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A Viewscreen with a Corellia Times Logo

After you killed the Meatlump lieutenant Merkie Howzat in Coronet during the quest "Merkie Howzat", you found a No-Trade View Screen with a Corellia Times logo on his corpse. Radial and Inspect the viewscreen to start the following quest line which eventualy leads to the Meatlumps Theme Park.

Find the owner of the view screen[]

Level: 30
Reward: None

Find the person to whom the view screen belongs.


Recommended combat levels: 1 and higher

Activating the view screen gives you a few flickers but nothing else.


When you pick up the view screen, the Corellia Times logo begins to slowly animate and a chime sounds. You fail to get it to respond in any other way despite your best efforts. The obvious course of action is to return it to its owner. Maybe you should try finding the Corellia Times building in Coronet.

Find Someone at the Corellia Times Building[]

Finn Shallo

Finn Shallo

Perhaps you should return it to the Corellia Times (-175 -4445) and see if anyone claims it. Go there and talk to Finn Shallo, the editor. He says that the screen belongs to Vani Korr, who claims to have been attacked by Meatlumps.

Conversation with Finn Shallo[]

Finn Shallo: Excuse me, hello. What can I do for you?
PC: I found this view screen with the Corellia Times logo on it.
Finn Shallo: Oh? Let me take a look at that. Why yes, this belongs to Vani Korr. Did you get it from one of those Meatlump thugs by any chance?
PC: Yes, I did. They were trying to destroy a power generator. Or something.
Finn Shallo: Yes, they do seem to like doing that kind of thing. They attacked Vani. At least, that's what she claims. You'll find her in the hospital here in Coronet. Why don't you bring this view screen over to her. I'm sure she'll be glad to have it back.
PC: I'll do that.
Finn Shallo: Thank you. She's on the first floor of the hospital.

Go Find Vani Korr[]

Vani Korr is inside the Coronet Medical Center (-105 -4436) on the first floor.

Conversation with Vani Korr[]


Helping Vani Korr

Vani Korr: Hello. Look, I really don't have time to talk. I'm trying to recover from an attack.
PC: I have your view screen.
Vani Korr: My...? Where? How did? You got it from a Meatlump, didn't you? They attacked my speeder. Overturned it while I was driving. I was thrown clear and knocked unconscious. When I awoke, I was here at the hospital. I don't know how I got here and none of the doctors or medical staff have known any different. I was lucky to survive even if I do not know how it happened, because I believe that attack was no coincidence.
PC: What do you mean?
Vani Korr: I mean that it was no random attack. The Meatlumps somehow discovered I was investigating them and apparently decided to stop me. I'm not sure how they found out. I had thought I was being discreet, but not enough it seems. You see, I'm a reporter for the Corellia Times. My goal is to do a series of articles on the Meatlumps to try and shed some light on who they are and why they do the things they do.
PC: Sounds like a dangerous goal.
Vani Korr: Perhaps. More so than I originally thought, that's for certain. Now that they know what I'm doing, maybe doubly so. I don't know how I'll... Wait. A thought occurs to me. They know who I am, so I can't continue directly. Not to mention the fact that the doctors tell me it will be some time before I can be released from this hospital. But the Meatlumps do not know you. You could be my agent in the field.
PC: What exactly do you mean by that?
Vani Korr: I will lead the investigation and write my articles, but you will help me in the field. You will become my eyes and ears as I recover. You will investigate the Meatlumps and report what you find back to me.
PC: Okay, what would you like me to do first?
Vani Korr: Rumor has it that the Meatlumps are led by three brothers. Virtually nothing is known about these brothers. So far I've generally been able to confirm that there are three brothers running the Meatlump show. I'll start you off with something relatively small and easy: find out the names of these three brothers.
PC: Any idea how I should go about doing that?
Vani Korr: As a matter of fact, I have a very good idea. Most Meatlumps use a datapad. You have to understand that your average Meatlump thug is not the brightest star in the Galaxy. More like a gravity well from which nothing escapes and in which everything is destroyed.
PC: Where do the datapads come in?
Vani Korr: The Meatlump leaders distribute a datapad to each Meatlump mostly so that the lesser members can use it to help remember their basic tasks, and in some cases, other information like their own name, where they live, and their favorite foods. I'm hoping that we'll find something that will point to the brothers.
PC: So I should go get some of these Meatlump datapads?
Vani Korr: In a word, yes. You'll need to take down some Meatlumps to accomplish anything. It won't be easy. They usually destroy their datapads when they know they are going to be arrested or defeated. But I have total faith in you. I also have little other choice. I do not think you'll find this too daunting a task, but do please be careful. Return to me when you have 9 Meatlump datapads. That should be enough for a good sampling.
PC: Very well. I'll come back when I have 9 of them.
Vani Korr: I eagerly await your triumphant return!

Vani tells you that she has been investigating the Meatlumps and that she is sure the attack on her was no coincidence. She cannot continue the research, of course, but thinks that you can. She asks you to help her locate the names of the three Meatlump brothers who lead the gang. Agree to help her, and the quest updates.

Help Vani Korr Investigate the Meatlumps, Part 1[]

Level: 30
Reward: None

Vani Korr, a reporter for the Corellia Times, is investigating the Meatlumps and wants to discover the identity of the three brothers who are rumored to lead the Meatlumps. Help her to do so.


Recommended combat levels: 35 and higher

Gather datapads from Meatlump thugs[]

Vani says that the average Meatlump is such an idiot that he carries a datapad with his name and other important information on it so that he won't forget. She asks you to get her 9 of these datapads, she is sure to find out some useful information as to the identity of the leaders this way. To complete this, find and kill Meatlumps of any kind until you locate 9 datapads. The easiest way to do this since the NGE is to go to the static Meatlump spawn right outside of Coronet.

/way corellia -173 -5005 Meatlump camp;

Return to Vani Korr with the Meatlump Datapads[]

Once you have found 9 datapads, return to Vani.

Conversation with Vani Korr[]

Vani Korr: You have them all? Well done. Very well done! Now let's see what secrets these things hold. [*attempts to access some of the datapads*] Hmm... I didn't anticipate this. The information is encrypted. I'll need a password in order to get to any thing these hold. That then will be your next task.
PC: What is that task exactly?
Vani Korr: To find the password for these datapads. More than likely a lieutenant among the Meatlumps will know the password for these. I can't imagine they would trust your average Meatlump to remember it. Go to one of the Meatlump camps outside of town and use the radio in the camp to send a distress signal. According to my sources, a Meatlump lieutenant will be dispatched to answer the signal.
PC: And then what?
Vani Korr: And then convince him to tell you the password, of course. If you can trick him into telling you without resorting to violence, then do so. But don't expect that to be easy. I'll give you a list of coded responses to try, but I have no idea if they will work. Sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. We've never been able to crack their code. But it's worth trying. If it fails, you probably have to fight him, so be prepared.
PC: Okay, I understand. I'll be back with the password.
Vani Korr: Excellent. And do be careful. Those Meatlump lieutenants can be pretty tough.

Help Vani Korr Investigate the Meatlumps, Part 2[]

Level: 30

  • 2290 credits
  • Advance copy of Vani's Article


Vani Korr, a reporter for the Corellia Times, is investigating the Meatlumps and wants to discover the identity of the three brothers who are rumored to lead the Meatlumps. Help her to do so.


Recommended combat levels: 35 and higher

Send a Distress Signal from a Meatlump Camp[]

Vani is thrilled with the datapads... but they seem to be encrypted, to her surprise. She tells you to return to the Meatlump camp southeast of the city and access the radio in the tent there. That should summon a Meatlump Lieutenant, who will have the code. She says you can try and trick him into giving it to you, but be prepared to fight just in case. Go to the camp and use the radio there.

/way corellia -79 -4982 Meatlump radio;

A Meatump Lieutenant (CL31) appears at the tent. Use the radial menu to "Converse" with him, and he will ask you why you activated the signal? If you tell him you need the password, he will ask you for the code. You get a long string of possible phrases; the correct choice is "Sunlight Shining in the Shadows" but if you get it right, he will simply tell you the password. If you get it wrong, it is not the end - simply kill the Lieutenant and your quest will update with the password you found on his body.

Conversation with a Meatlump lieutenant[]

Meatlump lieutenant: Why did you send a distress signal?
PC: I need to know the datapad password.
Meatlump lieutenant: Password? Why? What is your code?
PC: Sunlight shining into shadows. / Life invading the grave. / Fish walking the land. / Clouds floating in the grass. / Night falling at midday. / Music listening in silence.
Meatlump lieutenant: No. No password, You should not send distress signal. You should not leave this place. You will not leave this place. [*ATTACKS*]

After defeating the Meatlump lieutenant, you find he was carrying a notepad with only one small phrase written on the first page: password is meatlump.

Return to Vani Korr[]


Story of the Meatlumps, Part 1

Once you return the password to Vani, she is able to crack the code and will be able to write her article. She thanks you and gives you an advance copy of the article (an item in your inventory which you can "Read" and learn more about the Meatlumps).

Conversation with Vani Korr[]

Vani Korr: Oh, yes! You did it. And the password is... The password is 'meatlump.' I can't believe this. I absolutely do not believe this. Some tech team we've got at the Corellia Times. Top notch. Second to none. [*quieter*] I can't believe I didn't think to try that myself. [*cough*] Anyway. Now we have the password, so let's see what it reveals.
PC: Did the datapads reveal anything?
Vani Korr: I think I have, indeed, found something. Exactly what we sought and perhaps even more. One communication makes mention of a 'King of the Meatlumps.' That is exactly the kind of scoop I was hoping for. This will do nicely for the first article. Thank you very much.  You shall receive an advanced copy of my article. And if you're interested, I'll let you know when I'm ready to pursue my next article. But that will have to wait.
PC: So what were their names?
Vani Korr: Hush. I'm almost done. Yes, that should do it. Here is your copy. Are you ready for another assignment?
PC: I am.
Vani Korr: Excellent. We need to find out more about this rumored Meatlump King. The first step, I think, is to find him. The Meatlumps have a primary hideout somewhere. That is where we'll find the Meatlump King. I'm certain of it.
PC: I'm on it.
Vani Korr: Our best bet to find out something about the Meatlump Hideout is to convince a Meatlump Lieutenant to tell us about it. I've been tracking recent crimes of vandalism against machinery and technology. You will investigate them and hopefully find a link to the Meatlumps.
PC: Where do I start?
Vani Korr: A manufacturing company was recently vandalized. They make crates and some of their machinery and crates were destroyed. Go speak to the owner, Talan Joben.

Following Quest: The Meatlumps Hideout >>
