In Moenia, there is a retired member of the Royal Council who needs help with some sensitive information regarding the Empire. There seems to be a lot more to this old fellow than meets the eye....
Ebenn Q3 Baobab (retired) stands east of the vendor terminals in Moenia. His missions are for Rebel Combatants, and are role-playing heavy. The material rewards are very small, and no xp is granted for these missions. However, they are worth doing for the backstory alone.
/way 4869 -4875 Ebenn Q3 Baobab (retired);
Part One[]
- Level: none. escort mission
- Reward:
- 100 credits
Note: This mission may only be taken by a Rebel Combatant.
Conversation with Ebenn Q3 Baobab[]
Ebenn Q3 Baobab: Hzznt -- wha? What's that? I was sleeping. Oh. You. You're the one they sent looking for a job. Right? Speak up, I can't hear you. They made me get one of those ear implants, but the thing makes my skull buzz. Where's my assistant? He can fix my ears. Bring me my assistant. I sent him out somewhere. I forget why.
PC: Who is your assistant?
Ebenn Q3 Baobab: Speak up, I can't hear a thing. You need to find my assistant. His name's Rinto Liprus. My great-grandson, I think. Will you go find him?
PC: Yes.
Ebenn Q3 Baobab: What? I can't hear you. Go find my assistant, Rinto Liprus. I sent him -- where did I send him -- oh! Into the wilderness. Now why did I do that?
In the city of Moenia, you wake an old man from a nap and before you can say two words, he demands that you go and find his assistant, Rinto Liprus, who knows how to adjust his hearing aid. He says his name is Ebenn Q3 Baobab, but most people just call him "EQ3" for some reason.
Strike out into the wilds surrounding Moenia and find Liprus. Be sure and "Converse" with him via the radial menu so as not to attack him by mistake. Once you find Liprus, return to Q3.
Conversation with Ebenn Q3 Baobab[]
Ebenn Q3 Baobab: Ah, here's Rinto, and here's my ears. Ah, that's better. I can hear now. Take a little something for your time, youngster. Now, what brings you here? Looking for a job, are you?
Part Two[]
- Level: none, delivery mission
- Reward:
- 150 credits
Conversation with Ebenn Q3 Baobab[]
Ebenn Q3 Baobab: All right, I can hear you now, you don't have to shout -- Where am I? Oh yes. You're looking for a job, right? Well, listen: The Republic is falling on hard times, and unless we do something to help Chancellor Valorum, that Pala-- Plapa -- that Senator What's-his-name will bring ruin on us all. Deliver these funds to set up a commission inquiring into what may be done.
PC: Who are you, anyway?
Ebenn Q3 Baobab: Wha? Me? Oh, I'm just an old man. Used to be on the Royal Council. Traveled, wrote a lot of books. The Galactic Phrasebook, that was mine. Collected folk art of the Hutts -- very interesting, Hutt art, I remember one piece that -- Well, never mind. I need these funds delivered, youngster. What do you say?
PC: Yes.
Ebenn Q3 Baobab: All right, that's the kind of vim I used to have myself, eighty or ninety years ago! Take this to -- oh, what's his name? Name, name -- Tanner Helton! Go. Hope I'm still alive when you get back.
EQ3 is quite talkative once you get back. He says that the Republic is falling on hard times, and that Chancellor Valorum needs help, lest Senator Palpatine gain too much power. He asks you to deliver some funds earmarked to set up a commission to look into what is going on. He says he is a retired member of the Naboo Royal Council and writes travel books in his old age - the Galactic Phrasebook his his, and he also collects Hutt folk art. But enough about him - he asks if you will help him?
Your contact is called Tanner Helton. He mumbles something about medical supplies getting past the Imperial blockade, and tells you to go backto EQ3.
Conversation with Ebenn Q3 Baobab[]
Ebenn Q3 Baobab: All right then. Here's your pay. That Chancellor Valorum had better buckle down, or the whole Republic will in trouble. Yes, yes -- Wait, who are you? Looking for a job?
Part Three[]
- Level: none, escort mission
- Reward:
- 200 credits
Conversation with Ebenn Q3 Baobab[]
Ebenn Q3 Baobab: Wait -- what year is this? This is now, isn't it? I thought so. I drift away sometimes. Well, want another job, youngster? Some fool of a poet -- young sprat! -- sent me her poems to recommend to my publishers. Hah! Can't fool an old man! She just wants me to recommend this junk to my publisher! I mean -- uh -- I forget what I meant. Anyway. Take her junk poetry back to her without my recommendation. That'll show her!
PC: How old are you?
Ebenn Q3 Baobab: Me? I'm, I'm -- I forget how old. When was the Trade Federation War? I retired not long after that. Retired to Manda with my wife, Pookie, and we had a miniature bantha named Nuke. Good old Nuke. I never should have outlived them. But here I am. Now, what about that job?
PC: Yes.
Ebenn Q3 Baobab: Good, good -- What? You still here? Go, go! You're looking for that poet -- what's her name -- Nura Tinall. As if I would ever read her poetry, hah! That's what I say, Hah!
The old man clearly has no idea what year it is, but somehow he seems to be tapped in to the Rebel resistance. However, next he asks you to return some bad poetry to a lady who sent it to him, hoping he could interest his publisher in it. Her name is Nura Tinall.
When you reach her, she asks you if Ebenn sent the "plans" - maybe there is more going on than meets the eye. Return to EQ3 for your reward.
Conversation with Ebenn Q3 Baobab[]
Ebenn Q3 Baobab: Wha? Who are you? What's that? Plans? I don't know anything about any plans. Oh, I remember. I sent you off with that junk poetry. Here, take a little something for your time. Spend it while you can, I say.
Part Four[]
- Level: none, escort mission
- Reward:
- 250 credits
Conversation with Ebenn Q3 Baobab[]
Ebenn Q3 Baobab: Ah? Oh, you're back. I remember you from the Clone Wars, don't I? Good. I have a favor to ask, Master Jedi. Don't lie to me, I saw you with that Jedi Knight, what's-his-name. He just called, asked me to send a guide to bring him here for a nice dinner. Won't that be nice? What do you say, Master Jedi?
PC: Why do you have "Q3" in your name?
Ebenn Q3 Baobab: Ah. Got that "Q3" by undergoing the ceremonial Passage Rite at the semi-summer festival on Vintrus. Wait, was it Vintrus --? No, it wasn't the Passage Rite, it was -- well, maybe I don't remember. What about that job? Please don't keep an old man waiting, Master Jedi.
PC: Yes.
Ebenn Q3 Baobab: Good. Pay the Jedi, Rinto. Rinto? Where is he? Well, Master, I'll pay you when you bring me your Jedi friend.
EQ3 now thinks he remembers you from the Clone Wars, and wants you to bring a mutual "friend" to dinner. He gives you the location, and off you go!
The target is a Gungan named Wert Jopi, who says something about Baobab thinking he is... Force Sensitive? Return to EQ3 for your reward. As before, when you return EQ3 seems to have no idea who you are.... but he pays you anyway, and falls back to sleep. Your missions with EQ3 are finished.
Conversation with Ebenn Q3 Baobab[]
Ebenn Q3 Baobab: Wha? Who's this? Some kind of alien thing! Well, I'll have Rinto take care of this monster. Who are you, youngster? Do I owe you money? I remember now -- you brought me Rinto from the wilderness. Here, take a little something for your time.