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Firstly speak to Mada Johnson, she is located on the top level of the Tree in Kachirho. She sends you on a mission to find her brother Brody Johnson.

/way kachirho -478 211 -92 Mada Johnson;

Conversation with Mada Johnson[]


Mada Johnson: Could you help me? I'm trying to find my brother, but I can't really manage this on my own. Can you help?
PC: What happened to your brother?
Mada Johnson: He's disappeared. His name is Brody. Brody Johnson. I haven't heard from him in 8 months. Brody came here about a year ago. Something about trying to domesticate local creatures to sell as pets on other planets. It was another one of his get rich quick schemes. But then he just disappeared.
PC: Okay. Any idea where I should look?
Mada Johnson: Not really. But you should talk to Wrelaac. Wrelaac is a Wookiee living here in the Kachirho. He's a retired animal trainer. I've spoken with him a few times, and I know that Brody consulted with him before he disappeared. Try talking to Wrelaac.

Speak with Wrelaac[]

Level: 45
Rewards: 237 XP

Find out if Wrelaac will reveal anything about Brody Johnson.


Recommended combat levels: 1 and higher

Speak with Wrelaac[]

Find Wrelaac, a Wookiee in Kachirho, and ask him about Brody Johnson.

First, Mada Johnson sends you to talk with Wrelaac. Wrelaac is located on the Second Level of the Tree. Sometimes he falls through the floor and can be found on the ground outside of the Tree in Kachirho. He sends you to Chrilooc. To talk to Wrelaac, the correct choice for conversation is the first one he offers, in the description choice of Mada Johnson.

/way -507 179 -112 Wrelaac;

Conversation with Wrelaac[]


Wrelaac: Who are you? Brody Johnson? Why are you asking about Brody Johnson? Oh, Mada Johnson sent you, did she? Hmm, but how do I know she really sent you? Describe what Mada Johnson looks like.
PC: She has light hair, blue eyes, and a red tattoo.
Wrelaac: Hmm, that sounds right. Very well, what would you like to know?
PC: Do you know where Brody is?
Wrelaac: Brody came to me about a year ago. He had an idea of some sort. Involved training native creatures here from Kashyyyk so he could sell them off planet as pets. Crazy if you ask me. I told him I wasn't interested in helping him. I'm retired and too old to be chasing down wild animals. But Brody was persistent. I told him if he got Chrilooc's permission, I'd offer what help I could.
PC: Chrilooc?
Wrelaac: Chrilooc was one of the elders in Kachirho at the time. I sent Brody to speak with him. Never heard from Brody again. I figured Chrilooc didn't give the permission Brody was after. Chrilooc has since given up his position as an elder here. Keeps mostly to himself these days. If you want to find Brody, I suggest talking to Chrilooc.
PC: I'll speak with Chrilooc. Where can I find him?
Wrelaac: He's usually somewhere in the city. Never wanders far. You might try looking out on the bridge. Chrilooc is often there looking out across the forests. Seems to bring him peace of some sort.

Speak with Chrilooc[]

Level: 45

  • 237 XP
  • 300 credits


Wrelaac suggests speaking to Chrilooc about Brody Johnson.


Recommended combat levels: 1 and higher

Speak with Chrilooc[]

Find Chrilooc and ask him about Brody Johnson. Wrelaac mentioned that Chrilooc might be out on the bridge near Kachirho.

Chrilooc is located on the bridge in Kachirho next to the Starport. He sends you into space to steal some medical supplies from Gotal Bandits.

/way -700 17 11 Chrilooc;

Conversation with Chrilooc[]


Chrilooc: What do you want? I have no patience or time for... ah, I see. You're looking for Brody Johnson. I'm sorry. I have nothing to say on that subject.
PC: Are you sure? Wrelaac said Brody spoke to you.
Chrilooc: Yes, I'm... wait, come to think of it, you may be of use to me. I do remember Brody Johnson and would be willing to help you if in exchange you are willing to help me.
PC: Okay, what do you want me to do?
Chrilooc: I and my associates are in need of medical supplies. Times are especially tough at the moment, and one cannot be overly prepared. But we lack the resources necessary to get them via the normal channels. Therefore, I want you to intercept a shipment of supplies inbound to the Kashyyyk system. You'll be relieving some Gotal bandits of them. And trust me, those bandits didn't pay for those supplies either.
PC: Very well. I'll do it.
Chrilooc: Very good. You can launch into space from the starport here in town. Return to me after the medical supplies have been secured by my people

Kashyyyk System: Intercept a shipment of medical supplies from some Gotal Bandits[]

Level: 0
Rewards: 2000 credits

Chrilooc and his associates need you to intercept a shipment of medical supplies being transported by some Gotal Bandits. Hit them hard, capture the Gotal ace's ship, and then take the medical supplies it carries to a safe spot for transfer to the ground.


Recommended combat levels: 1 and higher

Disable the Gotal bandit ace's ship[]

Disable the Gotal bandit ace's ship so that it can be captured.

You need to disable a Tier 3 Gotal Bandit Ace Dunelizard medium fighter. It is escorted by Tier 2 Gotal Bandit Dunelizard medium fighters.

Communicator: You won't get away with this. We Gotal never forget when we've been dishonored!

Space assault droid launched[]

The space assault droid is trying to get control of the ship. Keep it safe.

Communicator: Unit has breached vessel. Subduing crew.

Then a droid is launched to take control of the ship. In the mean time, kill the 2 escort ships.

Communicator: Unit in place with full control of vessel. Repairing engine system now.

Escort captured ship[]

Escort the captured ship to a safe hyperspace jump point. Be ready! Other Gotal bandits fighters will attempt to again disable the ship so that they can regain control of it.

Once the Ace is underway again, escort it to its jump point. In the mean time there are about 5 waves of Tier 2 Gotal Bandit Dunelizard medium fighters, 3 ships to each wave, that will try to stop you.

Communicator: Ship sensors show incoming fighter vessels with armed weapons systems.

Be careful, your escort is targetable, do not shoot him down. I only had to kill 2 ships before it told me that the mission was a success. Note: The escort ended in a Gotal spawn for me, so be prepared to fight alot more tier 2-3 bandits.

Communicator: We've reached our destination. From here the medical supplies can be safely transported to the planet's surface.

Return to Chrilooc near Kachirho.

Conversation with Chrilooc[]

Chrilooc: I appreciate your help in obtaining those medical supplies. In return I'll tell you what I know. I have a contact in the hunting grounds to the south known as Etyyy. I think he might have information about Brody Johnson. Yes, Brody spoke to me, but I can't say much more than that. My contact might know more, though, because I do know that Brody went to Etyyy.
PC: How do I get to these hunting grounds?
Chrilooc: Etyyy is under the control of some Rodian hunters. They are very, very selective about who they let enter [*coughs*] their hunting grounds. To gain access, you'll need to speak with Kerssoc, a Rodian hunter at the small Rodian hunting camp near the gate to Etyyy.
PC: I'll go speak with Kerssoc.
Chrilooc: Follow the path east out of Kachirho, and you'll find them. Oh, and don't let Kerssoc know you've been talking to me. That will pretty much guarantee you won't get in.

Gain Entry to Etyyy[]

Level: 45

  • 237 XP
  • 3000 credits


Chrilooc wants you to speak with an associate of his in the Etyyy region of Kashyyyk, the hunting grounds. To do so, you must gain access from the Rodian hunters who control the area.


Recommended combat levels: 1 and higher

Speak to Kerssoc[]

Speak to Kerssoc, a Rodian hunter who can help you gain entrance to the Etyyy region, the Hunting Grounds.

Chrilooc will send you to Kerssoc at the Rodian camp of the Kachirho region (/way 577 -639).

Gain Entry to Etyyy[]

Do whatever Kerssoc asks and gain entry to the Hunting Grounds, also known as the Etyyy region of Kashyyyk.

If you don't already have access to the Etyyy - Hunting Grounds area, you will have to complete the Hunting Grounds Access questline for Kerssoc.

Speak with Chrilooc[]

Now that you've gained access to Etyyy, the Hunting Grounds, return to Chrilooc and find out where to look for Brody Johnson.

Conversation with Chrilooc[]

Chrilooc: Good, now that you can come and go from Etyyy, you can be of further service to me. And I can be of further service to you. West of the main Rodian hunting camp is a small compound being used by Arconans who are addicted to salt. Something about their physiology causes salt to be very addictive to Arconans. At this compound you'll find a colleague of mine named Johnson Smith.
PC: Johnson Smith at the Arcona compound?
Chrilooc: That's right. Please help Johnson. He's not only helping those poor Arconans, but he is also overseeing a little project of mine. I'm certain he could use your help. Please do whatever you can for him. I think he will also have more information about the person you are looking for, Brody Johnson. So you see, if you seek him out, you help both of us.
PC: I'll go speak with Johnson Smith.
Chrilooc: Excellent. On your way then.

Find Johnson Smith[]

Level: 45
Rewards: 237 XP

Chrilooc wants you to speak with an associate of his named Johnson Smith.


Recommended combat levels: 40 and higher

Find Johnson Smith in the Hunting Grounds[]

Chrilooc wants you to speak with an associate of his in the Hunting Grounds. Johnson Smith could use your help in his work, but also might have information about Brody Johnson.


Johnson Smith

Once in Etyyy, you will have to talk to Johnson Smith in the Arcona Compound. He is located at the very top of the Arcona Compound.

/wp -392 867 Johnson Smith;

Conversation with Johnson Smith[]

Johnson Smith: I'm busy right now. These people need a lot of attention to get through their tough battle against salt.
PC: Chrilooc sent me.
Johnson Smith: I see. Why did he send you to me exactly?
PC: He said you might know where to find Brody Johnson.
Johnson Smith: Brody Johnson? I remember him. Haven't seen him in a while though. Why are you looking for Brody? Is he in trouble?
PC: His sister, Mada, asked me to look for him.
Johnson Smith: I think he had a small campsite not far from here. I haven't seen him in a while though. Been a few months. I don't know if he's okay or if maybe he left. You should go check his campsite.
PC: I think I will go check that campsite.
Johnson Smith: Okay. And if you don't mind, please come back here and let me know if you find any sign of him.

You can speak with Johnson Smith again to start the quest "Help Ryoo Finn" that gives access to Hracca Glade,

Johnson Smith Helps You Find Brody[]

Level: 45
Rewards: 16875 XP

Johnson Smith seems to have information that might help you find Brody Johnson.


Recommended combat levels: 40 and higher

Investigate Brody's Campsite[]

Johnson Smith tells you to go investigate Brody Johnson's campsite and see if you can find anything.

The campsite can be located just by heading south and crossing the river from the Arcona Camp. There is an Unidentified Corpse there, use it and you pick up a pendant.

/wp -665 488 Unidentified Corpse;

Return to Johnson Smith[]

You found a pendant on someone's remains at the campsite. Return to Johnson Smith and show it to him.

Show the pendant to Johnson Smith and he will say that you better show that to Brody Johnson's sister Mada Johnson.

Conversation with Johnson Smith[]

Johnson Smith: You're back again. What can I help you with?
PC: About Brody Johnson.
Johnson Smith: Any luck at the campsite?
PC: [Show Johnson the pendant]
Johnson Smith: You found this on a corpse at the campsite? Hmm, that's bad news. This was definitely Brody's pendant. I think he got it from his father or something like that. Bad news indeed. You should show that to his sister and let her know what you've discovered.

Speak with Mada Johnson[]

Johnson Smith tells you that the pendant you found was Brody's. Return to Mada Johnson in Kachirho and let her know what you've found.

After speaking to Mada Johnson (third level of Kachirho Great Tree), she says that it is in fact not Brody's pendant and asks you to confront Johnson Smith about it.

/way kachirho -478 211 -92 Mada Johnson;

Conversation with Mada Johnson[]

Mada Johnson: What? You found Brody's corpse? Oh my, no! Are you sure?
PC: [Show her the pendant]
Mada Johnson: No! It can't be! Wait. That's not Brody's pendant. It's very similar, but it's not Brody's. I'm sure of it. Who told you that was Brody's pendant?
PC: Johnson Smith at the Arcona compound in Etyyy.
Mada Johnson: Really? Well, go back and tell him that it's not Brody's pendant. Please find out what's going on.

Return to Johnson Smith[]

According to Mada Johnson, the pendant you found is similar to the one Brody wore, but isn't his. She asks you to confront Johnson Smith and find out what's going on.

Conversation with Johnson Smith[]

Johnson Smith: You're back again. What can I help you with?
PC: About Brody Johnson.
Johnson Smith: Oh, you're back. I hope Mada wasn't too distraught. Must have been rough news for her to hear.
PC: She said the pendant wasn't Brody's.
Johnson Smith: What? No, she's mistaken. Go show it to her again.
PC: [You notice Brody's pendant is very similar]
Johnson Smith: This old thing? No, it's nothing really. It's just something I picked up somewhere. Cheap. Not even real metal. You can buy 100 for 10 credits. It's, um, nothing, seriously.
PC: No, I don't believe you. What's going on?
Johnson Smith: Okay, okay. I can't believe Mada could tell that other pendant was a fake. The truth is... I'm Brody Johnson.
PC: Of course you're Brody Johnson. I've known that from the first time we met.
Johnson Smith: Really, you have?
PC: Changing your name to 'Johnson Smith' wasn't exactly a clever disguise.
Johnson Smith: Oh. I see. But it was easier for me to remember than something like Merrick Chi'thiac.
PC: Uh, yeah. So what's going on here? Why the name change?
Johnson Smith: I came here originally to try and tame creatures here and sell them as pets on other planets. But creatures on Kashyyyk are far too fierce to make good pets on other worlds. Well, most of them anyway. And, to be honest, training an animal is a lot more work than I ever imagined it to be. I don't know how Wrelaac and Vritol do it. Oh, those are two Wookiees I know. Wrelaac is a retired creature trainer, and Vritol was one of his students.
PC: Go on.
Johnson Smith: Right. So with the pet idea not working out, I was once again a failure. This kind of thing has happened before. There was the flying cheese grater fiasco, the incident with gnorts in Tyrena, the time my cantina, 'The Flaming Ewok,' sank into the swamp on Naboo, and so on. I didn't want anyone to know I'd failed again, so I decided to just disappear for a while.
PC: And let your sister think you're dead?
Johnson Smith: I admit that was a bad idea. I just kind of reacted and didn't really think things through all the way. On the other hand, it's not nearly as bad as the time I taught a cantina full of Imperial officers to speak with a funny accent. Anyway, I apologize that you got caught up in my tar pit of a life. Maybe I can make it up to you in some small way. Remember Vritol, the creature trainer I mentioned?
PC: The Wookiee on the Rryatt Trail?
Johnson Smith: Right. If you go to the Trail and travel a little way from the gate, you'll find his house. It's near where the wallugas are. I'll let him know to give you a trained Kashyyyk bantha as a gift from me. They make good mounts and are adept at climbing up hills and the like. Oh, and if you see my sister again, please apologize to her for me.
PC: Sure, whatever. Good-bye then, Brody Johnson.
Johnson Smith: Farewell.

After confronting Johnson Smith about this, he admits that he is actually Brody Johnson and tells you about how he failed to tame Kashyyyk creatures and why he hid his identity.

Conversation with Mada Johnson[]

Mada Johnson: Thank you so much for your help! Brody, or Johnson, or whatever he wants to be called has always been a little odd. I think he just wants a place where he feels like he belongs. I'm going to talk to him about this, don't worry.
PC: Good luck with him.
Mada Johnson: I'll probably need it. Believe it or not, this isn't even in the top 5 stupid things he's done. I think he's still banned from ever again landing on Talus. But he's family. If I abandon him, who would clean up his messes?
PC: Brody asked me to extend his apologies to you.
Mada Johnson: Thank you, I appreciate you saying that. Brody has always been a bit eccentric, but this one was strange even for him. His capers usually lean more to stupid than something like this. I think I'm going to give him some space for a few days, but after that, he's got some explaining to do.

Speak with Vritol on the Rryatt Trail[]

Level: 0
Rewards: Mountable Kashyyyk bantha

Travel to the Rryatt Trail and speak with Vritol, a Wookiee who lives on the trail.


Recommended combat levels: 50 and higher

Speak with Vritol on the Rryatt Trail[]

Johnson Smith, aka Brody Johnson, wants you to speak with Vritol, a creature trainer who lives on the Rryatt Trail. Vritol will give you a Kashyyyk bantha mount.

Johnson Smith tells you about Vritol, a creature handler found on The Common Paths of the Rryatt Trail, he will reward you with the Kashyyyk Bantha mount. He can be found about halfway through the first level of the trail. He's not on the main path, he can be found down a side path near where the Imperial Scout Troopers are spawned.

/way -453 143 -57 Vritol;

Conversation with Vritol[]

Vritol: Brody told me to expect you. I have your Kashyyyk bantha ready. Please treat it well, and you will find it to be a loyal pet. It can traverse broken terrain and steep slopes better than most other mounts.
PC: Thank you.
Vritol: You're welcome. Brody wished for me to thank you again for him as well. So, thank you.
