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Dressed dolac legasi

Dolac Legasi

Dolac Legasi is a mysterious prisoner located in the Dathomir Imperial Prison at -6306 752.

/way -6306 752 Dolac Legasi;

Disappearing Inmates[]


  • 350 credits
  • 10 Imperial faction points

Conversation with Dolac Legasi[]

Dolac Legasi: Has the fool Mozo sent you to solve the mystery of the disappearing inmates? I doubt you can, stranger. Odd, isn't it, that I call you stranger when I must seem just as strange to you? Stranger, perhaps. But in this place, most things seem strange. About those disappearing inmates... Interested?
PC: Tell me more about the disappearances.
Dolac Legasi: As I said, Dathomir is full of strange occurrences. In most cases, the prison cells were still sealed and there was no evidence of a breakout. What do you think this would imply?
PC: The inmates had help on the inside.
Dolac Legasi: That is a good conclusion, yet the recording devices show no evidence of any foul play. And there's the issue of the wraiths.
PC: What are the wraiths?
Dolac Legasi: The specters of those who have died on Dathomir. And those must surely number in the thousands. Could the wraiths have helped these inmates escape? Locate the lost inmate and you might have your answer. Do you wish to do it?
PC: Yes.
Dolac Legasi: As it turns out, one of them has reappeared. Finding him will undoubtably shed some light on where the others have gone. But you must hurry. Dathomir is not exactly the sort of place one wishes to wander about. There are many horrors, both seen and unseen, that can claim a being's life... or soul.

At this point you receive a waypoint to the escaped prisoner, you must speak with them then the prisoner will follow you, lead them back to Dolac Legasi. Upon talking with Dolac again he congratulates you and says he is sure Mozo will give you a reward when you speak with him.

Conversation with Dolac Legasi[]

Dolac Legasi: More questions? How could this be? That is the nature of clues. They answer old questions and create new ones. There will always be questions. Claim the reward Mozo has provided for you.

Retrieve the Shadow Shard[]


  • 450 credits
  • 10 Imperial faction points

Conversation with Dolac Legasi[]

Dolac Legasi: You'd like to know where the 'place of shadows' is, wouldn't you? And what the shadow stone is? Perhaps I know of a place where this exists. But do you truly wish to go there?
PC: How do you know where the shadow stone is?
Dolac Legasi: The whispers told me, of course. I am not without my own skills, stranger. Why do you think I'm here? I was considered far too dangerous to be allowed to remain free, yet no one dared execute me. Isn't that odd?
PC: Who sent you here?
Dolac Legasi: The Emperor, who else? He declared me a threat to the Empire and had me imprisoned here. Don't you find that amusing? The Emperor declaring me a threat? I chuckle everytime I think of that.
PC: Why did the Emperor feel you were a threat?
Dolac Legasi: Perhaps because he knew I could one day challenge him for control of the Empire. I was close to finding the key that would have allowed me to do that. But that is another matter...
PC: Yes.
Dolac Legasi: Very well. Bring me the shadow shard and I may be able to help you solve this mystery. You can only get the shard by shattering the shadow stone. The wraiths will try to stop you.

Sith Altar

The Sith Altar

Once you get to the waypoint you find a Dark Jedi Knight waiting for you. He hits for 1.7-2.8k usualy around 2.3k on an AT with heavy armor. Did more damage than a couple of Dune Kimos on my AT. Once killed you get the message to return to Dolac Legasi. On her corpse she had a sith altar and Holocron Splinters.

When you get back to Dolac he gives you 450 credits 10 imp fp you also automatically turn in the sith altar you looted from the corpse.

Conversation with Dolac Legasi[]

Dolac Legasi: You have brought me the crystal shard. Excellent. I must study its secrets before I can help you fight the wraiths.

Fight the Sith[]


  • 1800 credits
  • 30 Imperial faction points
  • -15 Nightsister faction points

Conversation with Dolac Legasi[]

Dolac Legasi: The shard has revealed the ancient evil behind these wraiths. Do you think you can stop it? Do you dare try?
PC: What is this ancient evil?
Dolac Legasi: The shard was a piece of a Sith holocron and it is a Sith that you go to face now. This agent of evil has enslaved many souls on Dathomir. This dark warrior can enslave the minds of others.
PC: Is this how the inmates were allowed to escape?
Dolac Legasi: Yes, the Sith took possession of their bodies and they were none the wiser. Prison guards would wipe the evidence away and none would remember their actions.
PC: You've known this all along, haven't you?
Dolac Legasi: Yes, I have watched it happen time and again. The Sith wanted my allegiance but I refused to give it. I was too powerful to be controlled like the others so the Sith warrior was making arrangements to have me destroyed. I couldn't allow this to happen. Shall you go and end this menace once and for all?
PC: Yes.
Dolac Legasi: Go to these coordinates and face the master of these wraiths. This sinister force is strong with the dark side. It is not likely that you'll return.

Go to the waypoint and fight and kill a Dark Jedi Master. He will not be alone, and as you get near the waypoint, one Nightsister spell weaver and two Nightsister protector's will also attack you. You return after the 3rd mission and to get 1800 credits, 30 imp fp, and lose 15 nightsister faction.

Conversation with Dolac Legasi[]

Dolac Legasi: There are many evils in this universe. The Sith are but one of these. I am another. Remember that the light cannot exist without darkness.
