The Corellian Security Force, commonly abbreviated CorSec, is the planet Corellia's premier police force. The CorSec Squadron is another part of this agency. They are renowned for their investigative and undercover operations, as well as their strict adherance to neutrality, even in the height of the Galactic Civil War.
Corella has given birth to some interesting characters in the universe, including smuggler Han Solo and X-Wing pilot and Jedi Corran Horn.
Despite its noble, if not oftimes misguided, intentions, CorSec has kept a tight rein on its sector of Corellia, Talus and Tralus. Though criminal organizations do exist on those planets, few can be considered noteworthy. An exception to this would be the Rogue CorSec.
CorSec Agents can be found all around Corellia, and may have assignments for interested adventurers.
CorSec Agent[]
Resources / Loot
CorSec Detective[]
Resources / Loot
CorSec Lieutenant[]
Resources / Loot
CorSec Master Sergeant[]
Resources / Loot
CorSec Chief[]
Resources / Loot
Note: For details on HAM levels, armor, and defense see Creature & NPC Combat Level Chart.
Star Wars Lore[]
The Corellian Security Force, commonly abbreviated CorSec, was the primary police/law enforcement organization on Corellia. CorSec trained the future Jedi Knight Corran Horn in law enforcement tactics. Not much was known about the operations of CorSec; it presumably operated as a regular law enforcement agency. There was a false, but persistent, myth that all CorSec officers were given quotas of traffic tickets to hand out. New recruits trained at the CorSec Academy, and it was headquartered at One CorSec Plaza.
The Correlian Security Force was an extremely self-sufficient organization, though durring the reign of the Galactic Empire, Kirtan Loor, an Imperial Intelligence agent, was given command of the organization. During that time the goals of CorSec matched those of the Empire, which included hunting down slicers, terrorists and Rebels.
CorSec employed agents of many skills, including computer experts, technicians, commandos, security guards, diplomats and snipers. The agency was extremely efficient, and few criminals were able to operate for extended periods of time on Corellia before a CorSec agent would infiltrate the organization.
Undercover officers were allowed to participate in crimes against property, but could not aid in or even allow crimes against people. All undercover agents were told that they did not have to do anything they morally or philosophically objected to.
In 7 BBY it was dissolved upon order of Diktat Daclif Gallamby, and the new Public Safety Service (PSS) was formed to replace it.