SWG Wiki
Box archive This article relates to an element of Star Wars Galaxies prior to the New Game Enhancements. It is no longer accurate and remains for historical purposes only.
Skill tree
Master Creature Handler
Taming IV Training IV Empathy IV Management IV
Taming III Training III Empathy III Management III
Taming II Training II Empathy II Management II
Taming I Training I Empathy I Management I
Novice Creature Handler

Profession Overview[]

Creature Handlers are masters of creatures. They have the ability to tame, train, and command pets, which can be a powerful aid. The power of the Creature Handler lies in the power of their pets, as the profession gives no actual weapons skills or defenses. Because of the overpowering strength of the profession at launch, the balancing of creatures made the profession seem nerfed; however, recent changes (publish 21) have improved things significantly by allowing creature handlers to learn pet abilities from their pets and then teach them to other pets.

This profession requires 106 skill points to master, 43 of which go towards prerequisites.

XP requirements to master, including prerequisites:

  • 5,900,000 Creature Handler XP (granted for taming pets, teaching new commands, and killing MOB's with help from pets)
  • 156,000 Scouting XP (granted for harvesting creature resources, camping, and successfully using Mask Scent/Conceal)

Profession Role Summary[]

  • Primary Role: Pet Handler
  • Secondary Role: Versatility
  • Offense: N/A (Defined by Pet)
  • Defense: N/A (Defined by Pet)
  • Crowd Control: N/A (Defined by Pet)

Creature Handlers are the ultimate in combat versatility. While they have no innate combat capabilities of their own they are able to fulfill almost any needed role as long as they have a pet with the necessary abilities.

Getting Started[]

Training Novice Creature Handler requires 65,000 Scouting XP and two branches from Scout:

You can find a Creature Handler trainer in one of several locations:

Related Skill Mods[]


Name Command Description Granted At
Embolden Pets /emboldenpets Causes your pets to become bolder, at a cost to you. Creature Empathy II
Enrage Pets /enragepets Causes all of your pets to go berzerk. Creature Empathy IV
Tame /tame Allows you to try to tame a creature. Novice Creature Handler
Train Mount N/A Allows you to train a creature to be a mount. Creature Management IV
Train Pet /trainPet Allows you to train your pet with known pet abilities. Novice Creature Handler

Pet Commands[]

Name Description Granted At
Pet Command: Attack Allows you to train your pet to attack. Novice Creature Handler
Pet Command: Follow Allows you to train your pet to follow you around. Novice Creature Handler
Pet Command: FollowOther Allows you to train your pet to follow someone else. Creature Management II
Pet Command: Formations Allows you to train your pets to align themselves in formation. Creature Training IV
Pet Command: Friend Allows you to train your pet to make friends with a target player. Creature Management III
Pet Command: Guard Allows you to train your pet to guard (defend) the targeted player. Creature Training II
Pet Command: Group Allows you to train your pet to join your group. Creature Management I
Pet Command: RangedAttack Allows you to train your pet to do a ranged attack. Master Creature Handler
Pet Command: Patrol Allows you to train your pet to patrol a small area. Creature Training III
Pet Command: Stay Allows you to train your pet to stay where it is. Creature Training I
Pet Command: Store Allows you to train your pet to store into its pet control device. Novice Creature Handler
Pet Command: Transfer Allows you to give your pet to another creature handler. Master Creature Handler
Pet Command: Trick1 Allows you to train your pet to do a trick. Creature Empathy I
Pet Command: Trick2 Allows you to train your pet to do a second trick. Creature Empathy III


  • Battle Armor Certification

Community Information[]

Profession Name Correspondent: Ko-aIri
Former Correspondents:

  • Vertexon
  • Libaz Yrzi

Creature Handler Forum: Official Creature Handler Forum
