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Location: /way space_dantooine 1380 -782 -5794 Dantooine Space Station;

Dantooine Space Station

Ship Repair Capabilities: 75%

Proximity to Hyperspace Points[]

  • Dantooine's Wrath ~6,700m
  • Isryn's Veil ~8,500m
  • Asair's Ribbon ~11,500m
  • Gorvera Space ~16,200m

Available Starports[]

Destroy Duty Missions[]

Story missions[]

100% repair questline[]

Tier 3 duty missions for Alliance Pilots and Freelance Pilots. Completing this small chain of missions allows you to repair 100% of damage at the Dantooine Space Station.

Conversation with Dantooine Space Station[]

Dantooine Space Station: This is Dantooine Station. What can I do for ya?
PC: I need repairs!
Dantooine Space Station: Well, you sure picked a backwater station to get repairs from. Until our next supply ship comes through, we're sort of limited with that. Just how much of that damage do you need repaired?
PC: All of it.
Dantooine Space Station: 'Fraid we can't manage that, friend. Probably the best we could do would be to repair three-quarters of your damage... How about for %DI credits?
PC: Why can't you fix all of it?
Dantooine Space Station: Well, let me see. I am out of nearly everything here. Hey...maybe you could help me and get me some more supplies? If you do, I will fix your ship to full...but don't go around telling everyone that I gave you this opportunity.
PC: Ok, you have a deal.
Dantooine Space Station: I knew you were going to help me. Ok, this is the deal. First you need to go to Corellia and pick up an order of micro-processors that I put in close to a month ago. After that there is a freighter in Tatooine that is dragging it's feet getting here. You get me those processors and get that freighter here and I will repair your ship to full when you need me to.

Corellia System: Pickup the Micro-Processor[]

Level: 0
Rewards: none

The Dantooine station has hired you to pick up a micro-processor from a shipping company in Corellia. The company will not deliver out to Dantooine and that processor is desperately needed.

Travel to the Corellia System (Binayre Razorcat), proceed to the rendezvous, then dock with the Tier 3 Light Freighter "Light Cargo Freighter".

Communicator: Ok, let's make this fast. Dock when ready and I will transfer the goods.

Communicator: Transferring cargo to your vessel now. Stand by.

Communicator: Ok, you have the micro-processor. See you around.

Tatooine System: Escort the Lemdurion Plate Freighter[]

Level: 0
Rewards: 2000 credits

The Dantooine station had made an agreement to buy a shipment of cargo out of the Tatooine system. The freighter refuses to make the jump to Dantooine unless someone can escort it through the system. You need to escort the target through the system.

Travel to the Tatooine System (Outer Rim), proceed to the rendezvous.

Communicator: Ok, fine. If you watch my back as I head to the jump point, I will make the delivery to Dantooine.

Communicator: This is the last time I ever agree to go to Dantooine.

Escort the Tier 3 Heavy Freighter "Heavy Cargo Freighter" against:

  • 1 Tier 2 Z-95 "Commerce Raider"
  • 2 Tier 3 Z-95 "Commerce Raider"

Communicator: See ya, later. Can't say I like this but I guess I was paid.

Conversation with Dantooine Space Station[]

Dantooine Space Station: Hey, nice job. The freighter showed up just a short time ago and those micro-processors will come in handy. Whenever you need repairs, I will fix your ship to full...for a price of course. Is there anything else you need?
PC: It wasn't any problem.
Dantooine Space Station: Whatever...I am just glad to have those much needed supplies. Is there anything else I can do for you?

Cargo pickups[]

These quests are available for all pilots.

Conversation with Dantooine Space Station[]

Dantooine Space Station: This is Dantooine Station. What can I do for ya?
PC: I'm looking for work.
Dantooine Space Station: Oh, really? Well then I have just what ya need...or rather maybe ya can help me with some problems around here. Seems like I have nothin' but problems. Let me see here...I got some open mercenary contracts. I have some supply pickups that need to be made. And..oh yeah...I need some freighters escorted through the system.
PC: I would like to make the pickups.
Dantooine Space Station: Right ya are. I have several scheduled pick ups in a few other systems. If ya go pick that stuff up for me I will pay you for each of the deliveries you make. I cannot pay ya a lot but at least it is something. You should do this for me.
PC: Do you have anything in the Lok system? / I am heading to the Corellia system. / What about Tatooine? / I want to travel to Naboo.
Dantooine Space Station: Fine with me. Travel to Lok and meet with a delivery vessel that is waiting there. I will pay ya for the trouble when you get back to me. / Sounds good to me. Travel to Corellia and meet with the freighter that is supposed to have a load of cargo for me. You will be payed when ya return with the cargo. / Whatever. Not that I expect ya to ever come back...no one else ever does. Anyways, head to Tatooine and meet up with the delivery vessel there. I will have your payment waiting for ya on delivery of the goods. / Oh, ya will. That is surprising news I must admit. Meet up with the delivery vessel in the Naboo systsem. Once I have the cargo, ya can get paid.

Lok System: Pickup Cargo for the Dantooine Station / Corellia System: Pickup Cargo for the Dantooine Station / Tatooine System: Pickup Cargo for the Dantooine Station / Naboo System: Pickup Cargo for the Dantooine Station[]

Level: 0
Rewards: 10000 credits

The Dantooine station has hired you to pick up a delivery that was ment for them in the Lok system. / The Dantooine station has hired you to pick up a delivery that was ment for them in the Corellia system. / The Dantooine station has hired you to pick up a delivery in the Tatoo system that was meant for them. / The Dantooine station has hired you to pick up a delivery in the Naboo system that was meant for them.

The four quests are identical, only the destination changes. You have to travel to the indicated star system, dock with a freighter and return to the Dantoine Station. There is no opposition.

Communicator: Go ahead and dock whenever you are ready. We have the cargo.

Communicator: Transferring cargo to your vessel. Make sure that Dantooine gets that shipment.

Communicator: Ok, you have the goods Dantooine ordered. We are out of here.

Conversation with Dantooine Space Station[]

Dantooine Space Station: Excellent. I have been waiting for this. I hope your trip to Lok went smoothly. As promised here is your payment for a job well done. / I really hate Corellia. Always fully stocked...never having any problems getting goods. I bet those station owners are making a fortune. Here is your payment. / I am surprised that Tatooine had anything...they are almost as remote as I am. Must be nice to have everyone flying around there. Oh well, here is your payment. / I have been waiting for this. I understand that Naboo is nice this time of year...wish I could be there instead of here. As promised here is your payment for a job well done.

Smuggling missions[]

This questline is available for Freelance Pilots only.

Conversation with Dantooine Space Station[]

Dantooine Space Station: This is Dantooine Station. What can I do for ya?
PC: I am looking for some adventure.
Dantooine Space Station: Adventure, eh? I might have something for ya if ya don't mind...doing something that isn't exactly legal.
PC: I am not afraid to bend a few laws.
Dantooine Space Station: Well, this should be simple enough for someone like you. I have some things that I need to have...picked up. Ya see, I was promised some goods and those goods never showed up. I need someone with your talents to go make those goods show up.
PC: Keep talking. I'm listening.
Dantooine Space Station: The first thing I need is on a freighter called the Shifty Prince. It is carrying a load of phasotron radium and is in the Naboo system right now. Inspect that ship and get the radium. Then I need you to go to Corellia and capture the Bez'ox Mentzz. The load of atmospheric inhibitors is mine but the shipping company won't send them to me.
PC: Anything else?
Dantooine Space Station: Yeah...I want something for me, blast it. There is a ship in Tatooine called the Lord's Mistress. She is loaded with Corellian Brandy and I want some. Being out here makes a man want to drink. Inspect her and get me some of that brandy. Just watch out for Hap, he owns the Mistress and is a real vengeful cuss.
PC: Ok, got it. This should be a snap.
Dantooine Space Station: Alright. I will forward you coordinates of each of the ships when you arrive in the system. Oh, and if you get caught I will deny everything.

Naboo System: Inspect the Shifty Prince[]


The Dantooine station wants you to commit a few acts of piracy in order to get them some more supplies. Your first task is to inspect a freighter called the Shifty Prince. It should be carrying some phasotron radium that the station is in need of.

Corellia System: Capture the Bez'ox Mentzz[]

Level: 0

The Dantooine station wants the supplies that are being shipped inside the Corellia system on the Bezox Mentzz. Intercept and capture that vessel.

Space Corellia: Destroy the CorSec Fighters[]


Your acts of piracy have gained the attention of the CorSec. They cannot be allowed to report in to your actions. Destroy them all.

Tatooine System: Inspect the Lord's Mistress[]


The Dantooine station owner also wants some Corellian Brandy for his private use. He discovered that the Lord's Mistress is carrying some very fine brandy and wants you to get him some of it.

Space Dantooine: Destroy the Lord's Master[]


The owner of the Lord's Mistress has managed to track you to the Dantooine system. He will be able to easily put two and two together. Sadly Hap Daniel must be eliminated.

Conversation with Dantooine Space Station[]

Dantooine Space Station: Hey, look whose back and look at all of this nice stuff. You did good...real good. I cannot wait to take a little sniff of that brandy...I know I deserve it. Oh, yeah...ya need to be paid.

Abandoned Rebel Base access[]

Tier 3 story missions for Alliance Pilots to grant landing rights for the Abandoned Rebel Base.

Conversation with Dantooine Space Station[]

Dantooine Space Station: This is Dantooine Station. What can I do for ya?
PC: I need special landing permission.
Dantooine Space Station: I was wondering if ya were going to ask me about that? I have been watching ya from up here...don't have much else to do really. I am willing to help ya out if ya help me out. One hand washes the other...ya know?
PC: I am listening.
Dantooine Space Station: I have a slight Imperial problem. If you help me out with my problem, I can see fit to look the other way if you were to...say land at a base on the planet that isn't supposed to be there...if ya get my drift.
PC: I am still listening.
Dantooine Space Station: Part of my freighter fleet has been conscripted by those blasted Imperials. Even with those ships I cannot keep my station fully stocked...without them I am running dangerously low on supplies. If you get my fleet back from those Imperials, I will let you land at that base that isn't really there.
PC: You have a deal.
Dantooine Space Station: Ok, I will send you the navigation location to one of the freighters. You capture it and bring it back here. I will repaint and rename it. The dumb Imperials won't know the difference. Thanks for helping out.

Dantooine System: Rescue the Freighter[]

Level: 0
Reward: none

The Dantooine station has had most of its supply fleet conscripted by the Empire and the station owner has asked you to assist him in getting those ships back. He has offered you landing rights for assisting him.

Communicator: Ok, I am tracking one of my ships. When I send you its location, you go and rescue it...okay?

Communicator: I have a lock on my ship. Intercept and recapture it for me.

You are sent to disable a Tier 3 freighter "Medium Cargo Freighter", kill a Tier 2 and two Tier 1 TIE Fighter, power up the freighter's systems, then escort it back to Dantooine Space Station. A Tier 2 TIE Bomber will ambush you on your way back.

Communicator: We wanted to escape...not die!

Communicator: I always like the Rebellion.

Communicator: Ok, I have my freighter back. You did good pilot...real good.

The next quest starts automatically.

Dantooine System: Protect the Supply Fleet[]

Level: 0
Reward: 5000 credits

The Imperials are attacking some of the Dantooine station's supply fleet in retaliation for the loss of one of the freighters. Protect the supply fleet from the Imperial attack.

Communicator: I have a lock on some of my supply fleet. They look pretty beat up but they are intact. Get to them fast and take out any Imperials that try to destroy them.

You must travel to the fleet location to protect the Tier 3 freighters "Medium Supply Freighter", and defeat 5 tier 2 TIE fighters, and one tier 3 TIE Advanced.

Return to the space station and you will have rights to land at the Abandoned Rebel Base.

Freighter escort duty[]

This quest is available for Alliance Pilots and Freelance Pilots.

Conversation with Dantooine Space Station[]

Dantooine Space Station: This is Dantooine Station. What can I do for ya?
PC: I'm looking for work.
Dantooine Space Station: Oh, really? Well then I have just what ya need...or rather maybe ya can help me with some problems around here. Seems like I have nothin' but problems. Let me see here...I got some open mercenary contracts. I have some supply pickups that need to be made. And..oh yeah...I need some freighters escorted through the system.
PC: I will escort your freighters.
Dantooine Space Station: Ok, for each of the freighters ya get through I will pay you. These freighters are coming in from Corellia and I am not really sure what is on them...but we do need them. I will send ya the arrival location of each of the freighters when they are ready to arrive.

Dantooine System: Escort the Freighters Duty[]

Level: 0
Reward: 1500 credits

The Dantooine station is having major supply problems. Partly because of its remoteness, but it also looses a large number of freighters to Dantooine Raiders. The station owner has hired you to escort his freighters through the Dantooine system.

Escort the Tier 3 Heavy Freighter against Dantooine Raiders.

Communicator: Ok, we are here. The other guy said you would lead me to where you wanted me to go.

Communicator: This is rich! Pirates trying to steal from theives.

Communicator: Fine, we will drop our cargo off here. You didn't have to be so pushy.

Freighter piracy duty[]

This quest is only available for Freelance Pilots.

Conversation with Dantooine Space Station[]

Dantooine Space Station: This is Dantooine Station. What can I do for ya?
PC: I'm looking for work.
Dantooine Space Station: Oh, really? Well then I have just what ya need...or rather maybe ya can help me with some problems around here. Seems like I have nothin' but problems. Let me see here...I got some open mercenary contracts. I have some supply pickups that need to be made. And..oh yeah...I need some freighters escorted through the system.
PC: I was thinking of some 'special' help.
Dantooine Space Station: Yeah, I thought ya looked the shady type. Maybe...I have something for ya. I have this problem of never getting my supplies. Now how am I supposed to run a station without supplies, I ask you? There are some pretty fat shipping lanes in Corellia, I doubt that they would miss a few freighters.
PC: I am just the pilot you are looking for.
Dantooine Space Station: I thought you would be interested. I will find someone else to escort those freighters coming into this system, so all ya need to do is to capture them in Corellia and send them out here. Watch out for those CorSec...they get rather upset about losing freighters for some reason.

Corellia System: Capture Cargo Freighter's Duty[]

Level: 0
Reward: 500 credits

The Dantooine station needs supplies. They are willing to do anything to get those supplies, even support piracy. You are to raid the rich shipping lanes of Corellia and send the captured freighters to Dantooine.

You have to capture a Tier 3 Heavy freighter in the Corellian system, then escort it to the jump point.

Communicator: Blasted pirates! The CorSec are going to hear about this.

Communicator: Fine, I will do whatever you want me to...just don't destroy me.

Communicator: Ok, I will go to Dantooine, but I am not doing this out of my own free will.

Dantooine Raider destroy duty[]

Conversation with Dantooine Space Station[]

Dantooine Space Station: This is Dantooine Station. What can I do for ya?
PC: I'm looking for work.
Dantooine Space Station: Oh, really? Well then I have just what ya need...or rather maybe ya can help me with some problems around here. Seems like I have nothin' but problems. Let me see here...I got some open mercenary contracts. I have some supply pickups that need to be made. And..oh yeah...I need some freighters escorted through the system.
PC: Tell me about the mercenary contracts.
Dantooine Space Station: Here's the menu, Pick your poison.
PC: I'll hunt down the local tier 2 and 3 raiders
Dantooine Space Station: Transmitting mission data. Good hunting.

Dantooine System: Destroy the Dantooine Raiders[]

Level: 0
Reward: credits

Dantooine Raiders have been attacking the supply freighters heading to the Dantooine station. This is causing heavy shortages in supplies for the station. The owner wants you to reduce the numbers of raiders in the system.

k/K = Tier 2/3 Dantooine Light Raider(Kihraxz), i/I= Tier 2/3 Dantooine Raider(Ixiyen)

Mission 1 Mission 2 Mission 3 Mission 4
Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Wave 1 Wave 2 Wave 3 Ace
Cycle 1 k kK kkK k kK kkK K Ki KKi I
Cycle 2 kK kkK kkKK kK kkK kkKK Ki KKi KKii II
Cycle 3 kkK kkKK kkkKK kkK kkKK kkkKK KKi KKii KKKii III
Cycle 4 kkKK kkkKK kkkKKK kkKK kkkKK kkkKKK KKii KKKii KKKiii IIII
Cycle 5 kkkKK kkkKKK kkkkKKK kkkKK kkkKKK kkkkKKK KKKii KKKiii KKKKiii IIIII