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<< Previous Quest: Finding a Weakness

Level: 40


Tika has explained how dependent the smugglers are on droids, and feels this would be a excellent initial assault. By erasing the back-up behavioral matrices from their computers and then destroying their droids, the smugglers will be set back months if not years.


Recommended combat levels: 40 and higher

Tika Sileste (4797 5153), a Selonian near Nashal on Talus has a mission for you, since you are going to the smuggler's base near her cave on behalf of the den. The smuggler's are reliant on droids, and so if you could erase the behavioural matrices of the droids it would seriously hamper the smuggler's abilities.

Conversation with Tika Sileste[]

Tika Sileste: I am Tika of the Sileste sept. Kiki says you have surveyed the smugglers' base and are now returning to do more for our den.
PC: Yes. I figured, I'm going to be inside anyway.
Tika Sileste: Indeed. I prefer that you take direct action against these smugglers for their abuse of my den.
PC: Direct approach. What did you have in mind?
Tika Sileste: The smugglers are highly dependent on droids. Search the smugglers by whatever means necessary until you find one who carries a password for their main computer. Once you have the password, access this computer and delete the backup behavioral matrices stored there. Once you have done this, there will be no difficulty destroying their droids.
PC: Password, main computer, matrices, destroy droids. Got it.
Tika Sileste: If you return, and return successful. I will compensate you generously for your efforts.

Obtain a Password[]

  • First, go to the base (4293 4734) and kill smugglers (CL40) until you find one with a datapad and the codes to the main computer.

The Smuggler's Datapad[]

This last smuggler has a datapad which contains the password you are looking for. You quickly transfer the password to your own datapad, and discard the smuggler's datapad.

Erase the Matrices[]

Slice the main computer, erase the behavioural backups.

/way green 4282 4782 Main Computer;

Destroy the Load Lifters[]

Kill four Binary Load Lifter (CL30)

Destroy the Power Droids[]

Kill four Power Droid (CL30)

Tika Sileste: You have performed the task adequately. Now I need you to perform a further task: destroy the smuggler's guards. Without their defenders, the smugglers will be open to attack by their competition. They may even be forced to shut down completely.


The Smuggler Leader

Dispatch the Smuggler Guards[]

Kill twelve Talusian Smuggler Guards (CL40).

Dispatch the Smuggler Elite Guards Kill four Talusian Smuggler Elite Guards (CL42).

Dispatch the Leader[]

Finally, take down the smuggler leader, a cyborg monstrosity that patrols the grounds (CL40).

Smuggler Leader spawns at /waypoint 4268 49 4707 and then patrols around the base

Return to Tika[]

Return to Tika when all foes are dead.

Conversation with Tika Sileste[]

Tika Sileste: Do not communicate with me unless you have completed your assignment in the smugglers' base.
PC: I have, Tika.  Here is a complete recording of every step.
Tika Sileste: Kiki was correct.  You are skilled and thorough.  I understand that my request may have seemed drastic to you, but you have crippled these smugglers in such a way that their competitors will notice and take advantage, thus drawing attention away from my den.
PC: You didn't say anything about killing all those guards before.
Tika Sileste: You are correct. It was an unfortunate necessity. I will increase your compensation due to the unexpected request.  The den mother's advisor will want to know of your progress.
