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SWG Wiki
Essential cooking skills

ESSENTIAL COOKING SKILLS is one of the written materials found in a Data Storage Unit.


In order to cook food properly you must always pay attention to the proper temperatures to cook specific items. Bantha meat, for example, must maintain a 300 degree temperature for at least one hour in order to destroy any Tatooinian bacteria present during the meat's initial cutting.

The following list should be taken as a guideline, and you'll find that your own instruments will vary according to how well they're calibrated:

KAADU (350 degrees, 1 hour)
KRAYT DRAGON (400 degrees, 3 hours)
GNORT (300 degrees, 1/2 hour)
CU-PA (325 degrees, 1 hour)
CORELLIAN BUTTERFLY (400 degrees, 1/2 hour)
TORTON (500 degrees, 3 hours)
BAGERASET (300 degrees, 2 hours)
BEARDED JAX (250 degrees, 1/2 hour)
PEKO-PEKO (400 degrees, 1 1/2 hours)
VEERMOK (350 degrees, 1 hour)

Rumor has it that Sarlacc meat can be cleaned and cooked, and that some brave denizens of Tatooine managed to ingest it by slicing off one of the attacking tentacles and then setting about finding ways to cook it.

While I won't comment on the veracity of such a claim, should you find yourself in possession of such a fantastic delicacy, I recommend that it be cooked at no less than 500 degrees for no less then 6 hours before you attempt to do anything with it.
