part II[]


Destroy the next Prison Break Shuttle that is attempting to leave the Dathomir system. The prison break was a coordinated effort. Multiple ships are leaving the surface at the same time. Another one is trying to make a break for it. Catch and destroy it before it can leave the system.
Destroy prison break shuttle 2

Destroy the 2nd shuttle

Another ship has been detected leaving the planet. Destroy it and any ships accompanying it.

  • 1 YT-1300
  • 8 Tier 4 craft

Dathomir System: Battle the Coynite Fighters[]


The Coynite have attacked the 701st TIE wing over Dathomir. That TIE defense force is highly important for the security of the Dathomir system and must be kept alive. Assist the 701st in its defense against the Coynite.
Assist the TIE 701st Wing

Assist the TIE 701st Wing

Imperial High Command is sending you to assist the TIE 701st Wing, who have assembled to destroy the Coynite. You must keep them alive. They are essential to the protection of the Dathomir Sector. Destroy all the Coynite ships.

  • 1 HC-A1A Medium Cruiser "Coyn's Fury"
  • 10 Tier 4 craft

Strategy: Use your Bomber Strike 2 against the transport, then target each escort fighter and disable. Once all escort fighters are disabled focus on the gunship. Try to disable the reactor first by jousting it, and use missiles if you can. At this level you should be using all Level 7 equipment at least and one level 8 shield that you get as a reward along the way. With two Mark III Proton missiles you will inflict great damage to the transport. Also using 1 Red Blaster and one Ion Cannon for level 7 will allow you to eat through the shields faster. Use Overloads 3 for engines, reactor, and capacitor, use overload two for the weapons with a Level 4 computer at least but you can use a level 5 at this point. This overload combination will ensure you are never out of cap for a shield shunt 3.


  • 10000 Credits
  • 150 Imperial Faction Points
  • Republic Sienar Systems Advanced Military Grade (Level 8 Ship Reactor)

Return to Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso, who will then send you to Grand Admiral Niall Declann.

Conversation with Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso[]

Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso: You have performed wonderfully with an alarming situation. It would seem that I had under estimated the resolve of the Coynite to finish a job that they were paid to do. I am most impressed with them. Based off of the single one I had dealings with I wouldn't have thought they had it in them.
PC: I told you and you wouldn't listen...I am the BEST!
Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso: Bah! I give you the slightest of praise and you cannot help but blow up like an Inerbion Gasbag. Here take this and get out of my sight.

Conversation with Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso[]

Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso: A very interesting order came across my desk just a few moments ago. What is your relationship with Grand Admiral Nial Declann?
PC: Who is Grand Admiral Nial Declann?
Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso: Hmm, you really don't know do you? Admiral Nial Declann is one of the twelve men in charge of the Imperial Navy. He wields great power and is said to be favored by the Emperor. I am just curious as to why this order says that you are to be immediately transferred under his command?
PC: I really don't know, Inquisitor.
Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso: Perhaps it wouldn't be a bad thing to have a member of the Inquisition working for a Grand Admiral. Who knows what secrets we might uncover. Yes, I think that this will be most enlightening.
PC: If you say so, sir.
Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso: I do indeed, as you put it...say so. You are to report to Grand Admiral Nial Declann, perform your duties for him without question, and you are to keep your eyes open. Learn everything you can about this man and his goals. I think we can both learn from this experience.
PC: I will do my best. Where am I to report to?
Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso: The Grand Admiral is stationed in Theed Palace. From what I understand its gaudy and worldly walls suit his personality just right. Go now. Do not keep the Grand Admiral waiting. There is much work to be done.

Duty Missions[]

Conversation with Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso[]

Grand Inquisitor Ja'ce Yiaso: Work teaches discipline! Never waste a minute of your time. The Emperor needs your service, always. Tell me, are you ready to accept a duty mission, or would you like to hear the briefing again?
PC: Those pirates won't know what hit them. / I'll take those prisoners to Dathomir. Sounds like fun. / I'd like to bring those rogue Imperials in. / I'll clear those damaged ships.

Dathomir System: Destroy the Coynite Fighters Duty[]


Travel to the Dathomir system and destroy the Coynite fighters. The Coynite problem has begun to become out of hand. In order to protect Dathomir the Coynite numbers must be reduced.

Dathomir System: Escort the Prison Shuttle Duty[]


The Empire has a high influx of prisoners that it wishes to keep alive but doesn't want to hold in any standard prison. These prisoners are to be shipped to Dathomir where they will remain for the rest of their lives. With the Coynite activity in the system command wants to ensure that they make it to the prison. You are to escort prison vessels as they enter the system.

Dathomir System: Capture the Rogue Imperial Vessels Duty[]


Occasionally an Imperial ship will enter the Dathomir system. These ships are to be captured and the pilots turned over to the Inquisition for questioning.

Dathomir System: Rescue the Imperial Transports Duty[]


Travel to the Dathomir system and rescue the damaged Imperial transports. Once you arrive in the Dathomir system, you will receive a navigation waypoint to the location of a damaged transport. Travel to the location and press the 'U' key or type /dock to assist the transport with repairs. Once the vessel is repaired escort it through the system to safety. Once the transport is safely away, you will receive a new navigation waypoint to another transport in need of assistance. This is a duty mission and can be quit at any time. Simply abort the mission or leave the system to end the mission.