A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
A rather flexible PvP term usually used when a group of players kills a single player. It also indicates an unfair advantage.
Gank Squad[]
A group of players that gank (Used sarcastically). See Gank.
Short for Guardian Blaster Fist
Galactic Civil War - The conflict between the Empire and the Rebel Alliance; also indicating PvP
Usually referring to something of Geonosian creation. (I.e. a "Geo" Pistol, or Geonosian Sonic Blaster, Geonosian Caves)
Geo Caves[]
Short hand version for the Geonosian Caves found on Yavin IV.
Short for Guardian Lightning Cannon
- Prior to the NGE, this was slang for the message a character had attained when they had reached the force sensitivity level high enough to begin the Force sensitive quests.
- Slang for the ability that Elder Jedi gained with the NGE that allowed them to turn translucent and blue. A.K.A. Blue Glowie.
Star Wars Galaxies Server. Unofficial German players server.
The act of making someone else's gameplay experience unenjoyable. Griefing is a highly subjective term and largely depends on the point of view of the victim.
A player (or players) whom perform actions with the intent to cause gameplay to be unenjoyable to other players. Also see Griefing.
A slang term in regards to leveling up a character that indicates repetitive and boring gameplay.
Group Temporary Enemy Flag. Accuired when a member of a group gains a TEF, or an overt member of your group is being attacked by a member of the opposite faction and you join him. With the changes to Faction Settings, GTEF is no longer available.