Drakka Judarrl hiding in the old ruins
Drakka Judarrl is a female Zabrak Jedi NPC located on Dantooine offering players a quest.
In Game Details[]
Judarrl can be found deep within a cave behind the waterfall near the Jedi Temple Ruins on Dantooine at /way 4222 4958. In order to start the quest series offered, you have to be a combatant of the Rebel faction. Judarrl is a Jedi who escaped Order 66 and the Great Purge.
Additional Information[]
The quest and therefore Drakka herself have been part of quests for Jedi before the implementation of the Aurilian Village and thus, before NGE of course.
Pre-CU quests[]
Mission 1[]
Conversation with Drakka Judarrl[]
Drakka Judarrl: I am called Drakka Judarrl. I am a Jedi. I need your help to stop a stormtrooper squad from slaughtering dozens of natives. They've been helping me conduct raids on the Imperial garrison. Will you help?
PC: Wait! Did you just say you were a Jedi?
Drakka Judarrl: Yes. I am possibly the last of my kind, although I sense the presence of a few others. I have not made any attempts to contact them for my master told me I must not let the Emperor know I exist.
PC: Where is your master now?
Drakka Judarrl: He became one with the Force years ago. I was only a Padawan at the time. He saved me from the Jedi Purge.
PC: How long have you been here?
Drakka Judarrl: I came to Dantooine when the Rebel base was first established here. I wanted to study them to understand the state of the Rebellion. I think I must reveal myself to the Empire soon. I sense our time is coming. In the meantime, I'll continue to organize strikes against the Empire with the help of the Dantari. Will you help them?
PC: Yes.
Drakka Judarrl: You can intercept the squad at these coordinates. I will be watching but I cannot interfere. My presence must not be revealed to the Empire. Not yet.
Heading to the waypoint you will find several Stormtroopers, whom are a bit tougher then your normal Stormtroopers. If the person who has the quest gets incapacitated at ANY TIME from the point of accepting the quest, to defeating the Stormtroopers, until you return to Drakka and converse with her... You fail in your task.
Conversation with Drakka Judarrl[]
Drakka Judarrl: I am most grateful for your help. I've been able to accumulate a considerable amount of credits from our raids. Please accept this as a reward.
Mission 2[]
Conversation with Drakka Judarrl[]
Drakka Judarrl: The Dantari chieftain that's been helping me conduct my raids on the Imperial garrison has just had his only child kidnapped by Imperials. Could you please attempt a rescue? I could not forgive myself if this young innocent was killed.
PC: Did you actually witness the Jedi Purge?
Drakka Judarrl: I saw many Jedi struck down, yes. I saw the power wielded by the Emperor and his lethal weapon, Darth Vader. I wish I could wipe those memories from my mind.
PC: How did you and your master survive?
Drakka Judarrl: We went into hiding. I was much younger then, still only a Padawan. My master helped many members of the Senate escape the Empire's persecution. It was a dark time. Darth Vader eventually caught up with my master.
PC: How did you escape?
Drakka Judarrl: I was whisked away by a smuggler who had been aiding my master. Since that time, years ago, I've been careful to hide my presence. I rarely use the Force for fear of being detected by the Emperor's spies. But please, enough talk - will you help my Dantari friend?
PC: Yes.
Drakka Judarrl: Here are the coordinates. Dantari scouts have been tracking these commandos. Please hurry.
Ran to waypoint given and killed 4 (verify) Dark Troopers (I believe this is what they were. Larger than normal troopers, wearing black and gray stormtrooper armor). Do NOT kill Aroho Preni (a Dantari raider).
Aroho Preni (a Dantari raider) says, "Get your hands off me, you Imperial scum! My people will make you pay for this affront!"
Approach Aroho Preni (a Dantari raider) and converse, he resplies with:
"Did Drakka send you? Please take me back to her. She is very brave. I hope to one day be her equal." Aroho Preni (a Dantari raider) says.
Return to Drakka Judarrl
Conversation with Drakka Judarrl[]
Drakka Judarrl: I am in your debt. Please accept this as payment.
Mission 3[]
Conversation with Drakka Judarrl[]
Drakka Judarrl: The Emperor's agent here on Dantooine, a sinister figure by the name of Luthik Uwyr, has organized some of the natives into a deadly strike force. He is teaching them to use the dark side. We must stop these agents of evil before this practice spreads offworld. Can you do it?
PC: These native warriors know how to use the dark side?
Drakka Judarrl: Yes, they have a rudimentary grasp of its power but it is sufficient to make them formidable warriors. Do you still wish to tackle them?
PC: Yes.
Drakka Judarrl: You can intercept this raiding party at these coordinates. My Dantari scouts have been keeping tabs on them. Please be careful and bring allies with you if you can.
At the waypoint spawns 1 Dark Force Crystal user and 3 other Dark Force users. Dark Force Crystal user had 29.2K HAM and 80% resists. The battle is incredibly tough, but killing the Dark Force Crystal user is the main goal, many people manage to solo this portion of the quest using bleeds and burst runs.
Conversation with Drakka Judarrl[]
Drakka Judarrl: You are a valued friend of the Alliance and it is my hope that you will continue to serve the cause of freedom and justice. The Empire cannot last forever. Take this artifact, it will help to guide you on the right path. May the Force be with you.