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You find out from an escaped Nightsister slave at the Dathomir Trading Outpost (595, 3046) that the Nightsisters have been operating a forced labor camp.

Conversation with an escaped Nightsister slave[]

Escaped Slave 1

an escaped Nightsister slave: You were able to escape from the sisters, too? What? You're from the stars!? Then maybe you might be able to help! The Nightsisters chose the strongest of their slaves and force them to work the mines! I managed to escape and search for help, for we cannot save ourselves! Will you please help us gain our freedom?
PC: Why don't you ask the Empire for help?
an escaped Nightsister slave: They were the first people I sought out. The Empire told me that they would prefer to leave well enough alone, and that they didn't care about a few escaped slaves. Blast the Empire! They are no better than the Nightsisters! Will you help us, please?
PC: Yes, I'll definitely help!
an escaped Nightsister slave: Oh, thank you! Here is where the mines are. We're trapped down deep inside the mines, and the Nightsisters oversee everything we do. If you're going to help us, you will need to bring help of your own. I look forward to seeing my friends again! thank you so much.

You are given the waypoint for the Forced Labor Mine (2545, -1662).

Forced Labor Mine

Inside you find Nightsisters:

  • Sentries: L83 Elite
  • Rangers: L85 Elite
  • Slaves: L86 Elite
  • Rancor Trainers: L89 Elite
  • Initiates: L86 Elite
  • Sentinels: L86 Elite
  • Stalkers: L86 Elite
  • Protectors: L89 Elite

Near the mine, you also find a small camp which contains a Burning Stone for the Burning Rock Collection.

Nightsister Forced Labor Camp